Sunday September 18, 4-5pm Eastern Time (USA)

Jonathan Granoff and Deepak Chopra discuss the many dimensions of Human Security: From the Deepest Personal to the Global.

Nuclear Risk-Reduction and Disarmament: From the NPT to the UN General Assembly
Tuesday September 20, 1pm Eastern Time (USA) / 7pm Central Europe Time
NoFirstUse Global cordially invites you to Nuclear risk-reduction and disarmament: From the NPT to the UN General Assembly, on September 20, organized in cooperation with Parliamentarians for Nuclear Non-proliferation and Disarmament (PNND), WE The World and the 11 Days of Global Unity.
At this event we will discuss nuclear risk reduction and disarmament proposals raised at the United Nations last month during the Non-Proliferation Treaty Review Conference, and which could now be taken up at the UN General Assembly during its current session.
  • Fabian Hamilton MP (UK). Shadow Minister for Peace and Disarmament. PNND Council Member;
  • John Hallam (Australia). Co-Chair, Abolition 2000 Nuclear-Risk-Reduction Working Group. Steering Committee Member, NoFirstUse Global;
  • Hanieh Jodat Barnes (USA). Roots Action. Defuse Nuclear War;
  • Ivan Siluianov (Russia). Youth Fusion Team Member;
  • Michaela Higgins Sørensen (Mozambique/Denmark). PNND Gender, Peace and Security Program Director. Core Team Member, Youth Fusion;
  • Alyn Ware (New Zealand / Czech Republic). PNND Global Coordinator. Director, Basel Peace Office. Member, World Future Council. 


Global Security Institute, a leader in the international quest to abolish nuclear weapons, was founded more than 20 years ago by Senator Alan Cranston. Since its founding it has relied on support from donors like you for its work and expansion. Please consider taking a moment to assist us in keeping the message and momentum for nuclear disarmament alive. Thank you.