Invitation: A Series of Informative Events on Nuclear Disarmament and Human Security
Jan 19 - Jan 21

Jan 19: Nuclear disarmament and human security

Global Security Institute is a founding member of Unfold Zero, a new platform for United Nations (UN) focused initiatives and actions for the achievement of a nuclear weapons free world. We are pleased
to invite you to an important Unfold Zero event:

Parliamentary action for nuclear risk-reduction and disarmament
in the emerging political environment

Online event. Wednesday January19, 2022

Session 1: Asia/Pacific. 7:00-8:30 Central Europe Time (CET)
Session 2: Americas/Europe/Africa/Middle East. 10:30 - 12:00 EST / 16.30 – 18:00 CET

  • CHAIR:  Brigitte Brenner (Austria), IPU Permanent Observer to the UN and International Organizations in Vienna.

  • WELCOME: Bill Kidd MSP (Scotland). PNND Co-President. Head of PNND Delegation to the NPT Review Conference.
  • Izumi Nakamitsu (United Nations) UN Under-Secretary General and High Representative for Disarmament Affairs.

  • Fabian Hamilton MP (UK). Member of Parliament for Leeds North East. Shadow Minister for Peace and Disarmament;

  • Blake Narendra (United States). Foreign Policy Legislative Assistant for Senator Edward Markey (Massachusetts);

  • Dr Dmitry Stefanovich (Russia). Research Associate, Moscow Primakov Institute of World Economy and International Relations at the Russian Academy of Sciences. Non-Resident Fellow at the Institute for Peace Research and Security Policy (Hamburg). Member, European Leadership Network.

  • Paul Ingram (UK). Senior Research Associate and Academic Programme Manager, Centre for the Study of Existential Risk at the University of Cambridge. Co-founder of the Middle East Treaty Organisation (METO).

Jan 20: Peace, climate and nuclear abolition intergenerational forum
Jan 20: 2pm Eastern Time/8pm CET
Description: From youth vision and enthusiasm to policy change. An online intergenerational forum between policymakers (legislators) and youth activists on the Climate / Nuclear Disarmament nexus.

The event is held in conjunction with the Basel Peace Forum 2022 and the PACEY Award 2022.

CHAIR: Michaela Sorenson (Denmark). Youth Fusion

WELCOME: Dr Andreas Nidecker (Switzerland), President, Basel Peace Office. Board member of Physicians for Social Responsibility/IPPNW Switzerland


  • Fabian Hamilton MP (UK). Shadow Minister for Peace and Disarmament. PNND Member.

  • Uta Zapf, (Germany). PNND Council Member. Former Chair of the Bundestag (German Parliament) Subcommittee on Disarmament, Arms Control and Non-proliferation;

  • Richard Outram (UK). Secretary, UK Nuclear Free Local Authorities. Representative, Mayors for Peace Europe;

  • Marie-Claire Graf (Switzerland). President of the Swiss Associations of Student Organizations for Sustainability. Leader of Swiss youth climate strikes.

  • Eric Mbotiji (Cameron). Humanitarian Aid Worker with INTERSOS. Member UNA Youth Network;

  • Aigerim Seitenova (Kazakhstan). Head of Programmes, 'Wings of Liberty' Public Foundation. Member of OSCE Core Group of Youth Experts.
Jan 21: PACEY Award event
8:30 CET

Description: Peace, nuclear Abolition and Climate Engaged Youth (PACEY) Award. Two prizes of €5000 Euro each will be awarded to exemplary youth projects or initiatives to advance peace, climate protection and/or disarmament, especially nuclear disarmament. The event is held in conjunction with the Basel Peace Forum 2022 and the Intergenerational Forum Peace, climate action and nuclear abolition. Event participants vote from the six finalists to determine the winners.
  • Lukas Ott (Switzerland). Head of Cantonal and City Development Unit, President’s Department, Canton Basel-Stadt;

  • Dr Andreas Nidecker (Switzerland), President, Basel Peace Office.

  • Jule Schnakenberg (Germany). World Youth for Climate Justice. 2021 PACEY Award winner;

  • Rastislav Šutek (Slovakia), Platform for Peace and Humanity; 2021 PACEY Award winner
2022 Finalists:
  • Joseph Tsongo (Democratic Republic of Congo): Adopt a tree, not a weapon;

  • Kasha Sequoia Slavner (Canada): Sunrise storyteller and 1.5 Degrees of Peace;

  • Nourhan Moustafa (Egypt); Limitation of Armaments in the Middle East;

  • Adil Homoraš (Bosnia and Herzegovina), Faith for Earth Bosna i Hercegovina;

  • Joseph Kenson Sakala (Malawi) and Francesco Loyola (Italy/UK). Keep it in the Ground for Peace;

  • Juliette Tronchon (Germany). Food@COP.
Global Security Institute, a leader in the international quest to abolish nuclear weapons, was founded more than 20 years ago by Senator Alan Cranston. Since its founding it has relied on support from donors like you for its work and expansion. Please consider taking a moment to assist us in keeping the message and momentum for nuclear disarmament alive. Thank you.