Investigative Report Information
March 4, 2023
Village of Palmetto Bay
A member of the Village Council previously filed a harassment complaint against a Charter Officer. At the advice of the Florida League of Cities, the Village of Palmetto Bay hired an independent law firm to conduct an investigation into the allegations.

In late January, Councilmember Marsha Matson filed a complaint against Village Attorney John Dellagloria alleging harassment based on her sex and age. The Village retained the legal services of Sniffen & Spellman, PA to conduct an investigation and determine whether the alleged conduct established harassment. Pursuant to the investigative findings, it was concluded that the complaints of harassment by Councilmember Matson upon Village Attorney Dellagloria cannot be substantiated.

The release of the final investigative report was paused pending the completion of an investigation by the State Attorney's Office. Upon reviewing the State Attorney's report, it was determined that nothing in the report affects the findings of the investigation related to the harassment complaint. The investigative report and exhibits are linked below for the benefit of the residents.

If you have any questions, please contact Village Manager Nick Marano via email or by calling 305-259-1234.
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