September 6, 2023
20 Elul 5783

We are thrilled to introduce our Bnot Sherut for the year Rachel and Yael Schreiber! They will be joining Rabbi Moshe and Shayna Davis (and baby Shira), our Bnei Akiva Shlichim who are here for a second year!!

The Davises have been living in Southfield and Rachel and Yael will be living in Huntington Woods, but they are looking forward to spending Shabbatot in other parts of the community as well so that most of our families can get to know them.

Yael and Rachel are twins and are from Petach Tikvah. After only being here a week, they have already begun to make their mark on Farber! They have decorated the bulletin boards, attended school trips and are already bonding with our students!! It is going to be a great year!!

We are so glad that Rachel and Yael are here to join us for the year. Below is a short video that they made to tell you a bit about themselves

If you would like to host the banot for a Shabbat meal, please click HERE.