Dear Evansville Day School Community,
On behalf of the Board of Trustees and the Head of School Search Committee, we are thrilled to announce the appointment of Sarah Jacobson as the next Head of School of Evansville Day School, effective July 1, 2024. The Board based its unanimous decision on the Head of School Search Committee's enthusiastic recommendation resulting from a national search initiated last fall in partnership with Educational Directions. Our search initially focused on creating a thoughtful prospectus highlighting the Evansville Day School opportunity and key attributes desired for our next Head of School. The Search Committee maintained a focus on the key attributes and experiences highlighted in our prospectus throughout this rigorous process. Our deliberate process attracted high quality candidates for the EDS opportunity.
The amount of feedback we received from the community during the search is a testimony to our shared love of Evansville Day School. We are grateful for the many parents, faculty, students, alumni, and friends of the school who contributed their perspectives throughout this process. Your input played a significant role in forming the Search Committee’s guiding priorities and identifying our needs and opportunities for the next Head of School. Thank you.
Sarah Jacobson comes to us with an impressive background in education and a strong commitment to fostering an environment of academic excellence and educating the whole child. Our Portrait of a Graduate resonates with Sarah and she is excited to ensure it is woven into the fabric of everything we do.
Sarah completed coursework toward a Ph.D. in the Classics at the University of New York at Buffalo and at Brown University in Rhode Island. She has an M.A. in Classics from the University of Arizona at Tucson, and a B.A. in Classics and Spanish from Hendrix College in Arkansas. Upon graduating from Hendrix, Sarah was awarded the prestigious Thomas J. Watson Fellowship which enabled her to spend her “Watson Year” working on archeological digs and traveling extensively in England, Portugal, Spain, Mexico and Peru. Sarah enjoys gardening, reading, and baking with her daughter Emily, currently in 4th grade, in her free time.
Sarah will finish up the academic year in her role as the Associate Head of School for Academics at the Nichols School in Buffalo, New York. Prior to her time at Nichols, Sarah was the Lead Teacher and extensively involved in the House System at Founders Classical Academy in Texas. Sarah has also taught various courses in classics at the University of Arizona and University of Buffalo. She recently completed the NAIS Fellowship for Aspiring School Heads and has won numerous teaching awards, earned academic fellowships, and published and presented her research throughout her academic career.
We express our sincere gratitude to Kevin Kunst for his dedication and leadership during his time at EDS. Kevin has demonstrated time and again his commitment to our school's mission. While the school will be well served by Kevin’s continuing leadership for the remainder of this academic year, we look forward to welcoming Sarah and her daughter Emily as Sarah transitions into her new role. Sarah and Emily will be visiting Evansville Day School in February and Sarah will join us again in Evansville for our Gala in April.
As we welcome Sarah to our community, we are excited about the energy, leadership, and vision for the future she will bring to Evansville Day School. We believe that Sarah will build on our school's culture, traditions, and history and work collaboratively with our exceptional faculty and staff to continue providing an outstanding educational experience for our students.
Please join us in congratulating Sarah Jacobson as Evansville Day School’s Head of School Elect and extending her a warm welcome to our community. We are eager to embark on this new chapter under her leadership and look forward to the continued success and growth of Evansville Day School.
Patrick J. Griffin
President, Board of Trustees
Co-Chair, Head of School Search Committee
Evansville Day School