Next Gen Leadership Dev
EP Rocket

Welcome To Our Academy LAUNCH EDITION!

The Leadership Rigor Virtual Academy (LRVA) has now officially launched! We are excited to take this MOONSHOT and bring our innovative learning program to progressive CEOs/Executive Leaders of Private Companies, Family Businesses and Champions of High Potential Leadership Development in their Organizations.


The CODE has FINALLY been CRACKED (and we are now sharing it broadly) on why traditional training methods that have been used for decades in thousands of companies have failed to deliver the results everyone needs and expected. The answer lies in understanding the Leadership LINKS that are required for success and we have structured and designed our program to address these links directly.


With 15 years of “on the ground experiences” partnering with Private Companies and Family Businesses as well as 20 years of large corporate experiences as High Potential Talent, we know FIRSTHAND what works in leadership development. Our customized leadership learning journeys have been co-developed with CEOs and Senior Executives so they have been PRESSURE TESTED and are PROVEN to work!


These insights and approaches are now available to you in a highly personalized and highly socialized format that allows for easy access across your organization, shorter time frames for mastering content material and at investment levels that are fractional relative to other solutions.


A special thanks to our friends, client-partners and supporters who have contributed to this leg of the journey as well as the achievement of this MILESTONE launch of the Leadership Rigor Virtual Academy!





Blast OFF

The Journey Begins!

Take a look at our ACADEMY LAUNCH Videos from this week! We will be sharing more in the coming weeks about the design and approach of the program so you can see how it is unique in addressing the Leadership Learning needs for today’s workplace!


We would love to hear your feedback and feel free to share this email with others who can benefit from learning more!

Next level
Let the journey begin

Explore + Engage Our Academy Site!

Our Academy Homepage has interactive resources that will engage your curiosity and playfulness! Watch our EPIC Movie (give yourself 15 minutes😊) or take a look at each banner page and enjoy our unique rockets taking off to music! We also have a short brochure you can download and share!


Check out our IPAD INTERACTIVE visual and see how each of the elements of the Leadership Rigor Virtual Academy contribute to the immersive High Touch and High Tech EXPERIENCE! This is where the MAGIC happens!

Intro LRVA

Click and Explore

Magic Happens

More Partnership + Learning Site Resources

Click and View NEW Videos

Our Leadership Rigor Virtual Academy has an extensive resource center including 7 Seasons of Leadership PODCASTS with over 40 sessions! Listen in to Todd Schnick and Erica Peitler as they explore innovations in Leadership across a variety of threads that will definitely turn what you think you know about leadership UPSIDE DOWN!


Celebrating a Client-Partner Milestone


One year ago, we initiated a “soft launch” of our Leadership Rigor Virtual Academy with our first client partner. Our approach was to PILOT—LEARN—PIVOT together as we created 4-Cross Functional Teams across their organizational community. We trained 8 emerging leaders as Rigornauts, serving as internal coaches/facilitators for their monthly Social Engagement sessions with their teams where they shared and discussed learning insights based on their unique organizational dynamics.


The Results in a word---AMAZING! Each month SOCIAL ENGAGEMENT averaged 90% attendance. Each month the achievement level for PERSONALIZED content completion averaged 96%. And, at the end of the first year of their 3-year program, 99% of their organization received Certification for Part 1 of the Program---Leading Yourself!


Congratulations to The Hampshire Companies and their entire community of engaged Change-Ready Leaders on this achievement!

Honored to be Named Influential

TimeIconic Cover

I am honored to have been named an influential business person in 2023 by Time Iconic Magazine.

We are grateful to have the opportunity to share the NEW launch of our Leadership Rigor Virtual Academy as well as our unique learning model. Thank you to our generous and amazing client partners who have Co-Created this amazing body of work with us!

Excited to continue to bring these concepts forward together and accelerate the development of next generation leaders!

Click to download the full article

OUR Exciting Event Sponsorship!

Family Business

We are proud to announce that we will be a BRONZE SPONSOR of the Family Business Transitions Conference April 19-21 in St. Pete, Florida. In addition to building relationships with progressive and enlightened Family Business Leaders we will be speaking to participants on “Creating Your Signature Engagement.”


Today’s VUCA (volatile, uncertain, complex, and ambiguous) world requires new leadership approaches! We will share our emerging views on how and why engagement is facing new challenges in today’s workplace and some new considerations Leaders of Family Businesses can apply to change these dynamics as they imagine their future and create competitive advantage for their organizations!


Registered participants who fill out our brief “online engagement survey” will also get a SWEET TREAT in St. Pete! The Scoops are on us at PACIUGO’s, home of award-winning GELATO!

Gift Card
Gift Card

Pilot Certification Program LAUNCHED!

LR Change Partner

We are excited to announce that we have kicked-off a PILOT Certification program for our first 3 Leadership Rigor Change-Partners in April 2023. 

Over the next 12 weeks these highly accomplished business leaders will be experiencing the Leadership Rigor Virtual Academy content, socializing their perspectives and gaining insights on how to be a Change-Partner who facilitates Organizational Journeys.


The work we do with our client-partners is BEYOND Coaching and BEYOND Consulting! We are Change-Partners who have a “trusted advisor” seat at the table in co-creating their Customized Leadership Learning Journeys. 

It all starts with understanding their unique CONTEXT and lifecycle dynamics. From there we navigate together an Organizational Experience that is immersive and breakthrough in building leadership bench strength, transforming cultural readiness for change and accelerating a company’s GROWTH Trajectory both IN and ON the BUSINESS!


In late 2024, we will be launching the first full Certification Program Class of Rigor Change Partners. If you are interested in applying or learning more, reach out to

Erica Peitler

Erica Peitler

CEO and Founder

Erica Peitler is a Change-Partner and Growth INFLUENCER with expertise in Designing and Facilitating Customized Leadership Learning Journeys. 

She works with Private Companies, Family Businesses and C-Suite Leaders to navigate life cycle dynamics as they take the transformational steps necessary to achieve their full potential. 

If you are ready to accelerate your ability to operate at a level of operational and organizational excellence, Erica and her team can engage with you on an individual, team or organizational level to achieve breakthroughs in Performance & Productivity!

Named Most Influential Business Person of the Year 2023 by Time Iconic Magazine..

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