This is really tough. We are absolutely in awe of the sheer force of the pandemic sweeping through the country. Our hearts go out to patients, families, healthcare workers on the front lines of this crisis, and to the businesses hit hard by the economic tidal wave following it. We want to give you - our colleagues, clients and friends a special weekly email with advice from the field, some good news, something to make you smile and something to make you smart. We hope Rasor Uncut becomes a bright light in your inbox to keep you going, maintain your sanity and give your dog (or cat or spouse or child or yourself) a break from conversation. If there’s anything we can do to support you right now, we’re here.

Kind regards,

Mimi Rasor
We’re asking our clients some thought-provoking questions to get their insights into how they’re navigating right now. This week, we talk to Lois Elrich , president of Solid Blend , a Dayton-based water management company providing critical services to hospitals and assisted living communities every day of the year. Legionella bacteria can grow in unused water systems, so right now Solid Blend is also helping facilities that have had to ramp down their utilization protect their water for a safe re-opening.

What’s keeping you sane right now?
Knowing that our team cares about each other, the company, the clients and doing the right things; it’s inspiring to see so much “we” thinking vs. “me” thinking.

What’s something positive you’re seeing, in the midst of a tough situation?
We are being challenged to find new ways of delivering products and services, and finding new ways to collaborate and stay connected as a team. We are really challenging the status quo. 

What are you focusing on right now?  
Keeping the team focused doing the work; not letting Covid-19 be a distraction from doing what we do best. And virtual team engagement.

Solid Blend is operating as an essential business, keeping water safe and clean in hospitals and assisted living communities.
Cincinnati non-profit La Soupe is continuing to deliver thousands of meals to people in need —and rescue thousands of pounds of perishable food — thanks to some extra special help.  

With their new partners at Firehouse Grill and Taste of Belgium Commissary , they’re able to serve 4,900 people every day – and they’re just getting started.

Photo credit: La Soupe Facebook
Do you have a PR, marketing or communications-related question for our experts during this difficult time? We’ll answer them right here, anonymously. Dirk has been our steady office dog for ten years and is a great listener, but don’t worry, the advice is all human. 
Making time for regular employee communication is critical

Dear Dirk, I’m so busy trying to stay a step ahead of the coronavirus changes that I don’t have time to talk to my employees. I’m not sure what to say to even say to them. Can’t we all just focus on the work we have?
Signed, Coronavirus Chaos

Dear Coronavirus Chaos,

It’s true that the situation changes daily, sometimes hourly, for business owners, but one piece of advice is certain: don’t lose sight of your employees. You need to communicate with them. In fact, you probably need to overcommunicate with them. Right now.

Your employees are the ambassadors of your organization. If you’re only dribbling out information – or not saying anything at all – it can quickly look like you don’t care. Whether your business is booming or you’re closed or operating with a smaller team until the crisis passes, you need your experienced workforce to stay engaged. Keeping your team means keeping them informed. Misinformation can spread like wildfire, especially in the vacuum of a crisis.

Now’s the time to communicate daily, weekly or as you need to when business changes happen. Have digital huddles. Set up a group chat or video conference for timely notifications. Distribute a quick-and-dirty daily email newsletter. It doesn’t have to be fancy; it just has to tell what you know. And if you don’t know, acknowledge that too.

Stay well, and know that frequent communications can support the health of your company too.

Dirk the Dog (and his Rasor colleagues)

Email your questions to , and we’ll publish an answer.

Get ready for some chills as you watch this salute to our partners at ODOT who continue to work to keep our roads safe. We're so proud to partner with them for communications on many transportation projects across the state. #inthistogetherOhio
We’re in the small business trenches right now too. Here are some resources we’ve found helpful and thought you might too.
We are also here if you need marketing communications advice or support. We’ve put together specially priced packages with flexible payment terms on media relations, social media and creative services, all services we consider to be critical right now. We’re in this with you. Contact to talk about this and any other help you need.
Who says voicemails have to be a snooze? Call our office at 513-793-1234 to hear ours, then email us at to tell us how you're getting creative with communications.