Our New ADHD Program
is Open for Enrollment
Our ADHD program for children, adolescents, and adults is designed to provide the best possible care by offering evidence-based diagnostic and treatment options for ADHD. We are committed to making recommendations that are informed by the scientific literature and the most up-to-date standards of care in our field. We are also always willing to seek collaboration and consultation with all professionals involved in the care of you or your loved one.
1) Initial Consultation
The first step is to meet with a clinician from our ADHD program for a consultation to develop a specialized plan for assessment and/or treatment.
2) Diagnosis
Complete diagnostic and assessment procedures to determine if you/your child meets criteria for a diagnosis of ADHD.
3) Treatment
If ADHD is diagnosed, you have a variety of evidence-based options for treatment that can help manage symptoms of ADHD.
4) Treatment Monitoring
Once stable with treatment, you will be monitored on an ongoing basis to ensure appropriate adjustments over time.
Comprehensive Psychiatric Evaluation
A Psychiatrist (M.D.) or Psychiatric Nurse Practitioner (PMH-NP) will complete an assessment to consider ADHD and/or the role of other mental health issues. This evaluation will also focus on any signs and symptoms and their impact in different environments or settings. The focus will also be on current and past symptoms, other psychiatric or psychological diagnoses, medical history, and other relevant psychosocial factors such as changes or stressors that may be exacerbating problems. Your provider may also request that parents and teachers complete rating scales to provide supplemental information for diagnostic and treatment planning. This type of evaluation is considered the "gold standard" in diagnosing ADHD because of the significant evidence supporting its utility.
Neuropsychological / Psychoeducational Testing
Neuropsychological and psychoeducational testing can be completed by a clinical psychologist with specialized training in assessment procedures. The evaluation usually involves a variety of tasks that provide a comprehensive overview of cognitive strengths and weaknesses. Your psychologist will choose to administer certain tests after completing a clinical interview. This type of testing is particularly helpful in determining if there are other possible co-morbid learning or neurological disorders. It can also be used to inform Individualized Education Programs (IEPs) and to track changes in functioning over time. This type of assessment generally requires a series of testing appointments as well as a results session. Its usefulness is also based on significant scientific evidence and a long history of usage.
Classroom observations can be utilized to record how often a child exhibits various symptoms of ADHD in the classroom in order to better understand how your child’s ADHD symptoms may be impacting his/her school performance and functioning. School observations are used as an adjunct to other diagnostic options (e.g., comprehensive psychiatric evaluation, neuropsychological/psychoeducational testing, or semi-structured diagnostic interviewing) and the data collected is integrated with other assessment findings for a more comprehensive view of symptomatology and impairment. There is evidence supporting this method to collect information if used in addition to standard evaluation procedures.
Semi-Structured Diagnostic Interviewing
The K-SADS is a semi-structured diagnostic interview designed to assess current and past symptoms of a range of issues for children and adolescents (ages 6-18) including ADHD based on DSM-V criteria. It is administered by a provider with specialized training in K-SADS administration. This provider will interview the parent(s) and the child, asking a variety of semi-structured questions to assess for symptoms and associated impairments. The data from all sources (parent, child, school) will be integrated to achieve summary ratings in order to determine if a diagnosis of ADHD is likely. This is the standard assessment procedure used in many scientific studies and academic-based ADHD programs.
Stimulant Medication
Stimulants are the best-known and most widely used medication for the management of ADHD in children, adolescents, and adults. Their efficacy is based on a long history of usage and hundreds of scientific studies.
Non-Stimulant Medication
Non-stimulant medications have generally been considered second-line medications. They are often used for those who have an inadequate/adverse response to stimulants or have certain co-existing conditions or concerns.
Medication Monitoring
Various options can be used to determine the effectiveness of your medication regimen, including the Connors' Continuous Performance Tests, pharmacogenomic testing, blood pressure/pulse monitoring, EKGs, and height/weight, etc.
Non-Pharmacological Options
Parent Management Training
Parent management training will equip you with tools and strategies to help your child manage difficulties with focus, attention, impulsivity, and more.
Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy
CBT is a type of therapy that can help you or your child learn coping skills to manage anxiety, sadness, or frustration related to dealing with ADHD.
Case Management
Case management is a collaborative process of assessment, planning, care coordination, and evaluation to
ensure that your treatment plan is progressing smoothly.
Executive Functioning & Organizational Skills Support
The development of critical skills can help address core issues related to ADHD including organization, time-management, prioritizing, planning, goal-attainment, and follow through.
Nutritional & Lifestyle Counseling
Diet changes, nutritional supplements (i.e. Omega-3 fatty acids), and lifestyle shifts (i.e. exercise/sleep/routines) can assist in management of ADHD symptoms.
Trigeminal Nerve Stimulation (eTNS)
eTNS is a neurostimulation therapy indicated for the treatment of pediatric ADHD that is cleared by the FDA as an alternative approach to medication and/or psychotherapy.
For more information or to schedule an initial consultation, please contact us directly at (949) 891-0307.