Intro to Woodmont luncheon this Sunday, Feb. 25


If you’re new to Woodmont, then we want to see you at our next Intro to Woodmont luncheon this Sunday, Feb. 25, at noon in the boardroom! This is a chance to meet with Clay and some of our leaders to learn more about Woodmont and if God is calling you to make this your church home. Lunch is served and you are warmly invited! Childcare is available with an RSVP to

RSVP for Intro to Woodmont

Worship Night Feb. 27

Our February Worship Night is Tuesday, Feb. 27, at 6:00 PM in Carpenter Chapel. This is a special Lent-focused, 30-minute, casual service with a full band for all ages! Worship nights are designed as an uplifting reset mid-week to recharge and encourage the heart in the word, for Woodmont members and friends.

Questions? Contact

"An Evening of Hope & Remembrance" March 27

On Wednesday, March 27, we will host a special vigil to mark the one year anniversary of the Covenant shooting with hope, healing, music, and reflection at 6:30 PM in the sanctuary called "An Evening of Hope & Remembrance"

What is Faith?

by Clay Stauffer

What difference does having faith make in your life? Can you articulate or explain it? What does it mean to live in faith? 

Many do not know how to answer these questions. Profound misunderstandings exist in our culture regarding God and what it means to believe. At its very core, this question lies at the heart of all theology, a field that will never be exhausted or mastered. 

Having faith in God does not mean that everything in life will work out just the way we plan. It does not mean that we will be spared hardship and pain, tragedy and suffering. Faith in God does not mean simply biding our time and waiting to go to heaven one day when we die. It does not mean that there is a master puppeteer in the sky, orchestrating our every move. Humans do have free will. We make decisions every day, good and bad. Painful things do happen to us all. Suffering and heartache is real. We all know that. 

The writer to the Hebrews gives this definition of faith: “Faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen.” According to these words, faith and hope are always intertwined, two sides of the same coin, perhaps inseparable. 

St. Augustine once said, “Faith is to believe what you do not see; the reward of this faith is to see what you believe.” Thomas Aquinas once said, “To one who has faith, no explanation is necessary; to one without faith, no explanation is possible.” Charles Spurgeon preached that, “Faith obliterates time, annihilates distance, and brings future things at once into its possession.” Emmanuel Teney once argued, “As our faith is strengthened, we will find that there is no longer a need to have a sense of control; things will flow as they will and to our great delight and benefit, we will flow with them.” Yet many people try to control everything. 

The truth is, there is no one definitive definition of faith. Faith is a way of being, a way of living, a way of approaching the future. It involves always being open to the presence of the spirit. Faith is what gives us courage in the face of fear and hope in the face of disappointment. Faith is trusting that life will go on, even after bad things happen. Faith means learning to not be trapped or owned by things that have happened in the past. The past should not and does not define us. Guilt, shame, and loss can be overcome. 

Faith is learning to see the world through a different lens. It’s not an escape from reality but a refusal to accept that this is all that there is. There is always more. Faith means believing that we can leave the world better than we found it. Faith involves not getting bogged down by the trivial matters of life, the things that really don’t matter in the big picture. Living in faith means moving beyond a world of superficiality, materialism, resentment, and control. It is embracing the mystery of creation and the simple joys of everyday existence. Living in faith means reminding ourselves that we are all on a journey and we simply don’t know or control the future. Therefore humility, gratitude, love, and presence matter every step of the way. It is all a part of our Christian journey.

Wednesdays during Lent

From Feb. 21 through March 20, we will have four classes to choose from at 6:15 PM every Wednesday during Lent:

• Rev. Justin Gung will lead a class entitled, “The Best Book: How to Read and Understand the Bible” in Room 105. Justin will take a deep dive into making sense of the world of the Bible and how we can make reading scripture a consistent faith-building practice.

• Longtime Woodmont member and spiritual director Sandy Smith will explore spiritual practices that connect us with a sense of the holy in the world around us - using word, art, silence, body, and more - in Room 100.

• Dr. Ben Curtis will guide an exploration of the book Telling Secrets: A Way to God by novelist and theologian Frederick Buechner in the Boardroom. The class will look at how God speaks to us and what is required of us to be listening. Out of his searching memoir, Buechner provides hope for healing in the midst of our hunger and pain, but it requires honesty, humility, attention to the small things, and trust in God’s timing.

• Tammy Morgan will lead a women’s group using the book Pause: Spending Lent with the Psalms in Room 200.  This book takes up the spiritual practice of encountering, sinking into, and deeply engaging with one psalm each week during Lent and Holy Week. 

Dinner will be served in Drowota Hall from 5:30 PM to 6:15 PM and you can RSVP online, over the phone, or via the Sunday morning connection cards in your bulletin.

RSVP for Feb. 21 dinner

New Young Professionals Sunday series


Our new Young Professionals Sunday School series is underway Sundays at 10:45 AM at Campbell West and is based on the book John: The Gospel of Light and Life by Adam Hamilton, running for six weeks. With this Bible study, the group will focus on the themes of John’s gospel as they journey towards Easter together. Questions? Contact

Welcome, new members!

Ash Wednesday

Wednesday, Feb. 14 • Photos by Steve Lowry

See all Wednesday photos

Simplified Core Values


As we begin the new year, Clay and our leadership have been

working to simplify and streamline our core values into four key areas that

build upon Woodmont's past and set the focus for our future efforts in

Nashville and the many communities we serve. Our new, simplified core values




Inspiring Worship

Transformative Groups

Impactful Mission


These values will drive all that we do in 2024 and we ask that

you prayerfully consider how we can best live out our mission of seeking God,

sharing love, and serving others in the coming years.

This Sunday, Feb. 25

"The Mind, Heart, & Values of Jesus"

Lent sermon series "The Life of Jesus"

Dr. Clay Stauffer

Matthew 20:20-34

 Our schedule this Sunday is:


  • 8:30 AM – Continental breakfast in the gym
  • 9:30 AM – Informal service in the sanctuary with livestream
  • 9:40 AM – The Bridge service in the chapel with livestream
  • 11:00 AM – Traditional service in the sanctuary with livestream
  • 4:00 PM Disciples Class, Johnson Family Commons
  • 4:00 PM Youth Group, Youth Lounge
  • 5:30 PM Jubilation Rehearsal, Choir Room
  • 5:30 PM Youth Basketball, Drowota Hall

How Do I Recognize the Holy Spirit in My Life?

Lenten Love Reflection #2 by Farrell Mason

What is this unseen and otherworldly phenomenon called the Holy Spirit? And how do we recognize its presence in our own lives? Is the third figure in the trinity a dynamic energy, a holy consciousness, a divine intelligence — a force of love?

I like the beloved monk Thomas Merton’s definition: “The Spirit is a little bit of heaven planted in each of us.” I believe the curious reality of the Holy Spirit is all of these and infinitely more.

It is that inner voice, one’s intuition and desire for goodness.

It is the part of you that recognizes beauty and is moved by its presence.

It is the response of unselfish compassion.

It is responsible for the marvelous moment when the clouds clear and you have clarity in a decision.

It is that surprise flicker of light in scary darkness.

It is the creative spark birthing a song, a poem, or a painting.

It is a Word that comes when there were no words to be found.

It is courage when there was no courage left.

It is the hand that reaches in and will not let you fall into the abyss.

It is the comfort that comes when the pain in your heart is just too much.

It is the deep longing and curiosity for something more, something else than what is seen… that never leaves us.

It is the capacity within you for remarkable, even sacrificial love for another.

It is the experience of a peace that passes all understanding.

How the Holy Spirit manifests in each of our lives is unique and will surprise us throughout our lives.

Let this be your Lenten prayer: Come, Holy Spirit, Come!

 "Parenting in the Digital Age" Feb. 29 at St. Paul's

You're invited to a parent forum at St. Paul's called "Parenting in the Digital Age" with Jason and Lisa Frost on Thursday, Feb. 29, at 7:00 PM in the St. Paul Dining Hall Theater.

The co-founders of Wired Human, an organization that protects children from online harm and exploitation, Jason and Lisa have become national leaders in shepherding parents and adolescents through the challenges of technology while advocating for legislation to safeguard and support these goals. Wired Human is committed to preserving the innocence of childhood through digital leadership training programs and research and elevating the voice of youth to advance digital responsibility.

This program will include a discussion at the end facilitated by Will Norton, head of school, and Clay Stauffer, senior minister of Woodmont Christian Church. Click the button below to reserve your spot!

RSVP for "Parenting in the Digital Age"

Racial Bridges group to visit music museum March 2

Join the Racial Bridges Ministry as they visit the National Museum of African American Music on Saturday, March 2, 9:30 AM. 

For more details or to RSVP, contact Bob Faricy at

Unbound Guatemala: Deliver a gift to your sponsored friend!

If you would like the Woodmont team that is traveling to Guatemala over spring break, to deliver a gift to your Unbound sponsored friend, it’s as easy as:

  1. Package the items you want to send in a one-gallon zip lock baggie.
  2. Add a letter and a picture of you or your family.
  3. Mark the letter or bag with your sponsored friend’s full name and Unbound CH# as well as your name. 
  4. Add a $10 bill. We will be purchasing backpacks made by fathers in the Unbound sustainability program and putting your gift in a backpack for your sponsored friend. Unbound staff in Guatemala will hand deliver your gift.
  5. Drop off your package in the Gathering Space or outside the Bridge on Sunday, February 18 or 25. You can also drop it off at the church office by March 1.

Tips for sending gifts:

  • Send items that your friend would like based on their age and gender. Items from the U.S. or Nashville are fun and appreciated.
  • Include a letter from your family and a photo. That is received as such a special treasure.  
  • Small gift ideas include pens and markers, sunglasses, baseball cap, small games or toys, craft items, comb, toothbrush, bandaids, chapstick, pillow case, socks, purse, earbuds, yarn, work gloves, reading glasses, sports team t-shirt, stickers, or educational flashcards.  It must fit in a one-gallon baggie!

Music Spotlight: Tim Cierpke

by Michael Graham

Timothy Cierpke, D.M.A., is a Professor of Music Emeritus (1988-2016) at Trevecca University in Nashville. A native of Chattanooga, Tennessee, he earned a B.A. degree in Music from Pasadena College, a M.M. from Samford University, and a D.M.A. from The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. At Trevecca, Tim directed the Symphony Orchestra, Choral Union, Master Chorale, and Madrigalians in addition to teaching a variety of music classes.

At Woodmont, Dr. Cierpke is the bass section leader of the Chancel Choir and also directs the Vocal Ensemble. His leadership with the ensemble has been a sharpening tool for those singers as they have been challenged to sing mostly 8-part anthems, a cappella.

Tim enjoys UT football and traveling with his children – Tenor, Tetra, Timbre, and Treble. He writes a daily blog that keeps him in touch with his former students at Trevecca in which he shares music history, theory, past performances, and often a question of the day. He is currently the conductor of the Two Rivers Community Orchestra, founded in 2022, and presents several concerts yearly in the Hermitage/Two Rivers community.

We are fortunate to have Dr. Cierpke with us at Woodmont and appreciate the gifts he brings to our community and beyond.

G.E.M.S. Feb. 27 meeting

Retired Circuit Judge Hamilton (Kip) Gayden will be speaking about the book he authored, Miscarriage of Justice, on Tuesday, Feb. 27, at 11:30 AM in Room 200.

Judge Gayden served as a trial judge for over 40 years. He entered Vanderbilt on a basketball scholarship and graduated from Vanderbilt Law School. He is a proud veteran having served in the U S Army. He has contributed to the community having served on several boards and is a member of the Econ group formerly Nashville Exchange Club.

Our youth group collected over 900 lbs. of food for the "Souper Bowl of Caring" on Super Bowl Sunday, Feb. 11

A Pause to Breathe

by Sandy Smith

Does the pace of life seem to continually speed up? Are you torn between conflicting priorities?  Perhaps it’s time to slow down for a day to care for yourself.

As the weather warms and new growth begins to emerge from the earth, join Sandy Smith for a spring retreat day, "Turning Towards Renewal." Relax into a spacious time to breathe and feel closer to all that is holy. We will explore different means of listening for the depth in our lives. This is a chance to tend to yourself, surrounded by a supportive community.

The retreat will be 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. on Saturday, April 6, at Campbell West. The cost is $80 and lunch will be served. Details are at or contact

The last three retreats filled up quickly – so reserve your space today. Scholarships are available, thanks to generous support of the Woodmont Christian Church Board. Don't hesitate to ask.

Watch Ash Wednesday service

Watch video

Watch "Laid Down to Pick Up"

Watch video

Church calendar

Sunday, Feb. 25

8:30 AM Continental Breakfast, Drowota Hall

9:30 AM 21st Century Class, Boardroom

9:30 AM Disciples Class, Room 105

10:45 AM Pathways Class, Boardroom

10:45 AM Reflections Class, Room 200

10:45 AM Connection Class, Room 100

10:45 AM Young Professionals Class, Campbell West

11:00 AM Points of View Class, Room 105

3:00 PM Pickleball, Drowota Hall

4:00 PM Disciples Class, Johnson Family Commons

4:00 PM Youth Group, Youth Lounge

5:30 PM Jubilation Rehearsal, Choir Room

5:30 PM Youth Basketball, Drowota Hall

Monday, Feb. 26

11:00 AM Visitation Group, Bay Room

3:00 PM "Geezers," Boardroom

6:30 PM Leadership Woodmont, Campbell West

Tuesday, Feb. 27

12:00 PM G.E.M.S. Luncheon, Room 200

6:30 PM Alateen (ages 12-19), South Hall

6:30 PM Parents Al-Anon Group, Room 105

8:00 PM AA Meeting, South Hall 


Wednesday, Feb. 28

6:00 AM Roy Stauffer’s Men’s Group, Room 105

7:00 AM Clay Stauffer’s Men’s Group, Boardroom

8:00 AM Men’s Bible Study, Room 105

5:30 PM Fellowship Dinner, Drowota Hall

6:00 PM DivorceCare, The Bay Room

6:00 PM GriefShare, Campbell West

6:15 PM Justin Gung's Class, Room 105

6:15 PM Tammy Morgan's Class, Room 200

6:15 PM Sandy Smith's Class, Room 100

6:15 PM Ben Curtis' Class, Boardroom

6:30 PM Choir Rehearsal, Sanctuary


Thursday, Feb. 29

10:00 AM Sit & Stitch, Gathering Hall

1:00 PM Mahjong Group, Gathering Hall

5:30 PM Handbells Rehearsal, Choir Room

6:30 PM Andra Moran Virtual Vespers, Zoom

6:30 PM Nar-Anon, Room 105

8:00 PM AA Meeting, South Hall 


Friday, March 1

Room In The Inn

3:00 PM Pickleball, Drowota Hall

5:00 PM Disciples Class, Drowota Hall


Saturday, March 2

Room In The Inn

10:00 AM Al-Anon, Drowota Hall

Prayers for our church family


  • Mora Bass on the death of her Father, Bruno Bass, on Feb.16
  • Laurie Cooper and family on the death of her father, John Shelton, on Feb. 12. Service is March 16 with visitation at 1:00 PM and memorial service at 2:00 PM.


  • Beth Sowell's sister, Barb Vial Conifer, in CO - now has Covid, surgery delayed


  • Kris Stewart


  • Tony Bueschen - recovering from hip surgery
  • John Michael Clark - shoulder injury
  • Watt Crockett
  • Suzie DeYoung
  • Cass Meeks
  • Michael Murphy
  • Angela Powers
  • Walker Sharpton, infant son of Katie & Scott Sharpton
  • Mike Stewart
  • Barrett Sutton
  • Walter White
  • Frances Wood


  • Barbara Sullivan's daughter, Jeannie Joseph
  • Angie McLaurine's mother, Lavern Greenhill
  • Camille Morgan's stepson, Pier Morgan
  • John Stauffer's friend, Ron Christian
  • Emily Bond Leaman, daughter of Peggy & Tom Bond
  • Jeremiah Pyron‘s dad, Ron Pyron
  • Lee Moss


Jan. 28: $55,444

Feb. 4: $105,304

Feb. 11: $87,590

Feb. 18: $28,469

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Woodmont Christian Church

3601 Hillsboro Pike | Nashville, TN | 37215 | 

Growing disciples of Christ by seeking God, sharing love, and serving others.