Arizona Mission Network of Southern Baptists — June 12, 2024

Embrace, Encounter, Engage the Diaspora

Executive Director David Johnson talks with Henry Phan, IMB diaspora mobilization strategist for the western region of the United States. Phan explains steps churches can take to reach immigrants, international students and refugees.

Diaspora Missions Collective introduced in Arizona

Pastors and ministry/missions leaders, as well as Arizona Mission Network of Southern Baptists staff, met on April 8 to discuss Arizona’s participation in the Diaspora Missions Collective.

This movement is a ministry endeavor forged from a collaboration with the International Mission Board, North American Mission Board, Send Relief and Woman’s Missionary Union, as well as representation from the SBC seminaries, state conventions (in Arizona called the Arizona Mission Network) and associations. Its goal is to reach the thousands of immigrants, refugees and international students God has brought to us and who are living in our neighborhoods.

Josh Matteson, founder and executive director of Salt Next Gen in Franklin, Tennessee, moderated the discussion. Matteson, a former church planter in Arizona, has been involved with the Diaspora Missions Collective since its inception. Also joining the group (via Zoom) was John Barnett, IMB director of diaspora mobilization. Nate Parrow, Kimberly Sandoval and Henry Phan, all IMB strategists based in Arizona, were also part of the meeting.

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AZMN hosts Dessert Fellowship at SBC in Indianapolis

The Arizona Mission Network of Southern Baptists hosted a Dessert Fellowship Monday night, June 10, at the Marriott Indianapolis Downtown. About 70 people registered to attend the event held the night before the opening session of the Southern Baptist Convention annual meeting. However, the only official report was that the banquet room was full of people, and the conversations outlasted the churros.

Arizona Disaster Relief continues response in Texas

An Arizona Southern Baptist Disaster Relief chain saw team returned home Tuesday after serving in San Marcos and Temple, Texas. The team of nine, which left Arizona May 25 with the chain saw trailer, helped with clean up following severe thunderstorms and a tornado.

This most recent Texas callout followed another callout earlier in May when seven Arizona Disaster Relief volunteers did needs assessments, served in incident command and helped with the shower/laundry unit following flooding in Coldspring, Texas.

Pray for Summer Youth Events 

Unity Tour, Zona Camp

The final leg of the three-stop Unity Tour is June 15 at Tierra Fertil in Yuma, and Zona Camp is June 24-28 at California Baptist University. Pray for the students who attend these events to sense God's leading in their lives as they are revived by His Word, learn to be leaders in their churches and communities, and serve the community through missions. Pray that campers and leaders will remain healthy and that leaders will have patience and endurance as they serve. 

Arise AZ Conference

Sept. 20-21, Sedona

Invite women from your church to recharge, reconnect and grow in their relationship with Jesus at Arise AZ in Sedona Sept. 20-21. The conference will feature a weekend full of worship, teaching of biblical truth through main sessions and breakout sessions meant for practical and biblical growth.

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Pastors & Wives Retreat

July 11-13, The Wigwam Resort

Space is still available, but time is running out to register for this fun weekend full of relaxation and encouragement. Cost: $245. Scholarships are available.

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Tiffany Ford

June 9-15

The area in West Africa where Tiffany serves is filled with numerous people groups totaling 20-25 million people who mainly practice folk Islam. IMB missionaries here plant gospel seeds in order to point people to Christ among this agrarian people. Though many struggle daily to make ends meet, they live communally and will always share their food and their life with you. Tiffany is currently in French language study. Although a registered nurse, Tiffany’s passion is to share the gospel through storying. Her sending church is Happy Valley Baptist Church in Glendale.

How to Pray:

  • For a handful of Arizona Baptist churches that the IMB West Africa Team is trying to partner with to advance the Kingdom.
  • For perseverance and wisdom for Tiffany’s team as there are always many moving parts and opportunities.
  • That all those serving in West Africa would be led by the Spirit and diligent in the work.

Eddy Pearson

June 16-22

Eddy serves as the Facilitator of Evangelism/Discipleship for the Arizona Mission Network of Southern Baptists. One of his many responsibilities is evangelism training and coordination at Zona Camp, Arizona’s statewide youth camp experience. For the past several years this has been held on the campus of California Baptist University, Riverside, and brings together over 600 high schoolers and their adult leaders for a week of worship, recreation and spiritual training.

For the past 10 years, over 3,000 public commitments ranging from trusting in Jesus for salvation to those expressing a call to ministry or missions have been made. Many decisions have led to young people making an expression of faith through believer’s baptism as well as meaningful recommitments of their life to serving Christ. Between 300-400 students have sensed a call from God to take a next step in ministry or missions. Christian Challenge AZ students volunteer their time, pay their own way to Zona and help to lead out in evangelism discipleship.

How to Pray:

  • For Zona Camp 2024.
  • That I will grow in wisdom as I age.
  • That I will be an example by sharing the good news of Jesus.
  • That I will lead my family well in faith and love.

Learn More and Share

These prayer profiles are excerpted from the 2024 Missions Prayer Guide, which features Arizonans whose ministries in our state and overseas are supported by your church's gifts through the Cooperative Program. Read more about the individuals and share with your church by downloading bulletin inserts and presentation slides here.

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