Hello Pathfinder Leaders;

International Pathfinder Camporee - TICKETS

Many of you have already heard that the International Camporee has sold out of tickets for August 2024..

This has caused some panic for some of you as you still need tickets.

Florida Conference PAD does not have any extra tickets. As you wait, pray, here is what we are suggesting:

Email our PAD Office – Path.Adv@floridaconference.com to get your name on a waiting list; in the email include: This will OPEN on Wednesday, January 17, 1:00 pm

             Name: Person making request

             Email: Person making request

             Phone: Best number to reach person making request

             Quantity: Number of Tickets NEEDED or Available to SELL

NOTE: Typically, there are more requests for Tickets than Tickets available to purchase; being on a list guarantees nothing.

Social Media - You will be able to watch our social media channels where people will say they have or need tickets.

             @FLPathfinders / Facebook and Instagram

Contact other Clubs that you know are going to see if they have any Tickets?

Camporee is asking that Clubs would make Ticket Exchanges inside their OWN Conference first / primarily.

Currently, NO TICKETS are available to print – this will NOT happen until MAY. So any Tickets purchased will not have a “ticket” to send you yet.

CAUTION: when someone does offer you Tickets, make sure it is a trusted source/person (right now you have one problem – no tickets; you don’t want two – no tickets and no money).

Please also keep in mind that in April day passes will go on sale; these are in limited quantity (we were told 500); and primarily for a parent/family to see child baptized

These day passes are $85 per day and that is one way for a person to still experience Camporee they just won’t be able to sleep at the Camporee campground with the Conference.

We are sorry that many of you do still need tickets and we’re not able to get them .

Please keep watching our social media newsletter and website to get the latest information on what’s available.

Thank you for your patience and understanding as we all process what has happened.

Here is the link to the FL Conference BTP website – where you will find lots of FL PAD content for Clubs attending Gillette - https://btp.floridaconference.com/

Together and with God‘s help, we will get through this.



