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Staff Newsletter

Spring 2023


Message from the CAO (Interim)

Daylight savings time is now in effect which means Spring is around the corner! To say it's been a busy time would be an understatement! This is not limited to any one department in particular.

Administration and Finance are gearing up for our new financial software implementation and also year end procedures including audit. To all those involved, your support and commitment to embracing this change is appreciated.

The Recreation and Facilities Department has been busy with the Winter season. Things will be slowing down at the arena with the ice coming out in April. However, Spring is a whole new ball game (or soccer, tennis, ball hockey, frisbee golf, beach volleyball etc.); the department will be transitioning into Spring mode, opening our parks, and maintaining our facilities as rentals ramp up and the grass starts growing.

A big shout out to our Public Works Department on keeping our roadways and sidewalks safe this Winter! Fingers crossed that it is over soon! The PW Department will also be transitioning to Spring/Summer operations. Thank you to the Winter seasonals that so well complemented our fulltime staff for this season. Winter started out slow, but is going out like a lion!

To the Infrastructure Department: "Hang in there!" Parkhill Main Street Reconstruction is getting there! Everyone knows this is short term pain for long term gain!

Our front line office staff continue to keep the ship running smoothly, and we are so thankful for everything they do! Spring means, more calls for facility rentals, building permits, along with the usual business. The lobby has been rather quiet this week with Service Ontario closed for March Break, but this is a reminder to all staff of the importance of taking care of ourselves, enjoying our vacation time with our family and friends.

As some of you may have noticed, our Fire Chief has been in the office more regularly. Chief Vandenheuvel is now working fulltime for NM. Further, it's a very exciting time for the Fire department as well as the North Middlesex Community as we see the advancement in the construction of the firehall/EMS facility! This time next year, Parkhill Main Street will look very different.

Last but not least, thank you to the Senior Management Team for your contributions to the organization, and personally to myself as the Interim CAO, all your efforts are to be commended!

Thank you, thank you, thank you to EVERYONE!

Estelle Chayer

Staff and Departmental Highlights

Infrastructure and Operations - Public Works

Joining NM in the Infrastructure and Operations (Public Works) Department, Kristyn is new to the department, but not new to NM! In her spare time, she can be found hiking a trail or fishing the river or dam. Kristyn also worked in North Middlesex for twelve years as a PSW at the nursing home in Ailsa Craig. She comes to NM with experience in maintenance and tooling administration. Welcome Kristyn!


The CAO Recruitment is well underway. We are in Phase II of the interview process, and will keep you informed throughout the process.


The Finance Department will be busy in the upcoming weeks with the implementation of the new financial software and the Year End Audit. Staff will be engaging in training sessions in the upcoming weeks as we transition. Everyone's patience is appreciated.

Clerk's Department

Returning from leave (April 3), Ashley Kwarciak will become the Clerk of the Municipality of North Middlesex effective April 8, 2023. For the transition period, Richard Beachey will serve as Deputy Clerk. We look forward to Ashley's return! We would like to thank Richard for his contributions to the Clerk's department for the past 12 months and for staying on with NM until June 2, 2023.

Parks & Recreation

April showers bring May baseball and soccer! Recreation staff will be spending the Spring getting our grounds cleared from debris as well as ensuring our sports fields are ready for the upcoming season. Sports Fields will have an opening date of May 1st weather permitting. The ice will be taken out April 3rd or whenever the North Middlesex Stars have been eliminated from the playoffs, whichever comes later. Good Luck Stars!

The Winter seasonal staff will soon be leaving. Thank you to Cassidy, Morgan, Megan, Connor, Jack, Brendan, Drew and John, our 2022/23 rink assistants and canteen staff!

Recruitment is underway for the Spring/Summer seasonal positions; Grass Cutting Team Leader and Summer Students.

Fire Department

North Middlesex Firefighters-Parkhill Annual Breakfast

Parkhill Firefighters will be hosting their annual Victoria Day Weekend Breakfast at the Parkhill Community Centre on Saturday, May 20th from 7:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. Staff are encouraged to come out! Bring your family and friends!

Firefighters from Ailsa Craig, Lucan and Parkhill will be helping out with the VON Breakfast on June 4th from 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. at the Ailsa Craig Recreation Centre. MARK YOUR CALENDARS!

Employee YMCA Memberships

Love yourself to live a healthy lifestyle!

"If you want something you've never had, you must be willing to do something you've never done". "The body achieves what the mind believes." "Once you are exercising regularly, the hardest thing is to stop it." "If you don't make time for exercise, you'll probably have to make time for illness."

North Middlesex contributes 50% of the cost of a personal YMCA gym membership to its employees! Reach out if you have any questions!

Employee Resources

HR Highlights

Just a quick reminder that anyone with 2022 Vacation carryovers must have this time used up no later than March 31st.

Why is vacation good for health and happiness?

Studies have shown that taking time away from the job can have physical and mental health benefits. People who take vacations have lower stress, less risk of heart disease, a better outlook on life, and more motivation to achieve goals! Book your 2023 vacation now!


UPCOMING OFFICE CLOSURE - Good Friday (April 7, 2023) and Easter Monday (April 10, 2023).


HEALTH AND SAFETY - Manager and Worker Representatives:

Administration: Michele Trepanier (Manager Rep); Michelle Carroll (Worker Rep)

Public Works: Vance Czerwinski (Manager Rep); Ryan Cousineau (Worker Rep)

Parks and Recreation: Brandon Drew (Manager Rep); Cameron Musser (Worker Rep)



A reminder to staff of the EFAP (Employee Family Assistance Program) Homewood Health. Homewood offers counselling in three modalities - telephone, online and in-person - while providing approaches and content that address a full range of mental health issues including but not limited to family and relationship issues, trauma, depression, anger management, life transitions and personal issues.

Life Smart Coaching is a vehicle for lifestyle and specialty coaching, including expert support, has three main subject matter themes: Life Balance Solutions, Health Smart and Career Smart Coaching services.


The EFAP (Homewood Health) toll-free number is available 24/7/365. All employee participation in EFAP is anonymous and confidential.