Q&A with Toni Davison Levenberg
As the sun rises higher and the days grow longer, there is a certain sense of anticipation in the air as another summer at Interlaken approaches. With it comes the promise of boundless adventures and unforgettable memories. It's also a milestone summer for Toni Davison Levenberg, our Executive Director, as she walks into her 18th (chai) summer as a director at Camp Interlaken! As Toni and the rest of the CIL team make their final preparations for a season filled with excitement, growth, and endless possibilities, we thought it would be fun to do a Q&A with Toni! Read more.
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Celebrating Toni's Chai Anniversary!
Toni has given Camp Interlaken an incredible 18 summers. Donations made to honor her Chai Anniversary will be matched $1 for every $3 by the Harold Grinspoon Foundation's Forward Together Grant.
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How Camp Impacted Me
by Adam Nickels
Throughout my teenage years, I often heard of people working at Jewish summer camps in America and how they spent their summers there during their time in university. After years of dreaming about it – and countless reruns of The Parent Trap – in 2013, it was finally my time to apply to work at a camp. I knew lots of people who had worked at camps in California, and what 17-year-old from rainy London wouldn't dream of spending their summers on the West coast. To cut a long story short, that never happened as I was too young. Fast forward to 2014, and I had been placed at a camp in a place called Wisconsin, which I embarrassingly had to Google. Read more.
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Milestones Beyond the Machaneh
by Hannah Samson
For 11 years, I sat around Camp Interlaken's campfires that closed with Bless This House's final line: "Friendships won may never die." Nothing was truer than that statement. The 11 months outside of camp were filled with communication and visits with my ultimate best friends – camp friends. The phrase "camp friends" simply communicated where we had met, not the physical boundaries of where our friendship existed. Read more.
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2.5 Generations of L'dor V'Dor
by Julius Cohen & Noah Goodman
In our families, camp is more than just a place – it's a tradition. Hal Cohen begian his Camp Interlaken journey as a dirst session camper in 1984 at the age of 11. Roy Goodman was a third session camper, but the two united for the first time in the first session of 1986. Hal and Roy were the kind of friends that only camp can make. When Roy left camp for the final time in 1994, Hal – and the rest of camp – was devastated. People that a bond like theirs would never again grace the Machaneh. They had no idea how wrong they could be. Read more.
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Ozo Program Reflection
by Saul Yardley
There is something special that happens in those hundred acres by Eagle River. Ask anyone who has spent some time up there and they will eagerly explain to you what they think the reason to be, as they reflect on their people and memories. Read more.
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Recollections of Camp
by Brad Kahn
A couple of weeks ago, I was asked to come up with a short piece for the newsletter about my experiences at camp. "About 500 words would be perfect," said Tova, and I thought, 47 years in 500 words? I'll give it a shot... I spent eight glorious summers at Interlaken as a camper and staff member. I've been fortunate to be close enough to camp distance-wise to be back a few times since then, most recently last summer. More on that in a bit. Read more.
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Camp Friends are the Best Friends
by Aleyna Lange
My first summer spent at Interlaken was in the summer of 2021. It was the summer right after Covid. After almost two years of barely leaving the house, I was committing to spending four weeks in a new place with people I had never met. Stepping off that bus for the first time only confirmed the cautious excitement I was feeling for the summer ahead of me. The smell of the Wisconsin forests surrounded me as I watched the sunshine ripple across Lake Finley. By the first song session I was eager to make new friends and set out to find a new community. Read more.
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Loeb Family Reflections
by Jennifer, Jordy, and Hallie Loeb
| The CIL team reached out to the Loeb family to share their reflections on their individual experiences at camp. |
When I was asked to write a little something about what Camp Interlaken means to me, I thought I would be able to write just a few lines, but when I sat down to write, I realized that without camp, I wouldn't have the life I have today. -Jennifer Loeb Read more.
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Camp Interlaken JCC thanks the members of the Camp Committee for their continuous support to help make camp better through their time, talent, guidance, and financial donations. | |
Camp Interlaken JCC is still enrolling campers for Summer 2023! | |
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