ISSUE 172 | September 1, 2022

The Institute is an economic research and applied research and consulting group that provides customized client solutions and strategies to facilitate decision making and planning that enhances growth, impact, and sustainability for organizations.
From Around the Region and the State
Economic and Policy News

Cities face economic challenges due to ongoing remote work 


According to Pew research, as of April 2022 Pennsylvania residents were working from home about 33 percent of the time.

Commercial property values are taking big hits as a result.

Downtown businesses also suffer, as employee spending near workplaces has decreased significantly from the estimated annual $8,302 prior to the pandemic.

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State funds could help reduce blight by assisting with home repairs

Programming developed through the Whole-Home Repairs Act would allow grants up to $50,000 for distribution to homeowners.

The awards could pay for home repairs, weatherization, and energy-efficiency upgrades.

Programming would also provide for loans to landlords who lease units at affordable rates to carry out maintenance and improvements. 

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PA gender wage gap sits at an approximate 20 percent


Women earned about 80 percent of their male counterparts’ earnings according to a recent Pew Research Center Analysis.

The gap has narrowed in recent years, and some studies show that wage transparency laws could help women and people of color narrow the gap even further.

Barring employers from asking salary history may be effective as well, although doing so could subsequently lower men’s salaries.

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Research Spotlight: Recent research from The Institute's Housing Task Force addresses the need to revitalize the region's housing stock. Recommendations address blight mitigation as well. Use the link below to explore the study in its entirety.

Access the report here

From Around the Nation and the Globe
Economic and Policy News

States take different approaches to dealing with lack of teachers and substitutes

States are struggling to ensure that there are enough teachers to staff their schools.

From pay increases to changes in eligibility requirements, varied and innovative solutions are needed to minimize employee shortages and minimize detrimental learning loss.

Many of the latest challenges pertain to COVID, and many efforts pertain to substitute coverage.

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Denver reimagines housing for formerly incarcerated people

Denver has removed halfway house programming from the purview of two national companies that provide prison services to communities.

The city found that these companies’ housing protocols bordered on illegality, and formed a public-private partnership to run the programs instead.

The facilities are more humane and provide support to successfully mobilize individuals into independence. 

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DC Central Kitchen fills multiple roles to meet essential community needs

DC Central Kitchen prioritizes dignity and nutrition when preparing meals for communities facing food insecurity.

Individuals otherwise navigating barriers to employment are hired to staff the kitchen, and they are paid living wages.

The organization ultimately provides job training and other supports to help people complete the culinary program while feeding individuals in need. 

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