ISSUE 160 | June 8, 2022
The Institute is an economic research and applied research and consulting group that provides customized client solutions and strategies to facilitate decision making and planning that enhances growth, impact, and sustainability for organizations.
From Around the Region and the State
Economic and Policy News
Average housing rental rates in PA increase 14 percent  
Pennsylvania rents rose an average of $141 from 2021 to 2022.

Northeastern Pennsylvania is also facing a housing shortage – with achievable workforce housing (for teachers, police officers, etc.) particularly difficult to secure.

Inclusionary zoning can ensure that there are achievable units in all new developments, so areas zoned for single-family homes only may need to be re-evaluated to accommodate for the need. 

Philadelphia United Way leads aggressive antipoverty campaign 
Philadelphia is the poorest big city in the country, with a fragmented and competing network of social services.

The Promise is a unique public-private partnership aimed at moving 100,000 people out of poverty by 2025.

Partners plan to coordinate service delivery and implement customized solutions.  

Growing a diverse construction industry in Philadelphia  
At a one-percent rate of interest, the Grow Philadelphia Fund provides capital to Black and Latina construction businesses.

The organization’s goals are to help the businesses become more competitive and grow amid the major construction boom across the city.

The fund was formed among local public officials, the Brandywine Realty Trust, and The Enterprise Fund (a nonprofit that supports small businesses in low-income neighborhoods).  

Research Spotlight: A new study is now available from The Institute's Housing Task Force. It explores the need for new housing and revitalization and/or reimagining of existing housing in order to ensure quality, unsubsidized living opportunities that are affordable to NEPA’s working families.

From Around the Nation and the Globe
Economic and Policy News
Evidence suggests that gun control reduces gun violence  
The Pew Research Center has determined that an overwhelming majority of Americans want required background checks for gun sales, bans on high-capacity magazines, and restrictions on purchases by people with mental illnesses.

Congress has yet to act, asserting that such measures would be ineffective.

Evidence from California’s tightening of gun laws 15 years ago suggests a ten-percent decline in gun deaths, however. 

Leaders aim to reduce wealth gaps and create more vibrant communities
Wealth inequality exists all over America - including Northeastern Pennsylvania, where nearly one-third of households earn less than $25,000 per year.

This inequality harms everyone in the community, and not just those struggling to meet basic needs.

The latest innovations for closing the gap include education and training, as well as improvements to the access of capital by small business.  

Students who have experienced mass shootings face long-term challenges 
According to a Northwestern University study, students who have experienced gun violence are less likely than others to graduate high school, and less likely to attend or graduate from college.

The study also points to lost wages and increased mental health challenges. 

More than 311,000 students experienced gun violence since the Columbine incident 23 years ago. 

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