October 4, 2021

Greetings Family,

I have really missed you! I have missed being able to meet personally in groups and hug my brothers and sisters without worrying about giving or receiving the dreaded virus. I have missed hearing about you and having you hear about me.

I want to know how you have weathered this past year and a half; it's almost two years by now. What I know for certain is that you probably feel like me--ready for it all to be over and for us to carry on with our lives. I'm getting so many urgings from the outer world that it is time to get back into living the life we came to live.

It is so important for us, the spiritual warriors, to keep our spirits high, to remember who we are, that we are so loved and supported in a loving, giving universe and that nothing can keep us from our good. We are here to carry the light and express the love for those who cannot do so.

I will keep you apprised about upcoming events. I have continued to do an hour-long Zoom meditation on Wednesday evenings at 7:00 pm California time which has been great. We have meditators from New York, Virginia, San Diego, Simi Valley, Big Bear, as well as Ojai, which is one of the great blessings of the Zoom connection. Info about that event is listed below.

In the meantime, please know that you are so loved and supported, no matter the outward appearance of life. Trust yourself! You are here to shine your light and be a place of loving kindness, inspiration, wisdom and grace! You are the promise of a great tomorrow!

In peace and love, Rev. Karen