Thanks to those of you who reached out to congratulate me on my decision to ad, "Coach" to my shingle.
And thank you to those of you who reached out to schedule time to start working with me on some of the challenges you're facing. And to the person who referred someone, thank you!
Do you know someone qualified? Please let me know who they are and how to reach them or ask them to forward their resume in Word and mention your name.
"the bravery witnessed here today will never be forgotten"
This article is not for men and women who put their lives at risk to protect their nations or communities. I have no right to question your bravery in this context. In my mind, only you do.
Over my lifetime, I have allowed myself to become numb. I watch tv. I eat too much. I work too hard.
I have good reasons for it but, over time, something happened to ME.