No B. S. Job Search Advice Ezine
Bi-Weekly Job Search Advice from
Jeff Altman, The Big Game Hunter

October 13,  2015
Jeff Altman
The Big Game Hunter 

Jeff has been a professional recruiter for more than 40 years. He has filled 1200 positions plus consulting assignments.

Are You or Your Firm Trying to Hire Someone? Call me at   
Thanks to those of you who reached out to congratulate me on my decision to ad, "Coach" to my shingle.

And thank you to those of you who reached out to schedule time to start working with me on some of the challenges you're facing.

And to the person who referred someone, thank you!

Here's where you or someone you refer can order and schedule your initial coaching session with me.


This is a playlist of videos I've done with answers to brainteasers AND how to answer some of the real stumpers.


You may know some of this AND I'm sure you don't know all of it.




Project Manager

Austin, TX

Qualified? Please email your resume to me at

Do you know someone qualified? Please let me know who they are and how to reach them or ask them to forward their resume in Word and mention your name.  


You can watch all of my videos (search for individual topics will be more effective, though) on YouTube

Insourcing Bravery
bravery: courageous behavior or character.
synonyms:  courage, valor, intrepidity, nerve, daring, fearlessness, audacity, boldness, dauntlessness, stoutheartedness, heroism;
backbone, grit, true grit, pluck, spine, spirit, mettle;
informal guts, balls, cojones, spunk
"the bravery witnessed here today will never be forgotten"

This article is not for men and women who put their lives at risk to protect their nations or communities. I have no right to question your bravery in this context. In my mind, only you do.

Over my lifetime, I have allowed myself to become numb. I watch tv. I eat too much. I work too hard.

I have good reasons for it but, over time, something happened to ME.

Is your current firm trying to hire someone, particularly in cyber security the field I am specializing in?

Email me at Jeff

Let me know who to contact and whether I can mention your name. You'll receive a finder's fee when I fill a position.


Your resume and LinkedIn profile need to be perfect to get the results you want.

Order a critique of both from me and have them upgraded to "pro player status."
