Don't be caught off guard by fraud happening right under your nose.
Volume 8 | Spring Edition
Insider Fraud:
More Prevalent Than You Think
When individuals think of fraud, the image that typically comes to mind is of a dark, shady
figure hunched over a computer in a dimly lit room. Often, the corporate viewpoint on fraud
is that it originates from obscure parties that operate remotely on the far side of the world.

While some fraud does occur in this manner, what many firms might find surprising is that over
one-third of fraud originates internally - from either current or former employees.
As you can tell, our newsletter is changing.  

Click the image above to hear a message from our Managing Partner, Craig Jeffery, about this first edition of the new digital Treasury Update Newsletter.  We hope you enjoy!

We're sharing this first edition with all of our readers; however, if you'd like to receive this exclusive publication through future editions, please add your name to the newsletter list.
What Functions Does a Treasury Aggregator Perform?

Treasury Aggregators seek to perform the tasks and functions associated with the funds transfer and information reporting processes that occur between a corporation and their banks. While this might sound easy enough, there are a multitude of...
Implementation Checklist for Bank Onboarding

As you mentally prepare yourself for the marathon of connecting your banks to your TMS, make sure you are ready by reviewing this handy checklist.  These questions will help you think through your approach so you aren't surprised by unexpected...
FinTech Analyst Report:
Supply Chain Finance Solutions

Supply chain finance is becoming an increasingly popular component of business operations for organizations. As a result of this increased interest, the SCF industry is undergoing a period of rapid growth as providers of supply chain finance solutions seek to meet demand.
Quarterly Webinar:
Treasury Tech Landscape 

What's new and upcoming in the world of treasury technology? Join us as we take a look at the changes in the market and discuss what to be on the lookout for in the future. Registrants who attend this webinar will receive 1.2 CTP and FP&A re-certification credits.