“It’s important because it shows what level you are at and what you need help with,” said Madeline. “I thought it was kind and sweet of them to decorate for us to encourage us for testing."

Students in kindergarten through ninth grade take the MAP Growth assessment three times a year. It measures academic growth in reading, mathematics and science.

We visited Jefferson Elementary last fall as they geared up for the first round of testing. At that time, students were still early in their learning for this school year.

“When we start the year, MAP scores give us a blueprint on where we need to go with the students,” said Jennifer Schlapia, Jefferson Elementary principal.
“We use those blueprints to provide quality instruction and interventions to move the students in the right direction. By the time we get to spring, the students have the skills they need to show progress.”

The assessment is an online test that adapts to each student and their ability. Schools share results with families after each assessment and use conferences as an opportunity to discuss student growth.

“It shows what they need assistance in, if they need more reinforcement or if I can request tutoring for them to strengthen their knowledge in, say, mathematics,” Austin explained. “It also helps my kids realize that they’ve done a good job and that they’re learning.”