Newsletter | August 25, 2021
Rose Gundersen, VP of Retail Services & Retail Services

I am pleased to announce that Kathryn (Kathy) Kimbel has joined the Retail Services subsidiary as the Director of Claims Management. Kimbel is a strategic hire as we continue to align our staffing needs with the expansion of our member service programs. 

Kathy brings over 30 years of diverse experience in...

Kathy Kimbel, Director of Claims Management
Joining the Retail Services subsidiary team is a partnering opportunity with our members to maintain a healthy, productive workforce and achieve successful recoveries for your injured workers. The best claims outcome for employers means the best recovery outcome for workers. 
According to a national research report on frontline workers, replacing a worker costs...

Your Workforce Matters:

August has been a busy month for the Washington Retail team to speak on the importance of “investing in the retail workforce” to advance equity and opportunities within retail.

Early this month...

When suspecting a fraudulent work injury claim, investigating recent chart notes might be the key to preventing an adverse impact to the employer, colleagues, and the Retro Pool.
Recently an injured worker claimed he experienced a back sprain when a 1,500 lb machine tipped over and fell on him. The employer voiced concerns to Brigitte Levie, our Claims Analyst, regarding the validity of…

Businesses often look for ways to improve worker productivity. It’s good for the bottom line. Yet, simultaneously prioritizing employee safety can make the process feel more like a balancing act.  The Retail Services subsidiary has several helpful tools to help reduce and manage workplace risks, and we’ve placed them all in a convenient…

Your Workforce Matters:

Labor and Industries’ Division of Safety and Health created new emergency rules derived from Senate Bill 5115 (ESSB 5115), also known as the Health Emergency Labor Standards Act (HELSA). 
The law contains two primary provisions…

**Update: Gov. Jay Inslee, on Friday, August 20, updated and extended two emergency proclamations that expand the vaccine requirement and the statewide face-covering requirement. The expanded emergency orders are Proclamations 20-25, Washington Ready, and Vaccination Requirement 21-14
Proclamation 20-25 was amended...

WR diversity statement

WR is committed to the principles of justice, equity, diversity and inclusion. We strive to create a safe, welcoming environment in which these principles can thrive.

We value all people regardless of race, ethnicity, gender, religion, age, identity, sexual orientation, nationality, or disability, and that is the foundation of our commitment to those we serve. 
Washington Retail Staff