Alpine Releases IntelliVIEW 17.01
Alpine is pleased to announce the new IntelliVIEW Version 17.01 release. IntelliVIEW 17.01 incorporates many new, exciting features that provide our customers with more tool functionality and efficiency in their design process. Version 17.01 will include:

Minimum "Floor Depth" limits now control webbing configurations in attic trusses (Page 14).
7" or greater, diagonal & vertical webs are automatically inserted in the floor truss area.
Less than 7" but greater than 2 1/4" , only vertical webs  are automatically inserted in the floor truss area.
Minimum plate setting options for SY42 floor trusses (Page 16).
The " Joint Type" option in the minimum joint plating menu now includes two new choices for 4x2 lumber. Floor Splice , which enables you to define the minimum plate size for a floor truss splice joint, and Floor 1 Web , which enables you to define the minimum plate size for a 1 web floor truss joint.
Labeling Unique Pieces in Production Drawing (Page 23).
The "Unique Piece Labels" option is used with the Piece ID field, when the Piece ID selection is set to PcName. This enables you to display the PcName in the Production Drawing output using two method types.
Specified Flat Snow Loading Field in Job Setting (Page 30).
A new field in the job settings loading tab allows you to override the calculated flat snow value. This can be very useful when construction documents require a Snow load (Pf) which differs with the Calculated Flat Snow load the software has automatically configured.
Component Match Labeling Impact (Page 31).
Clarification on the labeling process that occurs in the component match tools. This information will help prevent any labels from being overwritten in the label application process.
To view more information on these topics, as well as other software enhancements in 17.01, please view the 17.01 IntelliVIEW User Guide.
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  Please email us at

For technical assistance, please call the Alpine Help Desk at (866) 237-2878.
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