March 2023
News from the Institute of Marine and Environmental Technology
Sustainable Aquaculture: Solving the Off-Flavor Problem
See the video below to learn more
IMET Open House returns May 6
IMET is excited to announce that we will be having our annual Open House Saturday, May 6th. Join us for lab demonstrations, aquaculture tours, dance performances, and so much MORE!
Algae to capture flue gas emissions
Dr. Yantao Li has been awarded a three-year, $2 million grant from the U.S. Department of Energy to understand how microalgae can be used to reduce carbon dioxide emissions from power plants.
Read about us in Science Magazine
Could land-based aquaculture be the future of the seafood industry? IMET researchers are working to make recirculating aquaculture systems sustainable, effective, and efficient on dry land! This month, our aquaculture work was featured in an article published by Science Magazine
Superbugs: antibiotic resistance
Did you know certain bacteria are evolving into "superbugs"? Superbugs are bacteria that have become resistant to antibiotics. You might be glad to know that scientists at IMET have made a significant discovery in the field of antibiotic resistance.
Harbor Launch Highlight: Dr. Djik Maouyo
People with truly incredible minds walk the halls of IMET, one of those being our friend and colleague, Dr. DjikoIngar “Djik” Maouyo. Dr. Maouyo is a molecular biologist whose company, PyroDex, is a part of IMET’s Harbor Launch Incubator. Djik's journey into biology is truly incredible and we hope you find it as inspiring as we do.
All about algae
Abdulmajid "Majeed" Alrefaie is a graduate student at IMET in the lab of Dr. Yantao Li. He studies the processes that microalgae undergo to produce biofuel and pharmaceuticals. This research could one day support large-scale production of biofuels at lower economic and environmental costs.
Institute of Marine and Environmental Technology
701 E Pratt Street, Baltimore, MD 21202