May 2017 Edition
Sustaining traditions of excellence

This bicentennial year marking the University of Michigan's founding in 1817 offers many opportunities to recognize the remarkable people and programs that comprise the university's storied past, present, and future.

One such notable program is the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Clinical Scholars, which has consistently provided world-class training and mentorship in health services research and policy throughout its 22-year history at U-M. The 119 scholars who have trained through the Clinical Scholars Program here have emerged very well prepared to pursue their research passions and assume leadership roles in health and healthcare. The final cohort of seven scholars will complete the program in June, equipped with the skills and experience necessary to improve community health, policy, and clinical practice. We wish them well as they embark on the next stage of their careers!

Since last summer, we have been very pleased to host the new IHPI Clinician Scholars Program, in partnership with the VA Center for Clinical Management Research and with program sites at UCLA, Penn, and Yale. We will welcome the second cohort of Clinician Scholars in July. As part of the National Clinician Scholars Program, we are now accepting applicants to our third cohort to begin in July 2018. I look forward to IHPI supporting the new cohorts of incoming and future scholars as they strive to promote greater quality and equity in healthcare and health.

Earlier this month we were pleased to welcome Andrew Bindman, M.D., for another milestone, our third annual IHPI Director's Lecture. Dr. Bindman, a professor at UCSF and former director of the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ), provided his insightful perspective on the role of evidence in federal health policymaking.

Click on the photo below to watch the Third Annual Director's Lecture.

You can also read the tweets from the lecture here.

I look forward to our continued collaboration throughout this bicentennial year and beyond.

John Z. Ayanian, M.D., M.P.P.
Cunningham appointed associate vice president for research---- health sciences

Rebecca Cunningham, M.D., is the new associate vice president for research ---- health sciences, U-M Office of Research. In this position, Professor Cunningham will work closely with the vice president for research and the members of the U-M Office of Research (UMOR) leadership team in facilitating and energizing the university's research agenda in the health sciences, serving as a liaison with schools, colleges, institutes, and centers involved in scholarly and creative activities in the health sciences.
Michigan medication take-back events

Join IHPI and the Division of Pain Research (Department of Anesthesiology) to reduce prescription drug misuse and abuse in teens. In Washtenaw County alone, unintentional or undetermined opioid pain reliever overdoses more than doubled from 2014 to 2015 for residents 21 or younger. Five Michigan cities join together on May 20 to help citizens dispose of unwanted, expired or unused medications safely at this free event.

Three members elected to American Society for Clinical Investigation

The American Society for Clinical Investigation (ASCI) welcomed 64 new members at their annual meeting last month in Chicago. The new class of members are noted for their work as physician-scientists representing a diverse range of disciplines, specialties, and institutions. IHPI members inducted into the society included  Justin Dimick, M.D., M.P.H., professor of surgery, Reshma Jagsi, M.D., D.Phil., professor of radiation oncology, and Lona Mody, M.D., M.Sc., professor of internal medicine.
Richardson selected to AcademyHealth Education Council

Caroline Richardson, M.D., professor of family medicine, was selected to join the AcademyHealth Education Council. The council includes 20 members who inform the development of existing and new member benefits, programs, and services that are responsive to the educational needs of AcademyHealth members and the needs of those providing training and education to those members.

Dimick and Hemmila inducted into American Surgical Association

Justin Dimick, M.D., M.P.H., professor of surgery, and  Mark Hemmila, M.D., professor of surgery, were inducted into the American Surgical Association last month.

The society is one of the most selective and prestigious, limiting membership to 460 active members nationally. Surgeons with a wide range of backgrounds and achievements are nominated for membership and are selected based on:  Strong academic credentials; recognized leaders nationally as evidenced by leadership roles in major surgical organizations; and are ethical and professional in their conduct.
Maust named future leader in geriatric psychiatry

Donovan Maust, M.D., assistant professor of p sychiatry, was the recipient of the 2016 Hartford-Jeste Award for Future Leaders in Geriatric Psychiatry from the American Psychiatric Association. The award recognizes an early-career geriatric psychiatrist who has made noteworthy contributions to geriatric psychiatry through excellence in research, teaching, clinical practice, and community service and has demonstrated the potential to develop into a leader in the field.
Courtney Shepard, M.D.
Clinical Lecturer, Department of Urology, Medical School

"The utilization of gynecologic services and contraception is low in young women with disabilities; Research has shown that only about 5 percent of young women with spina bifida have ever discussed this topic with a provider, despite nearly 50 percent being sexually active. By equipping providers with the training and tools they need to provide sexual and reproductive health education and care to young women with spina bifida and other physical disabilities, these women can finally get the care they both need and desire."

Top 5 errors authors make when writing scientific papers

Date: May 23, 2017
Time: 11:00 a.m. --- 1:00 p.m.
Location: BSRB Seminar Rooms, 1st floor
Presenter: Tom Annesley, Ph.D., professor of chemical pathology, Department of Pathology, Medical School


IHPI Research Seminar Series: "Diabetes And Oral Health---- Lessons Learned And Implications For The Future Of The Dental Profession"

Date:  June 12, 2017
Time: 3:00 p.m. --- 4:00 p.m.
Location:  North Campus Research Complex (NCRC),  Building 10, Research Auditorium
Speaker: Ira B. Lamster D.D.S, M.M.Sc, professor, Health Policy and Management, Mailman School of Public Health, dean emeritus, College of Dental Medicine, Columbia University

Dr. Lamster's research efforts have focused on diagnostic testing and risk assessment for periodontal disease, the interrelationship of periodontal disease and systemic disease, the oral health care needs of older adults and the future of dental education and practice.
Webcast: Accounting for Social Risk Factors in Medicare Payment

Date:  June 13, 2017
Time: 9:00 a.m. --- 4:30 p.m.
Location: National Academy of Sciences, Washington, DC. 

Former authoring committee members, representatives from the Department of Health and Human Services Office of the Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation (the sponsor of the report series), and relevant stakeholders will convene to discuss future implementation of the reports' conclusions and recommendations on accounting for social risk factors in Medicare payment.
IHPI Summer Lunch and Learn sessions

IHPI will be hosting weekly student lunch-and-learn sessions June through July for students working with IHPI faculty this summer. The sessions offer students opportunities to learn more about our members' professional and career experiences. Last year's program included eight lunch-and-learn sessions attended by an average of 11 students each session, with 23 faculty serving as co-hosts. We are looking forward to building on the success of this program and invite your students to participate.

If you plan on having undergraduate, graduate, or medical students work with you this summer, please email Emma Steppe.
MLibrary @NCRC
Highlighted Resource:  Patient Safety Research Guide

Provides resources for researchers, clinicians, and administrators on patient safety. You'll find relevant databases, organizations, policy-related resources, and quality and safety measures.

Contact MLibrary to learn more.
Visit: Building 18, Room G018
View Health Management and Policy Guide.
2017 Call for Nominations now open for 5 NAM Fellowships

The National Academy of Medicine Fellowship program allows early-career health science scholars to participate in evidence-based health care or public health studies that affect the health of the American people. The following fellowships will be accepting nominations until 5 p.m. EDT June 1.
A complete nomination packet must be submitted electronically at

IHPI members Katherine Gold, M.D., M.S.W., M.S. and James Burke, M.D., are former recipients of these fellowships and are willing to speak with IHPI members who are applying for these fellowships.
Access to long-lasting contraception after childbirth lags behind demand

Before leaving the hospital after childbirth, more women are opting to check one thing off their list: birth control. But access to long-lasting, reversible contraception like an intrauterine device immediately after giving birth may still lag far behind the demand, suggests a new study by Vanessa Dalton, M.D., M.P.H., associate professor of obstetrics and gynecology, and Michelle Moniz, M.D., M.Sc., assistant professor of obstetrics and gynecology and Lindsay Admon, M.D., IHPI clinician scholar and clinical lecturer of obstetrics and gynecology.

After AHCA vote, Ayanian looks at evidence on Michigan Radio's Stateside program

In the wake of the U.S. House's May 4 vote to approve the American Health Care Act of 2017, to replace the Affordable Care Act that has been law since 2010, IHPI Director John Z. Ayanian, M.D., was invited to appear on Michigan Radio's Stateside news-talk program.

Advancing patient and family engaged care by building the evidence base

Patient and family-engaged care (PFEC) has been recognized as an essential piece of the national strategy for delivering improved care, patient experiences, and reducing costs. Yet extensive acceptance of PFEC practices throughout the healthcare system has been lagging.

Ann-Marie Rosland, M.D., M.S., U-M assistant professor of internal medicine, and research scientist at VA Ann Arbor's Center for Clinical Management Research, recently helped develop a framework to guide the National Academy of Medicine's efforts to advance widespread adoption of PFEC, as part of a Scientific Advisory Panel charged with assessing the empirical evidence base supporting PFEC approaches.


Faster feeding may mean faster recovery in pancreatitis, U-M researchers find
(Michigan Medicine--- Vaughn, Rogers, Saint, Chopra)
Jimmy Kimmel sheds light on how health policy affects children with congenital heart disease (Michigan Medicine--- Pasquali, Ohye, Gaies)
How medical teams can support parents facing tough choices on fetal care
(Michigan Medicine--- Laventhal)
Many eye care providers may not catch macular degeneration (Reuters---Lee)
Primary care doctors play key role at life's end, research finds
(Michigan Medicine---Ankuda)
8 things that excellent hospital doctors do (Stat News--- Saint)
More and more students need mental health services. But colleges struggle to keep up (USA Today--- Ketchen Lipson)
How precision medicine is improving prostate cancer detection
(Medical Express--- Denton)
Leveraging health data to build an evidence base for a culture of health

Deadline: May 24, 2017
Register for the applicant webinar here

The Health Care Cost Institute is working with the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (RWJF) and AcademyHealth to launch a new research program, Health Data for Action: Leveraging Health Data for Actionable Insights (HD4A).

Applicants under the first HD4A Call for Proposals (CFP) will select one of two datasets that will be made available to successful applicants-data from the Health Care Cost Institute or from athenahealth.
Robert Wood Johnson Foundation funding opportunity 

Deadline: June 23, 2017

For members with research interests in the areas of health reform/Affordable Care Act, Medicaid/safety net, and HSA/value-based insurance design, the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Research in Transforming Health and Health Care Systems (RTHS) call for proposals seeks empirical and policy-relevant analyses that can inform strategies to ensure access to high-quality, affordable health care insurance coverage. Priority will be given to research proposals that are timely and that will directly inform the policy process. Up to six studies of six to twelve months duration will be funded, with project funding ranging from $50,000 to $150,000. Preference may be given for rapid-turnaround projects that can be completed within six months.  
Investigator-initiated research grant program

Deadline: July 10, 2017

NIHCM Foundation is now accepting letters of inquiry for the 2017 --- 2018 funding cycle of our investigator initiated research grant program. The foundation is making a total of approximately $300,000 available to be divided among five to six studies in the areas of health care financing, delivery, management and/or policy. The program seeks timely, significant, high impact projects with potential to inform improvements to the U.S. health care system.
U-M IRWG Joan Schafer Research Faculty Award in Sport, Fitness, and Disability

Deadline: July 31, 2017

The Joan Schafer Research Faculty Award in Sport, Fitness, and Disability, established in 2015 through the U-M Institute for Research on Women and Gender (IRWG), supports projects investigating how living with a physical challenge influences access to and participation in sport and physical activity. Projects that have real world application are a top funding priority. This grant supports both theoretical as well as intervention research, including challenges and solutions related to transitioning to civilian life from military service.
Diabetes Interdisciplinary Study Program (DISP)

Deadline: August 7, 2017
Anticipated Funding Date: January 2018

The purpose of this Pilot/Feasibility grant is to foster new interdisciplinary collaboration between TWO or more University of Michigan faculty from DISTINCT disciplines to focus their combined research strengths on cutting-edge areas in diabetes research. Proposals should be for two years of support, with total requested funding up to $100,000 direct costs

Questions: Contact Sarah Cain or (734)763-2561


The Institute for Healthcare Policy and Innovation is committed to improving the quality, safety, equity, and affordability of healthcare services

To carry out our ambitious mission, our efforts are focused in four areas:

  • Evaluating the impact of healthcare reforms
  • Improving the health of communities
  • Promoting greater value in healthcare
  • Innovating in IT and healthcare delivery


If you are interested in supporting health services and health policy research at the University of Michigan, click here.

Inside IHPI is published monthly by the University of Michigan Institute for Healthcare Policy & Innovation.

U-M Institute for Healthcare Policy & Innovation
North Campus Research Complex (NCRC)
2800 Plymouth Road, Building 16
Ann Arbor, MI 48109

Eileen Kostanecki
IHPI Government & External Relations Director

Christina Camilli-Whisenhunt
IHPI Communications Manager

Kara Gavin
IHPI Research & Policy Media Relations Manager
Lauren Hutchens
IHPI Communications Specialist

Mark Lubin
IHPI Communications Coordinator