July 2016 Edition
A meeting of great minds

Summer days are upon us: the hot weather has arrived, road repairs are everywhere, and out-of-office replies are pinging from vacationing colleagues. Hopefully we can all take some time to relax and recharge during the summer months.

In late June we hosted a reception for nearly 100 IHPI members and U-M alumni and students at the AcademyHealth Annual Research Meeting (ARM) in Boston. With almost 3,000 attendees, this meeting was the best attended in AcademyHealth's history, demonstrating the vibrancy of our field nationally.

The ARM featured many engaging research and policy sessions, including a standing-room only session honoring the lasting legacy of Avedis Donabedian, the late professor at our School of Public Health. In this session, health care leaders reflected on the 50th anniversary of his landmark Milbank Quarterly article, "Evaluating the Quality of Medical Care." Congratulations to all IHPI members who presented their work or moderated discussions at the ARM.

If you were not able to attend this year, catch a recap of the chatter on Twitter, or read some impressions captured through the AcademyHealth blog. I felt fortunate to make new connections and experience renewed comradery with HSR colleagues from U-M and beyond, and was invigorated by the innovative work and discussions showcased at the meeting.

Summer is also the time when we are joined by dozens of students who are working with IHPI research teams. As we did last summer, IHPI is hosting weekly roundtables for undergraduate and graduate students working with IHPI faculty. These sessions offer students opportunities to learn more about the career experiences of health services researchers over breakfast or lunch, and this year we added some very popular "academic skills" seminars as well. The sessions have drawn an average of 13 students each, and we are grateful to the 29 IHPI members who are sharing their time and perspectives with the students over the summer.

This month we also welcome the first cohort of IHPI Clinician Scholars (see Education and Training below) ---- please say hello if you see them around NCRC!

John Z. Ayanian, MD, MPP
Chronic disease management coverage could see boost through bipartisan bill

Newly introduced bipartisan legislation may offer some patients managing chronic conditions financial relief as well as increased access to healthcare services and medications. On July 7, 2016, Representatives Diane Black (R-TN) and Earl Blumenauer (D-OR) introduced (H.R. 5652) to allow high deductible health plans the flexibility to provide coverage for services that manage chronic disease prior to meeting the plan deductible. The "Access to Better Care Act of 2016" would amend Section 223(c)(2) of the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) Code to make this provision. Mark Fendrick, M.D., professor of internal medicine and director of the Center for Value-Based Insurance Design (V-BID), worked closely with Congressional staff on the proposed legislation.

Dimick selected chair of NIH Health Services Organization
& Delivery Study Section

Justin Dimick, M.D., M.P.H., professor of surgery, and director of the Center for Healthcare Outcomes & Policy (CHOP), was selected to serve as the new chair of the NIH Health Services Organization and Delivery Study Section (HSOD). The HSOD reviews health services research funding applications that include multidisciplinary investigations of the organization, delivery, utilization, and outcomes of health services.

Haymart to lead NCI-funded R01 study on thyroid cancer

Megan Haymart, M.D., assistant professor of internal medicine in the Division of Metabolism, Endocrinology & Diabetes, will be the principal investigator on a $2.03 million, four-year grant from the National Cancer Institute (NIC). The study title is "Treatment decision making in low-risk thyroid cancer," and additional IHPI co-investigators include Sarah Hawley, Ph.D., M.P.H., Mousumi Banerjee, Ph.D., M.S., and Brian Zikmund-Fisher, Ph.D., M.A.
Delva, Spencer ranked high-impact social work scholars

Jorge Delva, Ph.D., M.S.W., and  Michael Spencer, Ph.D., M.S.S.W., both professors of social work, were ranked high-impact scholars (SSWR fellows) in "A Bibliometric Examination of Society for Social Work and Research and American Academy of Social Work and Social Welfare Fellows," published in Research on Social Work Practice.
Veenstra receives K07 for prostate cancer study

Christine Veenstra, M.D., clinical lecturer of internal medicine, recently received a K07 award from the NIH/National Cancer Institute for her study "Partner engagement & receipt of surveillance in colorectal cancer survivors." Veenstra's mixed methods study will aim to identify factors that influence the receipt of surveillance testing from the perspective of survivors of colorectal cancer and their partners, and to determine the partner-specific factors associated with a high level of partner engagement in the patient's surveillance care process.
American Academy of Sleep Medicine names Chervin president

Ronald Chervin, M.D., M.S., professor of neurology, became the 31st president of the American Academy of Sleep Medicine (AASM) board of directors. Chervin was inducted into the role during SLEEP 2016, the 30th anniversary meeting of the Associated Professional Sleep Societies LLC (APSS). He will serve a one-year term.

Fetters receives Fulbright's top honor

Michael Fetters, M.D., M.P.H., M.A., professor of family medicine, has been named a 2016 Fulbright Distinguished Chair in Social Sciences. He will spend five months in Beijing teaching and leading a joint research project with colleagues at Peking University Health Science Center (PUHSC), U-M's partner school in the Joint Institute for Translational and Clinical Research.

Mellinger recipient of AASLD award

Jessica Mellinger, M.D., M.Sc., clinical lecturer of internal medicine, was the recipient of the 2016 Clinical Translational Research Award in Liver Diseases from the American Association for the Study of Liver Diseases. She was among 20 future leaders chosen for the award based on their professional potential, experience and commitment of their faculty mentors.

Boulton honored with national preventive medicine award

Matthew L. Boulton, M.D., M.P.H., professor of epidemiology, preventive medicine, and health management & policy in the School of Public Health, and professor of internal medicine in the Medical School, received the 2016 Ronald Davis Special Recognition Award from the American College of Preventive Medicine (ACPM). The award honors outstanding achievements or contributions to the preventive medicine specialty.

Chopra earns four major faculty awards

Vineet Chopra, M.D., M.S., assistant professor of internal medicine, received three major faculty awards from the Department of Internal Medicine at its annual awards dinner on June 3. Chopra's honors included the junior faculty research award (the Jerome Conn Award), an award for medical student teaching (the Richard D. Judge Award), and an award for resident teaching (H. Marvin Pollard Award). He also received the Kaiser Permanente Teaching Award (clinical) from the Medical School at its graduation dinner.
Udow-Phillips among '100 Most Influential Women' in Michigan

Marianne Udow-Phillips, MHSA, director of the Center for Healthcare Research & Transformation (CHRT), is among the 100 most influential women in Michigan and one of only two U-M women to receive the distinction this year from Crain's Detroit Business. The honorees include leaders in business, academia, nonprofits and public policy from across the state. Udow-Phillips is featured for her role in working with the state of Michigan and writing the winning grant for the 5-year, $110 million Michigan Primary Care Transformation demonstration project (MiPCT).

Ellimoottil receives AcademyHealth Presidential Scholarship

Chad Ellimoottil, M.D., M.S., assistant professor of urology, was named to AcademyHealth's 2016 Presidential Scholars Program for New Health Services Researchers. The program was established in 2012 to provide more support to promising new researchers and offer unique access to AcademyHealth's annual research meeting, held last month in Boston.
Last call! IHPI Impact Accelerator Award Nominations

The IHPI Impact Accelerator is pleased to announce the call for nominations for the 2016 Impact Accelerator Awards. These awards will be given to two faculty members ---- one early career-level faculty and one senior-level faculty ---- who have demonstrated a commitment to making an impact on policy or practice with their work. Visit the IA Awards information Web page (requires Level-1 login) for more information as well as a list of past winners and their research for which they were nominated. To request a nomination packet, or to send in a completed nomination packet, please contact Christina Camilli-Whisenhunt at camillic@umich.edu. Submissions are due by July 22, 2016 at 5:00 p.m.
Tudor Borza, M.D., clinical lecturer, Department of Urology, Medical School

Lauren Heidemann, M.D., clinical assistant professor, Department of Internal Medicine, Medical School

Christopher Petrilli, M.D., clinical assistant professor, Department of Internal Medicine, Medical School
Bradley Zebrack, Ph.D., M.S.W., M.P.H.
Professor, School of Social Work

My current work focuses on improving quality and equity in the delivery of psychosocial and supportive care services within cancer programs in the United States. There are significant unmet needs in our healthcare system, and my work aims to look at these on the institutional level and see what's being done, or perhaps, not being done to meet them.

Daniel Eisenberg, Ph.D.
Professor, Department of Health Management and Policy, School of Public Health

I'm looking at how to make the best investments in the mental health of young people, especially adolescent and young adult populations. In other words, I'm taking an economic and public health perspective to youth mental health.

VA CCMR Mini-poster session: July 27

Writing for The Conversation

The Conversation is a powerful new platform for reaching the public and policymakers on timely topics, through research-based content created by academics and shaped by professional editors. Now, IHPI wants to help more U-M faculty, fellows and others express their opinions and expertise on this unique platform. Join us for a two-part training that will help you prepare your own "pitch" to The Conversation's editors.

**Part 1 is required for participation in Part 2**

Part 1: Tuesday, July 26, 8:00 --- 10:00 a.m. (breakfast provided)
Part 2: Thursday, July 28, Lunch available at 11:30 a.m.; Training 12:00 --- 1:00 p.m.
Location: NCRC, Building 16, Room B001E (basement level)

Call for Proposals and Save the Date: 15th Annual U-M Depression on College Campuses Conference

Proposals Submission Deadline: September 3, 2016

Proposals are now being accepted for the 15th annual University of Michigan Depression on College Campuses Conference, which will take place March 20--- 21, 2017 in Ann Arbor. You are invited to submit proposals for workshops, concurrent sessions, and poster displays relating to the conference theme of "Best Practices and Innovative Strategies after 15 years of Progress" (working title).

Each year the Depression on College Campuses Conference hosts attendees from over 50 colleges and universities from across the nation for a focused review of recent research and practical advances in our understanding of depressive illnesses in college students.

Inaugural IHPI Clinician Scholars Program cohort arrives

Please welcome the first cohort of the IHPI Clinician Scholars Program, who begin their training this month together with the RWJ Clinical Scholars Program 2015 --- 2017 cohort. Short bios feature the career and research interests of these nurses, physicians, and pharmacists!

Undergraduate Research Opportunity Program (UROP)

UROP is recruiting clinical and community based research opportunities for the coming academic year. The program has admitted a group of students interested in basic and life sciences research, clinical research and health policy, law and economics, and community work. Faculty, postdoctoral fellows and research scientists are all eligible to be UROP research mentors. If you are interested in involving a student in your research and/or community based projects, visit: www.lsa.umich.edu/urop.

To have access to the largest pool of applicants, please submit applications by August 26 or before.
Speak up! Recommend speakers for the IHPI Seminar Series

The IHPI Education and Training Workgroup would like help in identifying potential speakers for the upcoming academic year. The IHPI Research Seminar series is a lecture-based program designed to share innovative health services research topics, studies, and programs with IHPI members, staff, and students. If you know of a U-M faculty member or external researcher that you would like to suggest as a presenter for an upcoming seminar, email your suggestion to IHPI Project Specialist, Jason Wolfe.
VA CCMR---- Implementation Boot Camp Survey

The VA Ann Arbor Center for Clinical Management Research (CCMR) is planning on offering an Implementation Boot Camp to interested IHPI members in October 2016. In order to best meet the needs of potential attendees, the Center would like to ask a few questions about the level of information IHPI members would like to receive and the timing of that information. Please complete the survey to help the VA CCMR plan for this event.
Writing Your Mixed Methods Research for Publication

Date: July 14--- 15
Time: 8:00 a.m. --- 5:00 p.m.
Location: North Campus Research Complex

Improve your mixed methods manuscript in this engaging, interactive participatory mixed methods workshop! Bring to the workshop a manuscript in progress or a completed project ready to write up for publication.
  • Learn about latest advances in mixed methods to incorporate into your manuscript
  • Review potential publication outlets for mixed methods studies
  • Engage in hands-on activities to develop and write your manuscript
  • Share your written manuscript with peers and receive faculty review
Organized by the Michigan Mixed Methods Research and Scholarship Program (M3RSP)

Sponsored by: M3RSP, IHPI, Department of Family Medicine, U-M Medical School, and
Upcoming Partnership in Implementation and Evaluation Lab

Date: Second Tuesday of each month
Time: 11:00 a.m. --- 12:00 noon
Location: NCRC, Building 16, Conference Room 368C

Interested in learning more about implementation research? The second Tuesday of each month, the VA Center for Clinical Management Research (CCMR) conducts the Partnerships in Implementation and Evaluation (PIE) Lab to provide expert and peer support in implementation and evaluation research. This is an informal opportunity to discuss and brainstorm ideas around partnerships, implementation, and evaluation, both within and outside the VA. If you are interested in attending or if you have something you'd like to present, please contact Claire Robinson.

Upcoming Labs

Date: July 12
Time: 11:00 a.m. --- 12:00 noon
Location: NCRC, Building 16, Room 368C
Topic: Stepped Wedge Trial Design

Date: September 13
Time: 11:00 a.m. --- 12:00 noon
Location: NCRC, Building 16, Room 368C
Topic: Adapting Montessori Activity Programming for Veterans Living in Community Living Centers
MLibrary@NCRC Workshop: Ease the Task of Finding Research Funding: Resources and Techniques

Date: Tuesday, August 9
Time: 2:00 --- 3:00 p.m.
Location: North Campus Research Complex, Building 16, Room B003E

Interested in being more organized and efficient about identifying research funding? This workshop will show you techniques for searching funding databases and setting up alerts.

Note: Please bring your laptop for the hands-on portions of the class.

Visit us: Building 18, Room G018, call: 647-9937.
Heading to the hospital? Even with insurance, it may cost you $1,000 or more, new study finds

Even if you have what you might think of as good health insurance, your next hospital stay could cost you more than $1,000 out of your own pocket. And that amount has gone up sharply in recent years ---- a rise of more than 37 percent just for straightforward hospital stays for common conditions. Those striking statistics come from the first published analysis of actual out-of-pocket spending by people with private health insurance, most of it provided by employers. The study, published in JAMA Internal Medicine in June, utilized data from the Health Care Cost Institute (HCCI), of which IHPI is an academic partner. It received media coverage in the New York Times, the Washington Post, Forbes, and elsewhere.


Four paths to the end of life---- one far more expensive than the others---- emerge in new Medicare study

Last-ditch, high-tech, heroic treatments. Days in the hospital intensive care unit. You might think this is what makes dying in America so expensive, and that it's where we should focus efforts to spend the nation's healthcare dollars more wisely. But a new study in Health Affairs led by Matthew A. Davis, Ph.D., M.P.H., assistant professor of nursing, finds that for nearly half of older Americans, the pattern of high spending on healthcare was already in motion a full year before they died.

New studies on Michigan's Medicaid expansion

Two IHPI teams have published papers in the last month on the impact of the Healthy Michigan Plan, and their results could hold importance for states that have not yet expanded Medicaid.

A new "secret shopper" study in the American Journal of Managed Care finds that primary care access actually improved for all Medicaid participants, and did not change for those with private insurance, in the first year after expansion. Meanwhile, in a study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association, nearly all of Michigan's 130 hospitals experienced a drop in the number of uninsured patients they cared for, and a rise in the number of Medicaid participants, while not seeing a rise in total number of patients, in the first nine months after expansion. These studies were featured in the Detroit Free Press, Crain's Detroit Business, and elsewhere.

Promise of shared patient data uncertain (U-M News Service---- Adler-Milstein)
What Will It Take to Overcome the Opioid Epidemic?
(U-M Health System News---- A. Bohnert)
Medicaid, Private Insurers Begin To Lift Curbs On Pricey Hepatitis C Drugs
(USA Today---- Bagley)
Doctors disagree about the ethics of treating friends and family (Newsworks---- Gold)
Commentary: Why doctors should not be paid by results (The Conversation---- Ryan)
Nearly 1 in 3 on Medicare Get Commonly Abused Opioids
(U.S. News & World Report---- Blow)
Study shows women lack confidence in maternity care providers
(U-M News Service---- Kane Low)
Hospital ERs play vital role in reducing youth violence in urban communities
(U-M News Service---- Walton, Cunningham, Zimmerman)
AcademyHealth and Society of General Internal Medicine organizing advocacy efforts in support of AHRQ budget

The House Appropriations Committee released the text of the Labor, HHS, Education and Related Agencies appropriations bill for FY 2017. While AHRQ funding is not terminated in the House bill, the agency's budget would sustain a pretty hefty cut of nearly 54 million (16 percent), bringing its discretionary budget to $280.24 million. The last time AHRQ's base budget was close to this low was 2001, at $270 million (not adjusted for inflation). AcademyHealth and the Society of General Internal Medicine are both ramping up advocacy efforts to demonstrate the importance of AHRQ research.

2016 Diabetes Interdisciplinary Study Program (DISP)

Deadline: August 1, 2016
Co-sponsored by: Michigan Diabetes Research Center (MDRC) Michigan Center for Diabetes Translational Research (MCDTR)

The intent of this Pilot and Feasibility grant is to foster new collaborations on campus between two members of the University of Michigan faculty from distinct disciplines to focus their combined research strengths on cutting-edge areas in diabetes research. Grant proposals may be in areas of basic biomedical research, or in clinical, behavioral, epidemiological, health services, or translational research and should address key questions in the pathogenesis, diagnosis, prevention, or control of diabetes, its complications, or related endocrine or metabolic disorders (for example: counter-regulatory proteins, obesity, metabolic syndrome)

Please visit Competition Space at https://umms.infoready4.com or email cains@umich.edu
Health Services Research on Minority Health and Health Disparities

Deadline: August 9, 2016

The National Institute on Minority Health and Health Disparities has announced two new companion funding opportunities geared towards health services research on minority health and health disparities. The purpose of these Funding Opportunity Announcements (FOAs) is to encourage innovative exploratory and developmental health services research to improve minority health and/or reduce health disparities at the health care system-level as well as within clinical settings.

The open date for each grant begins July 9, 2016. Applications are due by August 9, 2016; April 11, 2017; April 11, 2018; April 11, 2019, by 5:00 p.m. local time of each applicant organization.

The Institute for Healthcare Policy and Innovation is committed to improving the quality, safety, equity, and affordability of healthcare services

To carry out our ambitious mission, our efforts are focused in four areas:
  • Evaluating the impact of healthcare reforms
  • Improving the health of communities
  • Promoting greater value in healthcare
  • Innovating in IT and healthcare delivery

If you are interested in supporting health services and health policy research at the University of Michigan, click here

IHPI Informs is published monthly by the University of Michigan Institute for Healthcare Policy & Innovation.
U-M Institute for Healthcare Policy & Innovation
North Campus Research Complex (NCRC)
2800 Plymouth Road, Building 16
Ann Arbor, MI 48109

Christina Camilli-Whisenhunt
IHPI Communications Manager

Kara Gavin
IHPI Research & Policy Media Relations Manager
Lauren Hutchens
IHPI Communications Specialist

Mark Lubin
IHPI Communications Coordinator