December 2016 Edition |
Celebrating Our IHPI Community
At IHPI's Annual Member Forum on November 18, we came together as a community to reflect on our accomplishments and focus on the Institute's goals for the next five years. Over 150 individuals attended the forum, and we are grateful to everyone who convened to listen, connect, and share their professional experiences.
Now in our fifth year, IHPI has progressed from defining our membership and physical space and building infrastructure and staff to our current focus on launching major strategic initiatives. And we continue to support new multi-
disciplinary research collaborations and disseminate the work of our members for maximal impact.
As I noted at the Forum
, 85 percent of our members are actively engaged with the Institute through our Data & Methods Hub, committees and work groups, education and training programs, policy and dissemination outreach, or in forging new research collaborations. Members interested in a refresher about IHPI resources over breakfast or lunch may contact
Stacy Trosell
Our keynote speaker, AcademyHealth President and CEO Lisa Simpson, provided an outlook on health and healthcare policy for 2017 and beyond, including the forecast for health services research in the coming years. She emphasized the continued important role of evidence in translating research into policy, and the need to pair rigorous evidence with compelling stories to influence policy.
And congratulations to Julia Adler-Milstein, Ariel Linden, and Andy Ryan, who received stylish IHPI socks for winning our high-stakes IHPI Quiz Bowl!
I wish you all peaceful holidays with your family and friends.
John Z. Ayanian, M.D., M.P.P.
MOOC winter-term course: 2017 Understanding and Improving the U.S. Health Care System
The winter 2017 program for students from all University of Michigan schools and colleges begins on Monday, January 16, 2017. Students can participate in the course as either an open learner or for 1 credit through SPH 626.
Prescott named ISF Lowry Fink Fellow
Hallie Prescott, M.D., M.Sc., assistant professor of internal medicine, has been named the inaugural ISF Lowry Fink Fellow for 2017
--- 2019. This fellowship recognizes the immense contributions made by Stephen Lowry and Mitchell Fink to advancing the science of sepsis, and offers rising stars in the field of sepsis the opportunity to sit on the ISF council at an earlier stage of career development than would otherwise be the case.
NAB member receives U-M honorary degree
IHPI National Advisory Board member and U-M alumnus Michael Johns, M.D., received an honorary Doctor of Science degree at the 2016 Winter Commencement on U-M's Ann Arbor campus.
Johns, Emory University executive vice president for health affairs emeritus and professor at the Emory School of Medicine and Rollins School of Public Health, is internationally recognized for the administrative leadership and vision he brings to large, complex health care organizations. A respected surgeon specializing in head and neck cancers, Johns is also an innovator in medical education and a champion of health care system reform.
Dupree named Gallagher Health Policy Scholar
The American Urological Association (AUA) has selected
James M. Dupree, M.D., M.P.H., as its 2017 Gallagher Health Policy Scholar. This highly selective program is designed to train the next generation of urologists for leadership positions in health policy.
Gallagher scholars spend a full year engaged in critical seminars, conferences and meetings at the national level, receive mentoring from AUA physicians in senior roles and participate in a week-long health policy seminar for surgeons sponsored by the American College of Surgeons and held at Brandeis University.
Michigan Health Endowment Fund awards include several IHPI members
Projects on training caregivers of people with dementia and home-based transitional telecare for older Veterans were recently funded by the
Michigan Health Endowment Fund. The team behind "Enhancing Michigan Workforce Capacity for Behavioral Dementia Care Using the DICE Approach" includes IHPI members
Helen Kales, M.D., (PI),
Fred Blow, Ph.D., M.A., and
Donovan Maust, M.D., M.S. "Home-based Transitional Telecare for Older Veterans" is led by Neil Alexander, M.D., M.S., with
Christine Cigolle, M.D., as co-PI.
Piette receives VA mentoring award
John Piette, Ph.D., M.S., professor of health behavior and health education, received the 2016 HSR&D Daniel Deykin Outstanding Mentor award. This award is presented annually to a VA/HSR&D researcher who exhibits outstanding dedication and skill in mentoring the next generation of researchers, particularly in guiding them toward a comprehensive understanding of the positive impact research can have on Veterans' health.
VBID News: 2017 Defense Bill and CHRONIC Care Act of 2016 gain traction
The FY17 National Defense Authorization Act calls for a pilot using Value-Based Insurance Design in the TRICARE program to improve the health of U.S. Armed Forces military personnel, military retirees, and their dependents. In February 2016,
Mark Fendrick, M.D., professor of internal medicine, developer of the V-BID concept and director of the U-M V-BID Center, testified before the U.S. Senate Committee on Armed Services Subcommittee on Personnel. Learn more about V-BID in
TRICARE program here.
Meanwhile, on December 6, 2016 the bipartisan Creating High-Quality Results and Outcomes Necessary to Improve Chronic (CHRONIC) Care Act of 2016 was introduced in the Senate. The legislation includes an expansion of the CMS Medicare Advantage V-BID demonstration to all states by January 1, 2019, and requires the Secretary to allocate funds to design, implement, and evaluate the expansion of the model.
IHPI members among Learning Health System grant awardees
Several IHPI members were recipients of grant awards from the Department of Learning Health Sciences and the Office of Research. The
grant program's goals are to accelerate development of systems, methods and technologies that support the science underlying the development of a ubiquitous global Learning Health System (LHS). IHPI member awardees include:
Keep up to date with LHS, read their newsletter,
The Loop
Choe wins award for statewide practice model implementation
Hae Mi Choe, PharmD, clinical associate professor of pharmacy, was honored with this year's Michigan Society of Health-System Pharmacists President's Award.
Choe has been instrumental in the development and launch of the Michigan Pharmacists Transforming Care and Quality (MPTCQ) Collaborative Process Initiative (CPI) program, a collaboration between Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Michigan and UMHS, which aims to integrate clinical pharmacists into more direct patient care roles.
- Vikas Kotagal, M.D., M.S., assistant professor, Department of Neurology, Medical School
- Kayte Spector-Bagdady, J.D., M.B.E., research investigator, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Medical School
Mahshid Abir, M.D., M.Sc.
Assistant Professor of Emergency Medicine
"My interest in health services research initially started as an interest in disaster medicine and hospital response, which has expanded to include the daily challenges of healthcare delivery, particularly within acute care. My research aims to inform improved design of healthcare systems in a way that helps patients receive acute care in a more expedited and efficient manner with improved outcomes."
Brady West, Ph.D., M.A.
Research Associate Professor, Survey Research Center, ISR
"Healthcare policies rely on sound decision-making using survey estimates. I'm currently thinking a lot about interviewer effects in survey research, which are rarely accounted for in the analysis of health surveys. What is most interesting to me is that secondary analysts of survey data almost never account for interviewer effects in their analyses (or "clustering by interviewer"), which can result in biased estimates, and biased inferences based on those estimates."
2017 AcademyHealth National Health Policy Conference
Disparities in Cancer Care and the Role of Intersectionality in Understanding Vulnerability and Resilience
Date: January 10, 2017
Time: 8:00 a.m.
Location: North Campus Research Complex (NCRC), Building 10, Research Auditorium
This Health Disparities Research Seminar is co-sponsored by the Cancer Center and Office of Health Equity and Inclusion.
Mobile Health Technologies in Cardiovascular Disease
Date: January 13, 2017
Time: 12:00 p.m.
--- 1:30 p.m.
Location: Palmer Commons, Great Lakes North Central
Co-Sponsored by IHPI
Michael Dorsch, PharmD, M.S., clinical associate professor, College of Pharmacy. Dr. Dorsch and colleagues are at the forefront of designing novel technologies that effortlessly assist in monitoring heart failure status, increase adherence to evidence based medications, promote health behavior modifications, and provide health information back to patients within a learning health system framework.
OptumInsight Poster Session, Q&A Panel, and Introduction to New Data
Date: January 20, 2017
Time: 8:30 a.m.
--- 12:00 p.m.
Location: NCRC, Building 10, South Atrium
Presenters: OptumInsight Staff,
Vanessa Dalton, M.D., and
Josh Stein, M.D.
Co-Sponsored by IHPI
IHPI is pleased to host a poster session highlighting some of the great research your fellow investigators have completed using the OptumInsight data. The poster session will open with a 90-minute presentation from OptumInsight staff members who will be visiting from Minnesota. The presentation will highlight the new features contained in the data refresh IHPI will be receiving in January. There will also be a moderated Q&A panel with IHPI faculty who have utilized OptumInsight data extensively in their research. The half-day event will wrap up with the presentation of a best poster award.
If you are interested in attending, please RSVP to
Barb Hamann.
Speaking Their Language: Connecting with adolescents in research using social media and text messaging
Date: January 23, 2017
Time: 10:00 a.m.
--- 11:30 a.m.
Location: Hatcher Graduate Library
--- Gallery Room
Programs designed to address the high prevalence of risky health behaviors among adolescents often miss the mark. Understanding adolescents' thoughts and opinions is challenging, yet vital, in creating programs and policies that promote their health and wellbeing. This talk will discuss one research team's journey to tap into adolescents' everyday lives while minimizing research burden among participants.
Date: February 15, 2017
Time: 9:30 a.m.
--- 4:00 p.m. with an optional Q&A until 5:00 p.m.
Location:: North Campus Research Complex (NCRC), Building 10, South Atrium
Presenters:: Julie Lowery, Ph.D. and Caitlin Reardon, M.P.H.
Consolidated Framework for Implementation Research (CFIR) consists of 39 different constructs organized under five domains: intervention characteristics, outer setting, inner setting, characteristics of individuals, and process. The framework guides assessment of contextual barriers and facilitators during implementation. This hands-on training will be focused on learning how to use the CFIR to collect and analyze qualitative data. The training is free but attendees will be responsible for their own travel, accommodations, and incidentals. Sponsored by the VA Center for Clinical Management Research.
Twitter 101 & LinkedIn 101
Twitter Session
Date: January 13, 2017
Time: 12:00 p.m.
--- 1:00 p.m.
Location: NCRC, Building 10, The IHPI Collaboratory (Room G079)
LinkedIn Session
Date: January 27, 2017
Time:12:00 p.m.
--- 1:00 p.m.
Location: NCRC, Building 10, The IHPI Collaboratory (Room G079)
Join IHPI communicator Kara Gavin for the next monthly Twitter 101 and LinkedIn sessions. Bring a laptop, mobile device, and your lunch for this informal session. If you need help setting up a Twitter account, please arrive a bit early.
2017 NIA and NICHD Postdoctoral Fellowships
Deadline: January 4, 2017
The U-M Population Studies Center expects to have openings for postdoctoral fellows sponsored by National Institute on Aging (NIA) and The Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD). Positions will start on or about September 1, 2017. Applicants must have a Ph.D. in demography, public health, or one of the social sciences (e.g., sociology, economics, psychology) at the starting date.
AcademyHealth Delivery System Science Fellowship
Deadline: January 6, 2017
AcademyHealth's Delivery System Science Fellowship offers a year-long learning opportunity for highly-qualified, post-doctoral researchers to gain more applied experience in a delivery system setting. Apply today to train with ten leading delivery systems using evidence to improve health and the performance of the health system.Researchers with a doctoral degree in health services research or a related field are encouraged to apply. Experienced candidates considering a career shift are also encouraged to apply.
AcademyHealth Annual Research Meeting: Call for abstracts
Deadline: January 12, 2017
For over 30 years, AcademyHealth's Annual Research Meeting (ARM) has been the premier forum for health services research (HSR). The largest of its kind, ARM convenes users and producers of HSR from around the world to share important findings and showcase the latest evidence to move research into action and improve health and health care. AcademyHealth is currently accepting abstract submissions. This year's meeting is organized around six session types and 20 themes.
MLibrary@NCRC: The NIH Public Access Policy: Grant Writing, Progress Reports, and My Bibliography, Oh My!
Date: January 10, 2017
Time: 1:00 p.m.
--- 2:30 p.m.
Location: North Campus Research Complex (NCRC), Building 10, G064
Registration Required
This workshop will give a brief overview on the NIH Public Access Policy. Topics covered will include how to comply with the Policy when preparing an NIH grant application, a grant progress report, and managing compliance with My Bibliography. Attendees are encouraged to bring questions and problems that they have encountered with Compliance.
Visit: North Campus Research Complex, Building 18, Room G018
Dementia rates declining, especially among American seniors with more education
In a hopeful sign for the nation's brain health, the percentage of American seniors with dementia is dropping, a new U-M study finds.
Those with the most years of education had the lowest risk of developing dementia, according to the findings published in
JAMA Internal Medicine by a team from U-M led by
Ken Langa, M.D, Ph.D., professor of internal medicine.
Abir: Need a doctor now? Solve the acute care crisis
In a piece for
The Hill,
Mahshid Abir, M.D., M.Sc., describes why countless Americans struggle to receive acute care promptly
---- because they don't have health insurance, money, a doctor (or a doctor with an available appointment)
---- and because a system that is adequately focused on meeting unscheduled needs has yet to be built.
Michigan Opioid Prescribing Engagement Network on 'Newsmakers'
Jennifer Waljee, M.D, M.Sc., assistant professor of surgery, was recently featured on the news program "Comcast Newsmakers." In her interview with anchor Laurel Hess, she described the Michigan-Opioid Prescribing Education Network (OPEN) and its aims to ensure appropriate acute pain care following surgery, while protecting patients and communities.
Dimick study featured in New York Times: Geographic variation in healthcare outcomes
Justin Dimick, M.D., M.P.H., professor of surgery, was quoted in the
New York Times regarding a recent study on quantifying geographic variation in healthcare outcomes in the United States before and after risk-adjustment. "This paper raises the question of why don't we have broader outcomes measurement and transparency around performance," he said.
The First Mile Innovation Challenge
CAMTech and GE Sustainable Healthcare Solutions announce The First Mile Innovation Challenge to crowdsource innovative technologies/solutions that directly address clinical or community hardships in global primary care. These innovations should impact communities and individuals in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs) with a focus on:
- Maternal, Newborn and Child Health
- Cardiac Health
- Safe Surgery
Applications are due
January 10, 2017.
Michigan Mental Health Integration Partnership (MIP) Scholars Award
Deadline: January 23, 2017
The University of Michigan Depression Center is requesting proposals for the 2017 Michigan Mental Health Integration Partnership (MIP) Scholars program. The purpose of this program is to support U-M faculty who are interested in implementing and evaluating mental health services or clinical interventions that promote integrated care and seek to improve access to evidence-based practices for lower income and Medicaid eligible populations with behavioral health care needs in the state of Michigan.
BUILD HEALTH Challenge: 18 grants to communities across the country
Deadline: February 21, 2017
The BUILD HEALTH Challenge seeks applications to fund partnerships that team a hospital or health system with a local health department and a nonprofit community organization.
These awards, funded by a collective group of professional foundations, are designed to support the advancement of community collaborations ready to put upstream, integrated, local and data-driven plans in place. The grants award $250K over a two-year period.
For more information, contact Colleen Sherman in UMHS Foundation Relations at
The Institute for Healthcare Policy and Innovation is committed to improving the quality, safety, equity, and affordability of healthcare services
To carry out our ambitious mission, our efforts are focused in four areas:
- Evaluating the impact of healthcare reforms
- Improving the health of communities
- Promoting greater value in healthcare
- Innovating in IT and healthcare delivery
If you are interested in supporting health services and health policy research at the University of Michigan,
click here.
IHPI Informs is published monthly by the University of Michigan Institute for Healthcare Policy & Innovation.
U-M Institute for Healthcare Policy & Innovation
North Campus Research Complex (NCRC)
2800 Plymouth Road, Building 16
Ann Arbor, MI 48109
Eileen Kostanecki
IHPI Government & External Relations Director
Kara Gavin
IHPI Research & Policy Media Relations Manager
Lauren Hutchens
IHPI Communications Specialist
Mark Lubin
IHPI Communications Coordinator
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