April 2017 Edition
Spring Forward

Many descriptions of Spring---- as a time of renewal, new beginnings, and optimism---- are relevant to IHPI this year.

Renewal: We recently completed the University's Year 5 review of our accomplishments as an institute, and we are embarking on our next five years as a vibrant community of scholars. Many thanks to everyone who helped us prepare for this review. We look forward to celebrating this milestone with all of you later this year.

New beginnings: This month we are launching our National Poll on Healthy Aging, a new signature IHPI initiative to provide timely data on the views of middle-aged and older Americans about health and well-being. Thanks to support from AARP and Michigan Medicine, as well as IHPI resources, the poll will issue its first results in late June with monthly reports to follow.

Read more below, and visit the poll's new website at Many thanks to Preeti Malani, M.D., M.S.J., M.S., who serves as the poll's director; Erica Solway, Ph.D., M.P.H., M.S.W., and Sarah Clark, M.P.H., its associate directors; and our staff for all their work. We look forward to welcoming suggestions in the near future from our members about new poll topics, and to facilitating your use of the poll's data in your research.

Optimism: With uncertainty about the future of our nation's health policy agenda and federal research funding, I remain optimistic about the ability of our institute members to inform public discourse on many key issues in healthcare.

With the new members that we welcome below, our membership has crossed the symbolic milestone of 500 ---- a sure sign of the momentum we've built around health services research at U-M. And the stories below represent a broad range of new research and achievements by our members. 

We have a number of upcoming events designed to spark dialogue on key issues, including our third annual Director's Lecture on May 4 with Andrew Bindman, M.D., professor at UCSF and former director of AHRQ.

As we harness the spirit of this season, I look forward to our important work together to improve healthcare and health policy.

John Z. Ayanian, M.D., M.P.P.
Jagsi appointed director of the Center for Bioethics and Social Sciences in Medicine (CBSSM)

Reshma Jagsi, M.D., D.Phil. is the new director of the Center for Bioethics and Social Sciences in Medicine (CBSSM) an IHPI member center based in the Medical School. The Center aspires to be the premier intellectual gathering place of clinicians, social scientists, bioethicists, and all others interested in improving individual and societal health through application of social science and bioethics methods to health research, education, and public outreach. The center also serves as the home to the Program in Clinical Ethics.

Recap: From AIDS to Zika event featured top speakers on contagious crises

Major figures in the never-ending fight against dangerous infections gathered at U-M on April 7 for an afternoon-long exploration of how microbes spread regionally, nationally and globally ---- and what we can do to prevent, slow or stop them.

From left to right: Dr. Sanjay Gupta, Dr. Paul Farmer, Dr. Eden Wells, Dr. Howard Markel,
Dr. Martin Cetron, Professor Matthew Boulton, and Dr. Abdul El-Sayed
Bill introduced to expand V-BID Medicare Advantage model test to all 50 states

A new bill calling for the expansion of the MA V-BID demonstration to all 50 states was co-sponsored by Representative Diane Black (R-TN) and cosponsored by Earl Blumenauer (D-OR), Cathy McMorris Rodgers (R-WA), and Debbie Dingell (D-MI). The "Value-Based Insurance Design for Better Care Act of 2017" seeks to amend title XVII of the Social Security to provide for national testing of the Medicare Advantage V-BID model.

IHPI Summer Lunch and Learn Sessions

IHPI will be hosting weekly student lunch-and-learn sessions from June through July for students working with IHPI faculty this summer. The sessions offer students opportunities to learn more about IHPI members' professional and career experiences. Last year's program included eight lunch-and-learn sessions attended by an average of 11 students, with 23 faculty serving as co-hosts. We are looking forward to building on the success of this program and invite your students to participate.

If you plan on having undergraduate, graduate, or medical students work with you this summer, or if you are interested in co-hosting a lunch, please email Emma Steppe.
Dean's Awards Program: Now accepting nominations

Help honor and recognize outstanding educators, researchers and physicians by nominating them for one of seven faculty awards through the Medical School Dean's Awards Program:

The deadline for nominations is May 1, 2017. The winners will be announced in the fall, and they will receive their awards at the annual Faculty and Staff Awards Dinner.
Ravi Anupindi, Ph.D., M.S., M.E
Professor, Department of Technology and Operations, Business School 

" My primary focus is to understand issues around improving healthcare access and affordability in low and middle income countries. A large portion of the growth in the life sciences sector will occur from emerging markets in Asia, Latin America and Africa, primarily from serving populations that currently do not access formal healthcare (medicines, vaccines, service consultations, diagnosis, and preventive technologies). Developing a body of knowledge and thought leadership around market access and constraints in healthcare delivery systems will help inform key stakeholders about opportunities to better meet the health needs of currently underserved populations."

Identifying Patterns in Healthcare Data

Date: May 15, 2017
Time: 3:00 p.m. --- 4:00 p.m.
Location: School of Nursing, Room 1250
Presenters: Matthew A. Davis, Ph.D., M.P.H., assistant professor of systems, populations, and leadership, School of Nursing

Dr. Davis' research focuses on leveraging large sources of data to study important population health issues. Dr. Davis has made several important contributions to a variety of areas such as:
  • The identification of dietary sources of arsenic exposure in the US population,
  • Tracking national use of health services over time for nonspecific back pain,
  • And the identification of healthcare spending patterns for Americans approaching death.
Emergent Research Series at the University Library: Investing in Healthy Minds

Date: April 24, 2017
Location: Hatcher Graduate Library Gallery
Time:  10:30 a.m.--- 11:30 a.m.
Keynote Speaker:  Daniel Eisenberg, Ph.D., professor of health management and policy, School of Public Health

This talk will provide an overview of research in the Healthy Minds Network, a growing national initiative to collect and disseminate data and evidence related to college student mental health. The talk will address questions such as: Are mental health concerns increasing in college populations? What are the greatest needs in this area? What are the best opportunities to improve student mental health?
CBSSM Research Colloquium and Bishop Lecture

Colloquium Date: April 25, 2017
Location: Palmer Commons, Great Lakes Room
Time: 8:30 a.m., with keynote at 11:15 a.m.
Keynote Speaker: Norman Daniels, Ph.D., Mary B. Saltonstall Professor of Population Ethics and professor of ethics and population health, Department of Global Health and Population, Harvard School of Public Health

The event begins with presentations on bioethics, health communication and medical decision-making by scholars from U-M and beyond. Dr. Daniels will then present the Bishop Lecture with a talk entitled, "Universal Access vs. Universal Coverage: Two models of what we should aim for." The lecture is jointly presented by CBSSM and the Ronald C. and Nancy V. Bishop Lectureship in Bioethics fund.
Twitter 101

Date: April 28, 20017
Time: 12:00 p.m. ---- 1:00 p.m.
Location: North Campus Research Complex (NCRC), Building 10, Collaboratory (Room G079)
RSVP: Kara Gavin,

Join IHPI communicator Kara Gavin for the monthly Twitter 101 session for new and lapsed tweeters. Bring a laptop and mobile device, and your lunch, for this informal session designed to explain Twitter's features and how to get the most out of it as an academic health services researcher.

If you need help setting up a Twitter account, please arrive a bit early.

Follow IHPI at @UM_IHPI
Michigan Health Policy Spring Forum "Health Policy: A Review of the First 100 Days of the Trump Administration"

Date: May 1, 2017
Time: 1:00 p.m. --- 4:00 p.m.
Location: Eagle Eye Golf Course, 15500 Chandler Road, Bath Twp, MI 48808

The introduction of the American Health Care Act has kicked off the debate on the promise to "repeal and replace" Obamacare. What does it mean? How will it affect Michigan?

The keynote presentation will be provided by Dr. Gail Wilensky, who is currently Senior Fellow at Project HOPE and has a distinguished career in healthcare working with the Pres. George H. W. Bush administration. She is also a member of the IHPI National Advisory Board. A panel of Michigan experts will also provide insight.

IHPI is a co-sponsor of the Michigan Health Policy Spring Forum.
Michigan Center for Diabetes Translational Research (MCDTR) Annual Symposium

Date: May 11, 2017
Time: 9:00 a.m. --- 1:00 p.m.
Location: NCRC, Building 18, Main Dining Hall
Keynote Speaker: Siham Sikander, Ph.D.
Director, Human Development Research Foundation, Islamabad, Pakistan

The symposium features a variety of speakers and poster presentations; contact Pam Campbell to RSVP or submit a poster.
CCMR Annual Point-Counter Point Presentation 
"Is Implementation Science, Science?"

Date: May 16, 2017
Time: 9:00 a.m. --- 10:00 a.m.
Location: NCRC, Building 10, Research Auditorium

Registration Required ---- Brunch will be served immediately following the presentation
Co-sponsored by IHPI
Top 5 Errors Authors Make When Writing Scientific Papers

Date: May 23, 2017
Time: 11:00 a.m. --- 1:00 p.m.
Location: BSRB Seminar Rooms, 1st floor
Presenter: Tom Annesley, Ph.D., professor of chemical pathology, Department of Pathology, Medical School

Back by popular demand! 
Improving Presentation & Dissemination of Your Research - How To Create A Visual Abstract

Date: June 6, 2017
Time: 2:30 p.m. --- 4:00 a.m.
Location: NCRC, Building 10, South Atrium
Speaker:  Andrew M. Ibrahim, M.D., M.Sc., clinical lecturer, Department of Surgery, Medical School, and creative director at Annuals of Surgery

Research journals are increasingly using social media and "visual abstracts" to help disseminate publications. Early research suggests that articles with a "visual abstract" are read three times as often. Join us for a 90 minute hands-on workshop that will teach you the core principles and skills needed to effectively communicate your research in a visual format.

Attendees should bring a laptop.
AcademyHealth Annual Research Meeting: June 25--- 27, 2017

Join your colleagues in New Orleans from June 25--- 27 for the AcademyHealth Annual Research Meeting (ARM), the largest meeting of health services researchers and policy analysts. The ARM brings together the foremost experts at the intersection of health, health care, and policy to share important findings and showcase the latest research on how the health system works, what it costs, and how to improve it.

An early registration discount is available now through Monday, April 24.

If you're going to AcademyHealth, stop by the IHPI booth in the exhibit hall, and watch for information about the annual IHPI-sponsored reception.


MLibrary @NCRC:  PubMed Tips and Tricks

Using PubMed but want to be more efficient in finding what you need? This workshop will help you create advanced searches, set up search alerts, and more.

Date:  Friday, April 21
Time: 12:00 p.m. --- 1:00 p.m.
Location:  North Campus Research Complex (Building 16, B003E)
Presenter: Judy Smith

Note: Please bring your laptop for the hands-on portions of the class.

Contact MLibrary to learn more.
Visit: Building 18, Room G018
View Health Management and Policy Guide.
2017 Call for Nominations Now Open for Five NAM Fellowships

The National Academy of Medicine Fellowship program allows early-career health science scholars to participate in evidence-based health care or public health studies that affect the health of the American people. The following fellowships will be accepting nominations until 5 p.m. EDT June 1.
A complete nomination packet must be submitted electronically at

IHPI members Katherine Gold, M.D., M.S.W., M.S. and James Burke, M.D., are former recipients of these fellowships and are willing to speak with IHPI members who are applying for these fellowships.
How oncology providers can help oral chemotherapy patients manage their adherence

For anyone taking oral anti-cancer medications, sticking with a prescribed treatment regimen is critical to ensure the drugs work as well as possible to keep the illness in check. Missed or irregularly timed doses, or stopping or restarting the medications, can seriously compromise the effectiveness of oral chemotherapy agents, also called oral oncolytics.

Karen Farris, Ph.D., the Charles R. Walgreen III Professor of Pharmacy Administration and senior author of a new study says, "We need to make sure that each patient is well-prepared to self-manage symptoms at home."

Higher rate of serious problems seen in adults who take short-term steroids

A new study suggests doctors might want to pay a bit more attention to the potential side effects of short-term steroids. People taking the pills were more likely to break a bone, have a potentially dangerous blood clot or suffer a life-threatening bout of sepsis in the months after their treatment, compared with similar adults who didn't use corticosteroids.

Lead author of the paper published in BMJ,  Akbar Waljee, M.D., M.Sc. , assistant professor of internal medicine said, "Although physicians focus on the long-term consequences of steroids, they don't tend to think about potential risks from short-term use."

From opioid-free to long-term user, in one operation: Study shows key role of surgery

Having surgery always comes with risks. But a new study suggests a new one to add to the usual list: the risk of becoming a long-term opioid user.

Chad Brummett, M.D., an associate professor of anesthesiology and first author of the study published in JAMA Surgery, said, "About 6 percent of people who hadn't been taking opioids before their operation, but were prescribed the drugs to ease their post-surgery pain, were still getting the drugs three to six months later. That's long after the window considered normal for surgical recovery."


Voluntary value-based health programs dramatically reduce hospital readmissions
(U-M News Service--- Ryan, Adler-Milstein, Hollingsworth)
How consent requirements may shape teen mental health research
(Reuters--- Jagsi)
When the doctor recommends against the surgery a breast cancer patient wants (Newswise--- Katz)
Repeal in doubt, what Trump alone can do on 'Obamacare'
(New York Times---Bagley)
Suicide rates for doctors are shockingly high, but stigma of mental illness prevents them from getting help (National Post--- Gold)
Employers group pushes hospitals to assure patients experienced surgeons
(U.S. News & World Report--- Dimick)
What factors influence a patient's intent to get colorectal cancer screening
(Eurekalert--- Ruffin)
Honesty may not be the best policy for hospital safety grades, study suggests
(Michigan Medicine--- Meddings)
Leveraging Health Data to Build an Evidence Base for a Culture of Health

Deadline: May 24, 2017
Register for the applicant webinar here

The Health Care Cost Institute is working with the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (RWJF) and AcademyHealth to launch a new research program, Health Data for Action: Leveraging Health Data for Actionable Insights (HD4A).

Applicants under the first HD4A Call for Proposals (CFP) will select one of two datasets that will be made available to successful applicants-data from the Health Care Cost Institute or from athenahealth.

An informational webinar for applicants will be held on May 2 from 12 --- 1 p.m. ET for an opportunity to ask questions about the funding opportunity, the data, and the grant making process.
U-M IRWG Joan Schafer Research Faculty Award in Sport, Fitness, and Disability

Deadline: July 31, 2017

The Joan Schafer Research Faculty Award in Sport, Fitness, and Disability, established in 2015 through the U-M Institute for Research on Women and Gender (IRWG), supports projects investigating how living with a physical challenge influences access to and participation in sport and physical activity. Projects that have real world application are a top funding priority. This grant supports both theoretical as well as intervention research, including challenges and solutions related to transitioning to civilian life from military service.

Support may be requested for individual activities, such as research assistance, research-related travel, or research materials. We support collaborative projects, pilot studies or initial research efforts. While providing funds for new and emerging work is a priority for this program, requests for support of ongoing programs of research are also considered. Applications accepted from all academic disciplines.

The Institute for Healthcare Policy and Innovation is committed to improving the quality, safety, equity, and affordability of healthcare services

To carry out our ambitious mission, our efforts are focused in four areas:
  • Evaluating the impact of healthcare reforms
  • Improving the health of communities
  • Promoting greater value in healthcare
  • Innovating in IT and healthcare delivery


If you are interested in supporting health services and health policy research at the University of Michigan, click here

Inside IHPI is published monthly by the University of Michigan Institute for Healthcare Policy & Innovation.

U-M Institute for Healthcare Policy & Innovation
North Campus Research Complex (NCRC)
2800 Plymouth Road, Building 16
Ann Arbor, MI 48109

Eileen Kostanecki
IHPI Government & External Relations Director

Christina Camilli-Whisenhunt
IHPI Communications Manager

Kara Gavin
IHPI Research & Policy Media Relations Manager
Lauren Hutchens
IHPI Communications Specialist

Mark Lubin
IHPI Communications Coordinator