… and it’s a wrap. What a year!

Where do I even start? I am so proud of each and every one of you for coming out on top of what was easily the most difficult and uncertain year of our lives. As some of you reflect and take into account the events that shaped the course of this year, in your own personal lives and across the world, it almost seems like you fell short of everything you set out to accomplish at the beginning of the year. To this end, I dedicate this newsletter to YOU, my CSBW community, family and friends for your resilience, growth and steadfast throughout the year. We made it. And we did so, together.

You deserve to be celebrated and I choose to celebrate you. With the uncertainty that took the world by surprise, there were those of you who remained grounded. You thought outside the box and adapted at a time of panic. I commend you. You took multiple hits across the board and yet managed to take them all in stride. So know, that if your business could thrive at such an unprecedented time as this, that its future is in your favour.

Then there are those who struggled in silence. Don't you give up on yourself. Rather, pull back, look at what could be done differently in your business, and refocus. For it was never a loss, but always a lesson. I choose to continue to stand with you as you chase those dreams (they are not too wild), as you step into those opportunities (they were created just for you) and as you make a name for yourself, out in the world (it’s about time). So be kind to yourself, for you too are most deserving of grace.

Yes, 2020 was difficult to say the least. It demanded far more from us than what we thought we could ever give, and yet it strategically positioned us for what is to come. So go ahead, reach for those vision boards and journals buried beneath piles of forgotten memories. And write. Write down what you’re most grateful for this year and what it is you anticipate in the New Year. Because this is only just the beginning of such greater things in store for you.

Talk soon!