This has been quite an interesting month so far, especially with everything that’s going on. However, I’ve made sure to stay focused and practical.

Earlier in the month, I spoke at Brampton’s Board of Trades International Women’s Day event. I was part of a panel that discussed the many hats women wear. What was great about the event was that we talked about how to balance wearing the many hats, to recognize which hat we’re wearing and when and how to say no. As women, we are fine tuned to take on many roles, and it is at times very difficult to know when to draw the line. 

Drawing the line was something I had to do when I took four days to myself in Niagara, at a time that would be considered one of the busiest for women due to International Women's Day celebrations. I made sure to stay in the hotel until I had to leave to come home. I did absolutely nothing and took good care of myself.

This month, I also got nominated for Peel Children's Aid Foundation Fierce and Fabulous award. It is an award that recognizes women who have done a lot in their community and as it is a community involvement award, the award is won by popular votes

So what have I been up to for the latter part of the month? Well, I have been indoors quarantining myself and I only leave the house when I have to go to the hospital. Spring cleaning definitely came early for me and I have caught up on all my television watching. I’ve also been trying to find ways to help small businesses online, seeing as we can't do much in person right now. It is my goal to help their owners put themselves out there. 

Last but not least, I am excited to say that I have 3 weeks of radiation left. It has been a challenging journey, but here we are, finally at the finish line. 

So to all of you out there, be practical, stay safe, listen to the professionals and take this time to not only relax but to also work on personal development.

Talk soon!