What's new on TEA's HB 3 Website
Make sure that you are regularly checking TEA's  HB 3 website , which contains all the information the TEA has available regarding House Bill 3.

Blended Learning Grant Program
This week, TEA posted information on the Blended Learning Grant program. The grant program established by HB 3 set aside $6 million per year for such grants. For the fall of 2019, 25 planning grants of up to $125,000 are available for Math Innovation Zone and non-math blended learning pilots. Up to 10 self-funded districts may be eligible for execution grants. Then, in the spring of 2020, up to 35 grants of up to $100,000 will be awarded. For more information, please see:

Teacher Incentive Allotment
Last week, TEA focused on the topic of teacher incentives, which can be another innovative way to bring additional funding to districts that choose to participate. Districts develop a local designation system and receive additional funding for designated teachers they employ (with 90% of that funding going toward teacher compensation at the campus where the designated teacher is employed). TEA is partnering with Texas Tech to approve local designation systems. Funding amounts are increased for educators assigned to campuses that serve a more concentrated population of students qualifying for compensatory education funding and/or a campus classified as rural. The agency outlined the timeline for the development and approval process. For more info, please see:

Innovation beyond HB 3
Beyond HB 3, there are other ways to generate additional state dollars for your district. 

SB 1882 Partnerships
TEA has just provided information about Texas Partnerships. Inspired by SB 1882 from the 85th Legislative Session, this initiative can generate more per-pupil funding and significant grant funds. The Agency just posted additional guidance and deadlines for SB 1882 Texas Partnerships .

Some districts have already taken part in this initiative, but if you want more information on how this works, and what possibilities might be available for your district, please contact Christy Rome to be put in touch with some folks with expertise that have successfully taken advantage of this innovative opportunity.

Pathways in Technology Early College High Schools (P-TECH)
TEA just posted in the Texas Register a Request for Applications Concerning the 2020-2022 Pathways in Technology Early College High Schools (P-TECH) and Industry Cluster Innovative Academies (ICIA) Planning and Implementation Grant . P-TECH and ICIA models allow students the opportunity to earn a high school diploma while simultaneously earning industry certifications, level 1 or level 2 certificates, and/or an associate degree on or before the sixth anniversary of a student's first day of high school at no cost to the student. P-TECH and ICIA campuses establish strong partnership agreements with local business and industry as well as institutions of higher education (IHEs). Approximately $2.35 million is available for funding the 2020-2022 P-TECH and ICIA Planning and Implementation Grant. It is anticipated that approximately 11 grants will be awarded ranging in amounts up to $200,000. The deadline to apply falls in December.
Help us Grow
If you find value in what the Texas School Coalition does for your district, please share that with your colleagues in other school districts. We would love to see our membership list grow and include other districts who could benefit from networking, communications, analysis & expertise, public outreach & messaging, and of course advocacy. If you need a tool to help you explain those benefits, please see our Benefits of Membership brochure .

If you have any questions or would like to request follow-up with a particular district or individual, please contact Christy Rome at 512-732-9072 or christy@txsc.org .
Thank you to our sponsors!
Texas School Coalition
601 Camp Craft Road
Austin, Texas 78746