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In This Issue

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November 12-15, 2019
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The Next Big Thing in Solder Mask is Here

The New Year has been wild and crazy for me thus far. I have already been to CES in Las Vegas, Nepcon in Japan, APEX in San Diego and the EIPC Winter Conference in Milan. The CES show in Las Vegas was once again loaded with the next great electronic toys of the future, like being a kid in an electronics candy store. All kinds of robots to do anything you need from everyday life assistant to bread makers. Nepcon in Japan was filled with all of the latest electronics technology with a lot of emphasis on automotive and packaging applications. IPC's 2019 APEX EXPO offered J.B. Straubel, CTO & Co-Founder of Tesla who presented the keynote "Accelerating and Disrupting Innovation: The Tesla Story". Finally, the EIPC Winter Conference had a variety of technology presentations ranging from Electronic Market Industry Updates, UL Updates, Trends in PCB Manufacturing and of course my favorite Inkjet solder mask updates.

Beyond all of these exhibitions and conferences, I had the opportunity to visit our first two customers that have installed inkjet solder mask into production. I want to first thank Andreas Dreher from Würth Elektronik for spending so much time with me sharing all of his pains in putting his process together. I can't wait to see his final process in action; it will truly be a special solder mask process to see. Below is a photograph from Wurth that was inkjetted with IJSR-4000 JM03G.

Secondly, I want to thank Lenthor Engineering, our first inkjet solder mask customer in North America. I never would have guessed that we could have gotten their process up and running as fast as we have; a true testament to the great engineering staff and employees that Lenthor Engineering has at their facility. Here are some photographs to demonstrate the capabilities of inkjet solder mask. These PCBs have been through ENIG (electroless nickel immersion gold plating).

You may not be familiar with the benefits of inkjet solder mask so below is a quick diagram of the process. When you think of all of the steps that are eliminated, as well as the cost associated with each; the savings are enormous.

Inkjet Solder Mask Process

As you can see, the tack drying, exposing and developing processes have been eliminated from the process thus you have now eliminated solder mask in hole, mask on pads and registration issues. How many of these items are in the top three of your daily quality meetings? 
If they are, please call us so we can further discuss how inkjet may be a solution for you!
John T. Fix
Manager & Director, Sales and Marketing

A new column!
Meet Bob MacRae, Taiyo America's Eastern Regional Sales Manager, and listen to his perspective...

With no football to watch and opening day of baseball having just begun, I've had some time recently to think back to when I took my first job in a PWB shop right out of college. I was hired as the Image Process Engineer for a company in New England and one of my areas of responsibility was solder mask.  Read more...

Bob MacRae
Eastern Regional Sales Manager
What a winter!

There are many reasons to visit San Diego in late January, especially when you live in Minnesota, but that was not the main reason for my exuberant jubilation!  The main reason is that it was APEX time!  I truly enjoy traveling to trade shows and conferences to visit with customers, suppliers, end users, OEM's and even some competitors.  Many of you have now become friends as well as colleagues.
This show was going to be excellent for yet another reason.    Continue reading...

Donnie Monn
Midwest Regional Sales Manager


What Prototron Circuits thinks about Taiyo 

This month I'm talking to Kim O'Neil, General Manager of Prototron Circuits' Tucson facility. Of the two Prototron Circuits facilities, (the other one is in Redmond Washington) Tucson is more focused on PCBs with special materials, RF PCBs and defense and Aerospace products. 
To learn more about Prototron Circuits go to: http://www.prototron.com/

For more information about Dan Beaulieu's DB Management Group:   https://www.dbmanagementgroup.com/

Taiyo's upcoming events:
Hall & Stand # TBD

Established over 27 years ago TAIYO AMERICA, INC. is a subsidiary of TAIYO HOLDINGS CO., LTD., the world's leading manufacturer of specialty inks and solder masks for printed circuit boards. Taiyo offers conductive inks for manufacturing printed electronics, lighting & displays and other applications.  www.taiyo-america.com

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