Minimum Foundation Program (Education Funding) rejected by the Senate Education Committee! 
  Senate Education 5.21.13
LaTEACH members after Senate Education Committee
May 21, 2013 
Click here
to read more about the decision and vote on whether you agreed with the decision to not pass the funding formula.
Remember to say 
Contact members of the Senate Education Committee 
to let them know how much you appreciate they heard your voice.
Thanks to all LaTEACH members who contacted the Senate Education Committee or participated in Purple Shirt Day!
The Senate Education Committee rejected the new education funding formula (the Minimum Foundation Program or MFP).
Advocates were pleased the Senators listened to the concerns of parents of children with disabilities.  Dozens of people showed up to express opposition to the changes and filled out red cards.  Not a single green card was filled in to support the proposed changes - thus demonstrating a complete lack of support for the changes proposed.


What does this do to education funding for next year (2013-14 school year)?

The Legislature could only approve or reject the funding formula presented by the Board of Elementary and Secondary Education (BESE).  Since this formula has been rejected the current funding formula will be used for next year.  Since this year's (2012-13) MFP has been ruled unconstitutional this means that state will use the 2011-12 MFP formula for the 2013-14 school year.