Press Release

We’re pleased to announce the latest technological breakthrough from the innovative labs at K&W Tire. Like many scientific advances, this one initially began quite accidentally. Our scientists have been searching for sustainable and renewable replacements for tire carbon black which has been in short supply and subject to ever more onerous price increases, when our Jeff Hood quite literally stumbled over the answer in his own backyard. While cleaning up after his dog he remarked that the droppings seemed to be largely intact. Even after months of exposure to the elements this excrement was in pristine condition. Hmmmm might this be a potential replacement or modifier to today’s carbon black? Jeff challenged our researchers to analyze the pooh and find out what makes it so resilient.  

For background, carbon black is a byproduct of the combustion of various petroleum products. When added as a filler in rubber, it increases abrasion resistance and tensile strength significantly – which helps lead to a long-wearing tire. But carbon black is not exactly environmentally friendly.  
How DuPont does it

The creation of Kevlar also came about completely by accident in 1965. While analyzing molecule chains at low temperatures, DuPont polymer researcher Stephanie Kwolek found a specific formation of molecule chains that was exceptionally strong and stiff. The solution was strange – it was cloudy and thin, unlike nylon polymers, that are clear and thick. "I think someone who wasn't thinking very much or just wasn't aware or took less interest in it, would have thrown [the solution] out," she reflected. The fibers created from this solution were the strongest anyone had ever seen—plastic strong enough to stop bullets and knives—described as being "five times stronger than steel on an equal weight basis." The rest is history. 
Announcing K9C2

In a matter of weeks, K&W’s Chief Chemist John May had identified and synthesized the needed polymer chains and compounds and even solved the odor issue and a star was born. We call the discovery - K9C2 Pronounce it - canine cah cah. Initially we assumed the filler would need to be introduced during tire construction, but today’s testing has shown tires can be substantially strengthened and thus reducing their need for carbon black and its inherent safety issues with a simple aerosol mist derived from the unlimited FREE resource that is found at the average neighborhood dog park. Tire retailers will have the option of spraying tires that might see hard usage or heavy loads. Research continues with new discoveries almost daily. Not surprisingly, Greyhound sourced matter can effectively raise the speed rating of treated tires just as St. Bernard stool increases load carrying capacity.  Sneak peak - By adding ordinary beets to a donor dog's diet, you can have that retro redline style. As always - Trust the Science of K&W Tire. We wouldn’t shit ya. 
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Call me 717.314.4949

Jeff Short
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