Next Steps in the Application Process
If you have attended the school fairs and open houses, we hope they have been a positive experience for you. The application process may seem long and complicated, but we hope this newsletter will help ease some of the stress and provide you with useful tips. We are here to support you in the process. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to ask! 

We wish you a Happy Holiday Season! 

-Leigh Ann, Cathy, Mary, Catherine, and Lena

SSAT Flex Tests
Small Group Testing 

Sunday, January 7

Stay Connected
After learning more about some of the wonderful schools in the DC metropolitan area, have you narrowed down 3-4 schools that you are interested in applying to? Although many application deadlines are in January, there are other schools that offer rolling admissions so don't panic! In this newsletter, you will learn the next steps in the admission process. 
Many independent schools require testing. Depending on the  grade level of your child, there are  a variety of tests required for admission:
It is important to check the school's website or speak with the admission representative to confirm the school's testing requirements. 
Student Visit/Interview
The school visit or interview is an opportunity for the school to determine if it is the right fit for your child. The school cares about your child's achievement and will to need to decide if your child will be academically and socially successful in their program. Here are some tips to consider when preparing for the visit or interview:
  • Dress appropriately: Encourage your child to wear comfortable, yet professional clothing. However, your child should also wear elements of his/her personality, so the school can learn who he/she really is.
  • Ask specific questions about the school: This shows the school that your child has done his/her research about the school and is interested in learning more.
  • Use good eye contact and smile: It is also important for your child to be himself/herself!
  • Write a thank you card after the visit or interview.
Admission Essay
Depending on the grade level your child is applying to, some schools require essays. For more information and tips on writing the essay, please read our admission essay newsletter
Letter of Recommendation
Most schools that are part of the Association of Independent Schools of Greater Washington (AISGW) accept the Common Recommendation Form. Please check with the school's admission representative to confirm that this form is accepted. 

General Admissions Timeline
  • If your child is applying for MS or US, register for the SSAT or ISEE (October-January)
  • Apply to schools (look for school application and financial aid deadlines)
  • Visit schools or have your child participate in a student shadow day (December-February)
  • Look for financial aid and school decisions (mid-March)
  • Sign enrollment contracts for the school of choice (April)
  • Attend events and activities for new students (May-September)

218 N. Lee Street, Suite 323
Alexandria, VA 22314
Phone: 703-671-8316      Fax: 703-997-8438