January 2016
Welcome to the CACL 
Inclusion Matters Newsletter!
Happy New Year! We are looking forward to sharing with you in 2016.
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Protecting Choice & Safeguarding Inclusion

CACL senior staff recently attended public consultations on physician-assisted suicide, hosted by the Government of Ontario in nine cities this month. Many local ACLs also attended the consultations, including Parry Sound and London. 

As stated on the Government of Ontario's website, the goal of the consultations is to bring citizens together to discuss the  Provincial-Territorial Report . This report, released by the Provincial-Territorial Advisory Group in December, makes recommendations on constructing new legislation on physician-assisted suicide. 

In response to the Provincial-Territorial Report, CACL has created a quick summary on our Community Living Position. Read it here.
February is Inclusive Education Month!

Na tional Inclusive Education Month portrays how the development of inclusive schools and inclusive school practices help to provide quality education to an increasingly diverse student population, including students with an intellectual disability.

For every weekday in February, Dr. Gordon Porter and his team of contributors will be sharing a personal story related to inclusive education on the   Inclusive Education Canada webpage and its social media outlets.

I nclusive Education Month is a time for members of the Community Living movement to promote and raise awareness about inclusive education. In addition to breaking down myths about inclusive education, this feature month provides educators, students and parents an opportunity to share ideas on strategies to enhance inclusion and successful school experiences for every child. Read more

CACL in Action 
New year, new challenges ! Here are some highlights of our work this month: 
  • EVP Michael Bach attended the Supreme Court of Canada hearings on physician-assisted suicide to support the Federal Government's request for extension. More information can be found in our press release.
  • EVP Michael Bach met with the Government of Ontario to discuss physician-assisted suicide, alongside other national disability organizations.
  • CACL senior staff attended Government of Ontario public consultations on physician-assisted suicide and end-of-life decisions in Toronto and Ottawa.
  • With the assistance of Inclusion International, CACL submitted a response to the UN Convention of the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD) Committee's Draft General Comment on Article 24, Right to Education.

A Star Player in the Liberty Grand Kitchen

When Ingrid Rochard, Stewardship Manager at the Liberty Grand Entertainment Complex in Toronto, Ontario decided to hire an individual with Autism she was initially very apprehensive.

"I needed someone to meet all the requirements of the job and be able to keep up with a demanding and hectic pace of a kitchen in a five star special event facility," said Rochard. "I was also worried that some members of the team would not be open-minded to the idea."

Rochard provided Ready, Willing and Able (RWA) with a list of criteria for the job. RWA is a national initiative designed to increase the labour force participation of people with intellectual disabilities and Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD).

Canadian Petition on the CRPD Draws Thousands of Signatures

Salvatore Amenta began an online appeal urging Prime Minister Trudeau to ratify the Optional Protocol to the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD) with one signature in November.

The Optional Protocol to the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD) adds additional provisions, which are not part of the Convention itself. Specifically, the Optional Protocol allows for individual complaints to be submitted to the United Nations by individuals, groups, or by a third party on their behalf, alleging that their rights have been violated under the CRPD. If the United Nations makes a finding that the country has failed in its obligations under the CRPD, it will issue a decision requiring that the violation be remedied and for the country to provide follow up information.

Upcoming Dates and Events
20 January: Inclusive Cities meetings in Toronto
20 January: Inspiring Inclusion Tour
21-22 January: National ACL Federation meetings in Toronto
February:  National Inclusive Education Month
7-13 February: International Development Week
CACL in the News