October 2016
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Participate in Federal Consultations on Accessibility Legislation

The Government of Canada has  committed to developing new planned accessibility legislation to promote equality of opportunity and increase the inclusion and participation of Canadians who have disabilities.  The process to develop this new legislation includes in-person consultations - being held across Canada until February 2017 , with all Canadians invited to participate.

Discussion questions at the public consultations include:
  1. What are the main barriers to accessibility that Canadians with disabilities face?
  2. What would it take to fix those barriers? 
  3. How can we change attitudes in Canada to better include and respect people with disabilities? 
Help Canada become more inclusive by attending an in-person consultation in your province or territory. Share your opinions and experiences with barriers you face as a person with a disability, family member, or ally. 

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7th Annual Federal Policy Forum on Inclusion: Access to Affordable Housing in Safe and Inclusive Communities

December 2nd 2016 | Delta Hotel Ottawa City Centre | 8:30am - 4:30pm |  Registration required

Canadians with intellectual disabilities find it very difficult to meet their basic housing needs. Many live in poverty. Many communities don't have enough affordable, accessible and suitable housing stock for people with disabilities. Tens of thousands of people live with 'core housing needs.'

For people with intellectual disabilities, living in the community is often the foundation to being included in the community. Access to quality and affordable housing is an important first step. But it needs to be linked to individualized funding and flexible supports. People with intellectual disabilities need more than just housing - they need to be safe and included in their local communities.

Working Together Meetings in Toronto Bring Together Women from Marginalized Communities
The IRIS Institute Working Together initiative national team met on October 4 and 5 in Toronto after the first year of implementation to ensure that we are taking the time to review, reflect and refine project activities as they pertain to our goal - to practically address the root causes of violence against some of the most marginalized women's communities in Canada.

The team featured organizations from all across Canada including Inland Refugee Society of BC, Warriors Against Violence, Regina Immigrant Women Centre, Across Boundaries, Native Women's Resource Centre of Toronto, Empowerment Council, and Saint John Human Development Council. What a powerful team it was!

CACL in Action!
Highlights of our recent national and international work.

  • Michael Bach and Doris Rajan attended the "Access to Justice" forum on legal capacity and supported decision making in South Africa. The team were also in Zambia for the international IRIS initiative "End Exclusion! Rights for All!: Advancing the Right to Legal Capacity for People with Mental Health and Intellectual Disabilities".
  • Gordon Porter, Inclusive Education Canada Director, and Michael Bach met with Dr. Jacqueline Specht to establish a new partnership with the Canadian Research Centre on Inclusive Education and Inclusive Education Canada.
  • Michael Bach was in Ottawa to discuss the Government of Canada's upcoming National Housing Strategy.
  • The Vulnerable Persons Standard Coalition, of which CACL is Secretariat, met in Ottawa for continued work on safeguards for medical assistance in dying. 


IMPACT-Ability - Free Webinar Series with Al Etmanski & Vickie Cammack

Starting on October 24, Plan Institute will be hosting a free webinar series with Al Etmanski and Vickie Cammack. Based on Al's bestselling book IMPACT: Six Patterns to Spread Your Social Innovation. 

This seven-part series will discuss the ways people who live with disabilities and their families have a distinct talent for continuously inventing and creating ways out of adversity to achieve impact.

The first webinar titled, "IMPACT: The Importance of Becoming a Wise Traveller" will be hosted by The Honourable Carla Qualtrough, Minister of Sport and Persons with Disabilities on Monday, October 24 at 12:00 p.m.

Safety First! Breaking Down Myths with Bluewave Energy
Think that employees with a disability pose a bigger safety risk in the workplace than their colleagues without a disability?  Think again.  Research of inclusive employers has consistently found that employees with a disability typically rate average or above average on safety.  And through Ready, Willing and Able employers are moving beyond the research, with real life experience that's breaking down this myth; employers like Bluewave Energy.
Bluewave Energy is a division of Parkland Fuel Corporation, the largest independent fuel distributor in Canada. Mike McGregor, Branch Manager for Sudbury with Bluewave Energy had heard from others about the value of inclusive hiring, and with the company continuing to grow and expand, he was keen to explore how his team could tap into the talents of an inclusive workforce.

Upcoming Dates and Events
October is  Community Inclusion Month: Check your provincial and local associations for events!
December 3 - UN International Day of Persons with Disabilities

CACL in the News