February 2016
Welcome to the CACL 
Inclusion Matters Newsletter!
The new year is in full swing and here at CACL we've been keeping busy.
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Protecting Choice & Safeguarding Inclusion

CACL had the opportunity to bring its perspective and the views of many people with an intellectual disability before the Special Joint Committee on Physician-Assisted Dying on February 4, 2016. Executive Vice-President Michael Bach was asked to appear before the Committee as one of four panellists on a panel of witnesses. 

The Special Joint Committee on Physician-Assisted Dying was appointed by the Government of Canada on December 11, 2015, to "review the report of the External Panel on Options for a Legislative Response to Carter v. Canada and other recent relevant consultation activities and studies..."      Read more
Our Federation: The Yukon Association for Community Living

When Colette Acheson took on the role of Executive Director at the Yukon Association for Community Living (YACL) three years ago, the organization was ready to implement big changes and hoped to become an even greater part of the lives of people who lived in the Yukon.  This was a big undertaking for everyone involved.

"The goal of YACL at that time was to become more action-focused. When I came to the organization, we worked collaboratively with many direct service providers, but it seemed there were still gaps and people who were being left out," Colette says.     Read more

CACL in Action
Here are some highlights of our national work this month:
  • Michael Bach, CACL EVP, spoke to TVO's The Agenda host Steve Paikin as part of a special television program on supported employment. The panel discussed issues surrounding sheltered workshops and how to help people with intellectual disabilities obtain real work for real pay. See our CACL in the News section to view the program!
  • Doris Rajan, with IRIS's Working Together Against Structural Violence project, met with the Local Steering Committee in Regina to clarify project goals and intended impact, and to begin planning for the Regina launch. The Working Together project brings together Canadian women who face barriers, including migrant, indigenous and/or disability status.   Read more
  • Facilitated by Michael Kendrick, CACL and its provincial/territorial members participated in a two-day think session on local systems transformation.
  • CACL and six provincial/territorial ACLs from across Canada came together in Toronto for the first Inclusive Cities meeting. 

Highlights from Inclusive Education Month

Every weekday for the month of February, Inclusive Education Canada has been featuring daily commentaries from parents, teachers and academics that portray how the development of inclusive schools and inclusive school practices help to provide quality education to an increasingly diverse student population, including students with an intellectual disability. 

Angela Aucoin, PhD, is a university professor in Moncton New Brunswick in the field of inclusive education. She shared her story with readers of how in awe she is of what school principals can accomplish.  "As leaders, [principals] have the opportunity to change not only their school culture but the culture of their entire community." 

Workplace Diversity Pushes Deloitte Ahead of Competitors

As a global professional services company, Deloitte LLP is well known and highly regarded for its diversity and inclusion programs. The company has led and participated in various research studies and reports that demonstrate the business case for hiring individuals with disabilities. 

According to Kathy Earl, Senior Manager, Business Services and Facilities in Calgary, Alberta, a diverse and inclusive workforce has helped to set the company apart both internally and externally. 

"A diverse workforce has a strong cultural impact. You engage your staff at a different level and from a recruitment standpoint it sets us apart," says Earl. 

2016 Census Looking for Diverse Employees

The 2016 Census is staffing 35,000 jobs across Canada. These no-office jobs require staff to work in neighbourhoods and communities all over Canada to collect vital information on its citizens. 

Wanting to reach out to many diverse populations, Census 2016 has called CACL to ask for help with promotion of their many available opportunities. 

The Census 2016 is looking for Crew Leaders and Enumerators, who will distribute door-to-door questionnaires and conduct interviews in-person and over the phone. 

Longtime Advocates: In Loving Memory

Beth French - Executive Director at The Brockville and District Association for Community Involvement, Beth passed away on February 6, 2016. Beth dedicated her life to the goal of helping people with intellectual disabilities to have equal opportunity, full participation, respect and value as individuals in their communities.  Read more

Roberto Leal - A  champion for human rights of people with intellectual disabilities, Roberto passed away January 29, 2016. Roberto was one of the leaders of the 'Partnerships for Community Living' in the Americas initiative. Based in Nicaragua, Roberto and Diane Richler co-led the initiative which brought people intellectual disabilities and their families from all across the Americas to develop shared understanding and solidarity to challenge exclusion and to advance human rights.  Read more

Upcoming Dates and Events
24 February: Pink Shirt Day (Anti-Bullying)
2 March: Spread the Word to End the (R) Word Annual Day of Awareness
 8 March: International Women's Day
11 March:  6th anniversary of Canada's ratification of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities 

CACL in the News