April 2016
Welcome to the CACL
Inclusion Matters Newsletter!
To ensure you stay up-to-date on all things CACL, please make sure to add inform@cacl.ca to your allowed emails list.
CACL Releases Statement on Draft Bill on Physician-Assisted Death 

In the draft bill on medical assistance in dying tabled in Parliament, the federal government has gone some distance designing a pan-Canadian system that would meet the constitutional obligations the Supreme Court of Canada established in the Carter decision: to ensure right of access to assisted death in exceptional circumstances, and the right of vulnerable persons to be protected in such a system. 

We are greatly relieved that the drafters of the bill explicitly acknowledged that vulnerable persons must have robust protections from the possible harm of an assisted dying regime. In the preamble to the new bill, we see a clear affirmation of this delicate balance. However, the preamble has little force in law and we remain very concerned that it be matched with mechanisms that will fully deliver on its commitment.

Supporting CDAC in Call for Improved Communications for People with Communication Disorders 

CACL supports Communication Disabilities Access Canada (CDAC) call for improved communications for people with communication disorders.

Many people with intellectual disabilities are often unable to access services due to their communication challenges. CACL has endorsed the CDAC belief statement, stating that all people with speech and language disabilities have a right to equal access to goods and services.

Currently, persons with communications disorders do not have their accessibility requirements well-represented in human rights legislation and strategies in Canada.

CACL in Action 
We've been on the move!
Here are some highlights from our national and international work this past month: 
  • As part of IRIS' Working Together initiative, Community Town Halls were organized in four cities across Canada (Regina, Vancouver, Toronto and Saint John), during which community members came together to learn about experiences of violence as they affect vulnerable women.
  • CACL Executive Vice-President Michael Bach presented on the right to legal capacity in Bogota, Columbia.
  • CACL EVP Michael Bach was in Washington, DC, speaking on Article 12 of the CRPD.
  • CACL EVP Michael Bach sat on a panel for the Montoya family case. Watch VIDEO.
  • CACL EVP Michael Bach, and staff member Tara Brinston, met with the Minister of Justice, Office of the Official Opposition, in Ottawa to discuss protecting vulnerable persons in physician-assisted death.
Survey: "How to Support Family Caregivers in the Context of Legal Assisted-Dying"

You are invited to participate in an anonymous survey titled, "How to Support Family Caregivers in the Context of Legal Assisted-Dying."

The survey, developed by four researchers at the University of Toronto, Occupational Science and Occupational Therapy department, aims to gain an impression of how the legalization of physician-assisted death in Canada may affect family caregivers of those who might be eligible to request assisted death.

A Commitment to Inclusion at Sobeys

Every year, Sobeys Inc. and Safeway Distributors in Calgary, Alberta prepare more than 60,000 food hampers for underprivileged families. For Warehouse Superintendent, Jason Walker, this means hiring reliable and productive crew members who can assemble up to 240 hampers a day and meet the need over the holiday season.

As an employer with a long-standing history of building a diverse and inclusive workforce, Jason turned to Ready, Willing and Able (RWA) for assistance with his recruitment efforts.

Volunteer Month: Spotlight on the CACL Board of Directors
CACL's Board of Directors are a dedicated and generous group of individuals that come from all corners of the country.  Here are a few of those members. Read more

Joy Bacon, President, New Brunswick
Joy serves on the Boards and various committees of the New Brunswick Association for Community Living, the Canadian Mental Health Association, and the NBSPCA.
Ginette Fréchette-Houle, Director, Québec
Ginette is a Board member of the Montreal Association for the Intellectually Handicapped (MAIH). She is committed to the rights of vulnerable people with intellectual disabilities.

Roy Skoreyko, Director-at-Large, Alberta
Roy is a long-time advocate on behalf of people with intellectual disabilities and the recipient of numerous awards including the Queen Elizabeth Diamond Jubilee Medal. 
Jackie Carpenter, Director, British Columbia
Jackie is the President of Inclusion BC, a Family Support Institute Resource Parent, and an active member of Sparwood Search & Rescue.
Upcoming Dates and Events
April: Volunteer Month
April 22:  Earth Day
May 12: Community Living Lights up the CN Tower
CACL in the News