Inclusion Matters


Mentor Spotlight

Elaine Sartwell

From a Life of Adversity to a Life of Advocacy

Self-help author, Napoleon Hill, is quoted as saying “Every adversity, every failure, every heartache carries with it the seed of an equal or greater benefit.” For years, Elaine Sartwell has been sowing seeds to benefit others, and the fruits of her labors have been evident for all to see through the growth of the people she’s advocated for. She has worked for Advocates since 2018 and, in that time, has made a profound impact, routinely garnering praise from those she’s supported as well as their circles of support. However, all of this comes despite her tumultuous past.

To say that Elaine has overcome a lot in her life would be an understatement. She told us how difficult her upbringing was, growing up in a single-parent, low-income household. Down the road, she was the victim of domestic abuse and turned to substances as a way to escape. She has experienced the death of not one, but two of her life partners. And if those things weren’t enough, she was diagnosed with breast cancer. Today, when considering Elaine’s years of service to others and all that she has overcome, one can’t help but marvel at her immense personal development and the development of those she’s supported through her life’s work. 

“With the help of god, I was able to create a toolbox to help others,” Elaine said, noting that getting clean and reforming her life was the first step in doing so. Elaine chose to work with people with disabilities and has done so for most of her life, partially because Elaine has a sister who is diagnosed with Down syndrome. She spent 12 years fighting poverty at a family resource center, and also worked as a part of a team in various group homes. Sadly, Elaine can recount numerous situations where people with disabilities were treated unfairly, or in some cases, with downright disrespect.

“The system was different back then, but that doesn’t mean it was right,” Elaine started. “I oftentimes saw a superiority complex with people who served vulnerable populations. After seeing all of that, I told myself I wanted to be a part of the solution, and not another part of the problem.” Elaine credits her dedication and deep faith that has led her on the path of success. She went back to school and graduated from Syracuse University in 2017 with a bachelor’s degree in social work, and won several awards because of her achievements. When it came time for Elaine to put her years of experience, commitment to serving others, and newly achieved higher education to use, she again turned to her faith.

“I said, ‘God, please provide me with something that will be your work and will be something that I’ll enjoy and be good at,’” she said. The very next day, upon perusing job opportunities through Advocates online, Elaine found an advertisement to support a gentleman named Mark. The position resonated with her enough to submit an application, and before she knew it, she and Mark hit it off, enough for him to hire her on the spot. “I was like, ‘That was very fast, god; thank you!” Elaine laughed. 

Since that time, Elaine has indeed been a part of the solution – not only in Mark’s daily life, but also in the ways she helps to destigmatize the way people with disabilities were viewed and treated for so long. For much of Mark’s life, he lacked the proper support network. There was no inclusive education, nor were there the resources available to him that exist today. He was bullied by his classmates. And perhaps worst of all, for years, he was taught to believe that his disability meant that he wasn’t smart or capable of anything, including having meaningful relationships with people.

“From my first day of working with him, I told myself I was going to change all of that,” Elaine recalled. “I told him that not only is he capable, he was my boss. He had never heard that before coming to Advocates, and so I tried to convey to him that he was going to be the one who dictated how he lived his life.” Before long, Mark began to trust Elaine – something that had not come easy to him with previous support staff. “I once told him, ‘This is more than a job to me, Mark; you are someone I really care about,’” Elaine said.

Their mutual respect and trust for one another helped to break down barriers that had existed for much of Mark’s life. He was finally able to start directing his life under Elaine’s guidance – all because he felt empowered to do so. This is evident by his initiative when working towards his goals, something that was never a priority because he wasn’t motivated to do so. He is much more active today, routinely getting out into the community and working around the house. Another huge sign of Mark’s progression is that his resistance to growth has diminished a great deal. “Mark’s growth has brought me immense pride,” Elaine told us. “Though I enjoy so many parts of my job, my favorite part is watching that growth in him.”

When thinking more about her role and Advocates as a whole, Elaine couldn’t help but think back to her days when things were more challenging – both for herself and the people she supported. “I worked in settings where people didn’t care – not about me, not about the people we mutually supported,” she said. “The backbone of this agency is truly person-centered, and I know that the people on my team really care. That ties into my being successful here.”

Advocates is proud of Elaine’s dedication, the crucial role she plays in Mark’s life, and for all she’s done to be a part of the solution in advocating for people with disabilities. 

When Elaine isn’t hard at work, she enjoys traveling and spending time with her kids and grandkids. 

Do you have a friend or family member who

would make a great Mentor?

If so, please encourage them to apply on our website.

We look forward to meeting them!

Upcoming Events

Advocates Trainings

Click here to register for Advocates trainings!

Advocates 19th

Annual Golf Tournament

Join us "fore" a great way to support our mission!

Advocates' 19th Annual Golf Tournament is next week, and you can show your support for people with disabilities, even if you're not golfing!

Advocates will again be hosting a virtual auction that will run in conjunction with our golf tournament. Packages include destination trips, gift certificates to your favorite local restaurants, sports memorabilia, and much, much more! Best of all, 100% of the proceeds will benefit the people we serve and their families!

Click here to participate in our virtual auction
Click here to make a donation

Agency Updates

Advocates Partners with American Red Cross

You helped save a life!

Advocates held its 5th annual blood drive in partnership with the American Red Cross on September 4th at Advocates' office in Liverpool. We had 14 caring people donate, which resulted in:

There is no way to put into words how much your blood donation means. From the local emergency teams tirelessly working around the clock to save lives, to the patients who are desperately trying to recover, to their loved ones anxiously waiting good news, your blood donation means everything. We sincerely thank you!

If you missed this drive and would like to donate at an upcoming event near you, please click here.

Advocates Annual Family Picnic

New date, same great time!

Mother Nature had other plans for our originally scheduled Advocates Annual Family Picnic over the summer. We couldn't have had a more picture-perfect day today for our picnic on Wednesday, Sept. 11, however! Hundreds of people receiving services from Advocates and their family members/Mentors attended the event. It was great seeing so many familiar, smiling faces enjoy an afternoon of entertainment, food, and friendship! We would like to thank Onondaga Lake Park for hosting us, our food and entertainment vendors, and the personnel from the local emergency services organizations. As always, the event wouldn’t have been possible without the many Advocates staff members who selflessly dedicated their time and efforts. We thank you as well!

Click here for more photos from this event!

Direct Support Professional

Recognition Week 2024

Thank you for what you do!

This week, we celebrate our Direct Support Professionals (Mentors), Residential Coordinators, and all 1:1 support staff who make a difference in the lives of the people we support. It is through the hard work of the 1,200+ Advocates Mentors and Residential Coordinators that we are able to provide people with disabilities and their families with the highest level of supports and services.

As a token of our appreciation for our Mentors, we are holding five daily drawings for $50 Amazon gift cards. Stay tuned to our Facebook page throughout the week to see if you are one of our lucky winners, and to read about the inspiring work done by some of our amazing teammates!

National Suicide Prevention Month

Everyone has a role to play in helping to prevent suicide. Each year in September, National Suicide Prevention Month, the 988 Lifeline along with various mental health organizations and individuals across the U.S. work to raise awareness about suicide prevention.

Did you know that Research shows people who are having thoughts of suicide feel relief when someone asks after them in a caring way? Individuals are more likely to feel less depressed, less suicidal, less overwhelmed, and more hopeful by after speaking to someone who listens without judgment. For these, other facts, and additional ways to advocate for suicide prevention, please click here.