"Teamwork Makes the Dream Work"
ESHCA Wellness Newsletter
March 2022
The shareable link (printable) for this issue:
For complete member services visit us at: www.eshca.org
Get the right care, right away:
Start with Gia
Update: MVP has notified ESHCA, at some point in the near future, myVisitNow (virtual Urgent Care) will no longer be offered. They are encouraging members to switch to Gia, their upgraded virtual platform. Gia offers all of the benefits of myVisitNow while incorporating many more options, please review details below.

What is Gia?

What is the benefit?
  • Gia allows you to have a telemedicine appointment from the comfort of your home. Appointments can be done anywhere including your home, work, or favorite vacation destination!
  • $0 Copay Urgent Care; Emergency Care; Mental Health and Psychiatry; Nutritionists and Dieticians; and much more!
  • Gia adds the convenience of "at home visits" while saving you and the health plan money!

Registration information:
  • Click for registration instructions

Questions? Contact Donna (ESHCA Health Benefits Administrator):
$25 March Incentive Challenge: Sign-up for Gia!
  • 1) Click on the link below and complete the registration (no cost - Gia is offered for free as part of your benefits).
  • 2) Email Patrick (pflaherty@eshca.org) that you completed the registration, if possible include a "screenshot" of the confirmation page. If you are unable to provide a screenshot, I will verify with MVP.
  • If you have previously registered for Gia let me know, you will receive the incentive.
  • 3) Please notify me no later than 4/15/22.
  • 4) Only one (1) $25 incentive can be given to each member-family, however, all dependents are encouraged to register.
Member Testimonial:
Improved A1C
ESCHA member makes a healthy breakthrough! They wish to remain anonymous but are willing to have their story told, demonstrating perseverance and a little sacrifice go a long way.

A story years in the making!
Based on the most recent bloodwork (February), he states "it's been 7 years since my A1C has been below 6 and 8 years since my glucose has been this low".

What has he been doing right all along?
Over the years he monitored health data by participating in the annual physical and the "Know Your Numbers" program ($200 incentive). Based on the results he went a step further, "Taking Action" to improve his numbers.
"Know Your Numbers": Blood Pressure, Weight, Cholesterol, and Blood Glucose are a "snapshot" of what one looks like on the inside! They are good indicators of present and future health.
A Story of Persistence!
It did not work right away...he has completed the nutrition challenge a couple of times and has kept me updated on blood work, however, those numbers continued to climb over the past couple of years. In October 2021, his numbers spiked to all time highs (glucose = 203 and A1C = 9.1) and he knew he needed to take a more serious approach. He consulted with me and more importantly got help from his support group (family), they got to work encouraging him and making a commitment to change. He was "overwhelmed with the results" of his most recent blood work:
  • Glucose = 103; A1C = 5.8; Weight - lost 25 pounds (10% of body weight), and Blood Pressure dropped from 140/90 to 128/74.
  • Note: Glucose readings can vary from day to day. Anyone being monitored for pre-diabetes or diabetes should be aware of their A1C measure. A1C is "sugar saturation" of the body over a 2-3 month time period. If your goal is lowering A1C, you should work on your plan (nutrition and/or exercise plan) for 3 months leading up to your blood work. This individual "dialed into" his approach starting Columbus Day and progressed into February (3+ months).

When asked, are there any specific habits you have incorporated that you think greatly contributed to your success? He replied:
  • 1) Drink more water.
  • 2) Cut out sugar, processed meat, and cheese.
  • 3) Lots of cardiovascular exercise.

He states, "getting started was hard but once I could see some weight loss then it was easier to do". Weight loss and exercise are important variables in preventing, managing, and hopefully reversing pre-diabetes and diabetes, the American Diabetes Association (ADA) recommends:
  • 5-10% weight loss
  • 150-minutes of moderate-intensity physical activity per week

Upcoming Event...There will be an extra email this month offering you (or a family member) the opportunity to participate in the March Madness Bracket Challenge. Each round will have a "Wellness Message" and prizes will be awarded to the top 3 place finishers! Details will be available the Monday (3/14) following "Selection Sunday"!
QCI Financial Wellness:
Update Beneficiary Form
Finally, we are back at it, attending Safety Meetings! The message can be a bit repetitive but it is important to hear so you are aware of how the ESHCA Benefits Package works.

  • QCI Message: make sure your Beneficiary Form is up-to-date for 2022!!!
  • Note: Beneficiary Form's are done through the HR Department of your employer and not through ESHCA

The Wellness Program offers a number of incentive programs encouraging, motivating, and rewarding you to "practice" a healthy lifestyle. Check out the 2022 Wellness Incentive Program: