We were thrilled last week at Bowties for Babies to honor former Sen. Sharon Weston Broome with our first-ever Leadership for Life Award.
Since 1994 when she was a state representative, Sen. Broome was a leader for life at the Capitol. She led the effort to pass the "Woman's Right to Know Act" at that time, and then in 2010, she led the passage of the "Ultrasound Before Abortion Act." She has been a compassionate and dignified voice for life.
Broome and Clapper at Bowties for Babies |
Congratulations, Sen. Broome!
Thanks to everyone who supported Bowties for Babies! Please make plans to join us next year (the date will likely be May 11, 2017).
For a Pro-Life Louisiana,
Benjamin Clapper
PULSE Leadership Institute is Just a Month Away!
High school and college students, register now for a first-class pro-life training institute in Baton Rouge, featuring:
* Activism on LSU's campus * Student presentations at the Capitol * Visiting a pregnancy center * Leadership training * Coffeehouse talent show
Benefit Breakfast Next Month in Baton Rouge
Baton Rouge Right to Life will host its sixth annual Benefit Breakfast on Saturday, June 25, from 9-11:30 a.m. Doors open at 8:45 a.m.
The event will be held at the St. Thomas More Catholic Church in Baton Rouge.
The 2016 honoree, Dr. Wojciech "Al" Krotoski, will be posthumously honored with the Joan Dowd Lifetime Achievement Award.
Speakers include Dr. Robert Chasuk and Karen Stoehr, a pro-life mom and jazz vocalist.
Tickets are $30 per person or $200 for a table for eight. Contact Julie at (225) 749-8260 for tickets or more information.
You can register online by CLICKING HERE.
5K Will Benefit Chuck Weeks Memorial Fund, La. Right to Life
Chuck Weeks, who died unexpectedly on May 22,
2014, will be remembered again this
year with the Chuck Weeks Memorial Pro Life 5K Walk/Run. The event will be held Saturday, May 28, at Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic Church in Winnfield. The race will begin at 9 a.m.
Medals will be awarded for first, second, and third places in several categories. Cost is $20.
Entry forms may be picked up in Winnfield at The Family Jewel Box, 103 Main St.; Envy Salon and Day Spa, 317 Thomas Mill Road; or by contacting Tracy Kelley, 318-727-4591, or Laure Derr, 318-628-4079.
Late registration begins at 7 a.m. on race day. All checks should be payable to the Chuck Weeks Memorial Fund.
All monies raised will be donated to Louisiana Right to Life and to the Chuck Weeks Memorial Fund. Last year a check for $4,000 was presented to Louisiana Right to Life, and money was also used to help with college tuitions.
Everyone is invited to join in the celebration in memory of Chuck Weeks, a young man who gave so much to life and to the people of Winn Parish. Weeks was a school teacher for six years, then went to law school and was a practicing attorney for three years
He was just 34 years old when he died. He was diagnosed with a brain tumor on May 5, 2014, and died just a few weeks later.
Pro-Life Updates at the Capitol
* Votes This Week in Senate!
This week, we expect two key bills to be debated in the Senate.
Will you email your Senator and ask them to vote pro-life?
The bills are HB 606 to defund Planned Parenthood & HB 1081 to stop dismemberment abortions.
Click this link to send your email!
* Gov. Signs Miscarriage Bill!
Gov. John Bel Edwards has signed HB 618, the Compassionate Burial Options Act. This bill requires hospitals to inform parents who suffer the tragedy of miscarriage that they have a right to bury or cremate their child. We look forward to this law going into effect!
* 72-Hr Reflection Goes to Gov.
The bill extending the reflection period between "counseling" and abortion from 24 to 72 hours has been sent to Gov. Edwards and will be signed soon.
Dismemberment Door Hangers Dropped Throughout Louisiana
Pro-life volunteers from New Orleans to Shreveport and points in between were out Saturday delivering door hangers to homes in their communities during the statewide door hanger drop.
At least 12 communities participated Saturday.
Helping out in Shreveport, Bossier and Haughton |
Saturday's reports have been positive. In Destrehan, for instance, there was such a strong turnout that they ran out of their 700 doorhangers before the end of the event. Team members picked up more today to finish what they started.
In Metairie, one volunteer was commended for her efforts by a contractor working at a home. After requesting additional doorhangers, the man said,
"I like what y'all are doing out here. Keep it up."
While we have had some negative voice mails and emails, we know the mission of opening the eyes of our citizens to the reality of abortion must continue.
There is still time to participate. Either join one of the efforts below, or contact us to organize an outreach on your own!
Volunteers should meet at 7:30 a.m. at the following locations:
- May 21: New Roads: Meet at St. Mary Church, 348 W. Main St.
- May 21: New Orleans: Meet at Our Lady of the Rosary Church, 3368 Esplanade Ave.
- May 28: Metairie: Meet at St. Philip Neri, 6500 Kawanee Ave.
Gov. Edwards Addresses Crowd at Bowties for Babies |
4th Bowties for Babies
A Successful Celebration
More than 165 people attended the fourth annual "Bowties for Babies: A Southern Style Soiree Benefiting Life" last week at the Capitol Park Museum in Baton Rouge.
Lt. Gov. Nungesser
Attendees were treated to good music, good food, some friendly silent auction competition and great fellowship with other pro-lifers from around the state, all while helping fund Louisiana Right to Life's Advertise for Life project,
which reaches abortion-minded women through targeted online advertising that connects them to one of the state's pregnancy resource centers.
The Capitol as a backdrop.
Gov. John Bel Edwards and Lt. Gov. Billy Nungresser addressed the crowd before state Rep. Regina Barrow introduced the inaugural Leadership for Life Award winner, former Sen. Sharon Weston Broome.
The Leadership for Life award will be given annually to a Louisiana citizen with an exemplary record of protecting mothers and their unborn babies, and with Broome's years of pro-life leadership in the Legislature she was an obvious choice for the first award.
We are grateful to our chair couple, Lt. Gov. Nungesser and his wife, Cher, to all our Bowties for Babies patrons and to all who attended to support this project.
We look forward to seeing you again next spring!
Oct. 1-2 Life Chains Around State Jan. 19, 2017 Proudly Pro-Life Dinner Jan. 21, 2017:
La. Life March
Jan. 28, 2017:
La. Life March North
Feb. 4, 2017:
La. Life March Central