Worship Each Week
Family Reunion: A Painful Shortcut
Saturday, June 20, 5 pm - Worship Online
Sunday, June 21, 9 am - Facebook Live
COVID-19 GUIDELINES: In accordance with National Emergency Declaration, as well as State and Local Public Safety Officials, ALL IN-PERSON EVENTS AND ACTIVITIES, INCLUDING WORSHIP IN SANCTUARY, ARE CANCELLED for the duration. We continue to review and discuss the situation and whether we can proceed to begin steps towards reopening. Current guidance still restricts group gatherings to 10 people or less.
UPDATE ON WORSHIP: As current trends are pointing towards our region shifting into phase 4 of the Restore Illinois COVID Plan on Friday, June 26, permitting gatherings of up to 50 people, plans and arrangements are being put in place to observe current safety guidelines to prevent unnecessary and avoidable infections. We are taking a look at holding worship in our garage or in fellowship hall to begin either Sunday, June 28 or Sunday, July 5. Online worship will continue on Saturdays at 5 pm. Masks will be required for attendance. Several modifications regarding singing, offering collection, and communion will also be in place.
Grow in Faith
Use Your Gifts
The Five Expectations of Members
3. Use Your Gifts  - Serve God and neighbor by using your gifts and talents both inside and outside the walls of the church. Each of us have spiritual gifts and natural abilities to use to serve others and glorify God.
Give Regularly
Global Ministries is a common missional witness of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) and the United Church of Christ. Global Ministries works with approximately 290 faith-based international partners in close to 90 countries.
Honor a father in your life with an Alternative Gift
from Global Ministries!
For Mother's Day, over sixty of you chose to celebrate your loved ones by making an Alternative Gift to Global Ministries in their honor! With Father's Day approaching, there is still time to make an Alternative Gift and, if you make your gift online, you can send an e-card to your loved one on or before Father’s Day, this Sunday, June 21. Alternative Gifts can be made to support life-giving work, such as  health projects peace with justice projects , or  church capacity building projects . Alternative Gifts are also a good way to honor a father whom you are unable to visit this year. 

Share Your Faith
Poor People's Assembly + PRAR

The PRAR team wants to encourage 100 people from CCIW to sign up for the Poor People's Online action on June 20! After this, I heard the LORD ask, "Is there anyone I can send? Will someone speak for us?" "I'll go," I answered. "Send me!"

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