In the Face of Uncertainty, a Joyful Uprising! 
Becky Visosky, Executive Director
It has been a daunting several months for all of us, as we weather the COVID-19 health emergency. Not in my 10 years with the Catholic Pro-Life Community have I seen more challenging conditions to our operations and outreach. In these difficult times, however, our staff, volunteers and supporters have never wavered. Their commitment has been nothing short of awe-inspiring. And God has blessed these sacrifices abundantly. ..continue reading.
In This Issue
Responding with Compassion
CPLC Ministry Response to COVID Crisis
In the current conditions, the needs of the most vulnerable have become more urgent, particularly in the face of abortion providers insisting on remaining open regardless of state regulations, moms losing their jobs and not able to find basic supplies for their families, and suffering hearts tormented in solitude by the grief and guilt of a past abortionOur Frontline Team of sidewalk counselors continue to stand in the gap outside abortion facilities. ... read more here 

In Her Words
Difficult Days on the Sidewalk

These have been difficult days for our sidewalk counselors. Of course, there aren't really any easy days on the sidewalk, but the Coronavirus pandemic has added another layer of difficulty and potential hazard. 
Eyes are the window to the heart, and with masks on, it's harder for counselors not just to project their voices, but to project the love they have for the clients. ... continue reading.

Your support saves lives! 

Your 100 percent tax-deductible gift is critical to helping the Catholic Pro-Life Community continue

to save lives, support families and offer healing.
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Honoring Beautiful Life!
Bella Vida Lecture Series
In early March, we enjoyed a community event hosted by our Hispanic Pastoral Ministry -- our third annual Bella Vida lecture series. This year's event featured professor, theologian, and apologist Fernando Casanova who had everyone in attendance at the edge of their seats during his personal testimony. "Many people attending were new to our events and our mission," said Hispanic Pastoral Director, Aurora Tinajero. " Read more here.  
View more pictures here.

Faithfully Preparing to Vote
Upcoming Share the Truth Campaign 

As American Catholics, we have a baptismal call to participate in the public square. Some would have us believe that to do so, we must leave our faith behind, in the privacy of our homes. But the Gospel tells us the opposite - 
- we must be informed and inspired by Christ's teaching to work towards the common good throughout our public life. Our Church is a beacon for truth and formation on some of the most challenging issues facing our society... read more. 

Reaching Over 3,000 Families
Bishop's Virtual Celebration of Life
The largest pro-life dinner in Texas was transformed into a not-to-be missed virtual event for the whole family! ...  Over 3,200 households tuned in to watch the Celebration of Life on multiple platforms. ... read more, including a special thank you to our sponsors!

Catholic Pro-Life Community| Respect Life Ministry of the Diocese of Dallas
972-267-LIFE | P.O. Box 803541, Dallas, TX 75380 |