The Colerain Chamber of Commerce monthly newsletter has turned into a weekly update on the township, COVID-19, schools and most importantly a place to get current information about business resources in the area. We are working on posting all of the past updates to our
news web page, and I hope that you’ve found the information of value.
We are trying to push out as many updates as possible about Chamber member activities. Please drop a note about your business or any feedback to and let me know what is going on in your world.
We continue to promote our
Life in Colerain during the COVID-19 Pandemic series with a
ZOOM conference call each Friday at 11 am. This week (Friday April 10) we will have State Senator Bill Blessing and State Representative Cindy Abrams on the call to provide updates from the legislature in Columbus. You can register for the event or find the conference call information
NEXT Tuesday April 14 at Noon, the Women’s Networking Luncheon will be held in a ZOOM conference environment. There will be a brief presentation/update from the Township on our community preparedness, and this will be another chance to interact with me as the new chamber of commerce president. Register
here, and have your lunch by your side. If you have video capabilities, we’ll look forward to seeing your faces and your lunch choice too.
The information contained below will provide you with several valuable links intended to help you and your business survive and thrive this Spring. Much like the garden where you have to plant the seed and fertilize the soil in order to reap the crop, information and energy seem to be a key element in this financial and healthcare crisis. Use this information to build yourself up with knowledge and grow strong in the community. If there are potential chamber members that you know could benefit, please share it with them as well.
Be safe.
Dave Moravec
President, Colerain Chamber of Commerce