August, September, October 2023 Health and Cultural Observances
The National Alliance Coalition Health Advisory Council provides this newsletter to make it easier for employers to tie select national health and cultural observances to health and wellbeing strategies. For a complete list:
August Features an Array of Health and Cultural Observances
Take time in August to:

  • Promote the importance of childhood and adult Immunizations.
  • Heighten awareness about staying safe in the sun.
  • Celebrate women -- and women's Equality Day.
  • Shine a light on overdose as the silent killer it is.

The National Alliance August health and cultural observances newsletter includes articles and campaign ideas to supplement employee communications. Click on the images to the left to learn more.
September is Filled with Opportunities to Share Healthy Tips
As summer wanes and many return to daily routines, healthy and helpful celebrations and reminders can help employees and their families get back on track:

Get the National Alliance September health and cultural observances newsletter to hit the easy button on employee communications.
October Observances have Something for Everyone
Plentiful October health and cultural observances offer employers and opportunity to serve diverse workforce interests and needs:

  • Depression Education & Awareness Month raises awareness and combats stigma.
  • As many as 9 in 10 Americans lacks health literacy, interfering with their ability to find, understand and use health information and services wisely.
  • Disability Employment Awareness Month showcases supportive, inclusive employment policies and practices.
  • Help employees and their families become breast cancer aware. Breast cancer affects 1 in 8 women, with about 85% occurring in women with no known history of the disease.
  • Get the newsletter for even more observances!