Love In Action
October 27, 2021
All events are open and drop-ins are welcome, unless otherwise stated. If no contact person is listed, call or email the office with questions.
Sunday, October 31 Service at 10:30am
All Souls Day and All Souls Church: All Souls Unitarian Church has a prominent place in the history of American Humanism. And I really love it that the name of this Humanist-heritage congregation is "All Souls" - such a beautiful and unexpected name for a congregation with such a great history. And as part of the tradition of All Souls Day (Nov.1), we will also honor in our annual "Wheel of Life" service the memories of those All Souls members and friends who died in this past year. -Rev. Joel.

(**NOTE: This will be our first Sunday back indoors for our Worship Services! Services will continue to be broadcast online on a new platform Stay tuned for Communications about how to access our streamed service.)

Past recordings here.
Are you In The Know?
Gmail often clips the newsletter message and some important announcements don't get seen. Make sure to click "view entire message" at the bottom of your email to ensure that you are getting our full newsletter.
Upcoming Events
All Souls Indy is on Social Media! Follow our Facebook page here and our Instagram @allsoulsindy. Read our Blogs here, and keep up on events at our homepage.
Volunteer Day. Help Move Faith Formation! WE REALLY NEED YOUR HELP!
October 30, 9am--Complete, All Souls Indy
We’re preparing to consolidate our Faith Formation programs on the second floor, and could use some help! Please join us on Saturday, October 30th, if you can tote a box, pull a wagon, or help organize supplies in their new locations! Sarah Cannon will be here from 9am until the job is done, and will provide pizza and beverages under the front yard tent. RSVP at
First meeting of Grief Group for Those Who have Lost Spouses
Tuesday, Nov. 2 at 10am. All Souls Indy
If you have lost a spouse due to divorce or death and would like a place to process your experience and share with others who have gone through a similar struggle, you are welcome here. Mike Middleton and Diane O'Brien will be facilitating a bereavement chalice circle for 14 weeks, bi monthly. RSVP to the meeting:
The Spirit & Place Festival (IUPUI School of Liberal Arts)
Both virtual and in-person events available
This is an 11-day festival of events independently created and hosted by the community (YOU!) and supported by the Spirit & Place organization. The 2021 festival occurs from November 4—14.
Spirit & Place provides a yearly theme to anchor events and provides staff support to help event creators think about audience, collaborative possibilities, event design, and promotions (This year's theme is CHANGE). Annually, the festival brings together 100+ cultural organizations, congregations, artists, and other community partners to create approximately 30 to 40 events.

This year's schedule includes conversations on Race, a collaborative mural on Monarch Butterflies, and a look at a history of trauma-informed care. Check out the full slate of events here:
All Souls Book Club
Friday, November 19, at 10 AM, All Souls Indy (Library)
The All Souls Book Club is starting. We decided the first book to read will be World Made by Hand by Jane H. Kunstler. It was recommended by Diane O’Brien. Anyone interested in joining us can come even if he/she hasn’t read the book. We will plan future books at that time; so come with ideas. Questions and RSV Email:  
Younger Congregant Bonfire
November 5, 5:30pm
We will be gathering for an evening of roasting goodies and casual conversation. We have been striving to create a more welcoming space for younger congregants and help create connections between those of similar life stages. If you feel you identify as a younger congregant or would appreciate some connection with people 45 and under –you are invited to join our outdoors and distanced campfire/cookout, a very casual kickback. Rsvp to Some things to roast over the fire will be provided, as well as drinks and snacks. You are welcome to bring whatever you like, and children are warmly welcomed. Please dress for the weather.
Care Packages
Do you have a young adult in your family between the ages of 18-22 who might appreciate a care package? Perhaps they are away at school or transitioning back into life at home. If so, please fill out this Google Form no later than October 28th so we have all the information we need to include them.

Are you interested in contributing care package items? Here are some suggestions of things you could contribute:
•Individually packaged snacks
•Notes of encouragement
•Lip balm or hand lotion
•UU meditation guides you’re finished with
•Warm socks
•Gift cards to national chains in small denominations
•Small puzzles or games
•Fidget toys
•Fun pens or pencils
Seeking Worship Associates!
The Worship Team is seeking All Souls congregants interested in serving as a Worship Associate for our Sunday morning services as we return to gathering in person.
If you would like to be considered to become a Worship Associate, please complete this application and return it to Sandy Reiberg ( or John Murphy ( 
The MidAmerica Nominating Committee Needs Your Help
We are seeking fresh voices for leadership positions to strengthen the future of the MidAmerica Region! We have open positions for the Board of Trustees, Camp Unistar Foundation Board of Directors, Midwest Unitarian Universalist Conference (MUUC), and the MidAmerica Nominating Committee itself. Our region needs energetic people with diverse perspectives to fill these leadership positions. We are working to dismantle the legacy of white supremacy in our faith in order to create a collaborative environment with people from historically marginalized communities.
For a full listing of open positions and more information click here.

Nominations: Email Helen Dwyer, or Co-Chair Mel Priese,
National LGBTQ Task Force Survey for Queer Women
We at the Task Force want to gather data to tell the stories of Queer women. This national survey is designed for people who have identified as women at any point on their journeys and want to share their experiences of centering women in their sexual, emotional, familial and social lives. We want to hear about how Queer women grow our families and social lives? With friends? Lovers? Via birthing, adopting, aunty-ing, or fostering children? How does partnering with women impact our ability to find work, housing and healthcare? How are we surviving the many systems of violence aimed at us? Take Survey
Introducing Zelle
We have set up a Zelle account for the church. It is a money app, sort of like PayPal, that allows people to send money directly to the church bank account, without revealing their own bank account, or seeing ours. The great thing about it is that it allows us to receive donations with zero cost to the sender or the recipient. We would like to transition to Zelle from Paypal and Tithley.  PayPal costs us as much as 3% on every transaction and Tithley about 3.5%. Here is the link to the webpage where you can go to sign up for Zelle   First search for your bank to make sure they offer Zelle. Most do. 
  1. Select “Send” and then “Add New Contact,” Enter All Souls as  and then it's quick and easy to choose All Souls when you contribute.
  2. Add the amount you want to send.
  3. Select “Review.” You then need to add a note about the reason you are sending money.
  4. Review your transaction and then select “Send.”
If you have any questions, contact Nancy Baney at
A Message from Our DCCP

Dear All,

We’re consolidating our Faith Formation programs on the second floor to make room for Head Start and could use some help! This is important work, as the Faith Formation program is back indoors beginning this Sunday and Head Start takes possession of the first floor on Monday! Please join us this Saturday, October 30th, if you can tote a box, pull a wagon, or help organize supplies in their new locations! Helpers of all ages are welcome. I’ll be here from 9 am until the job is done, and will provide pizza and beverages under the front yard tent. RSVP at

Parents, please be sure to read this week’s Dear Families for important information about Faith Formation as we move back indoors this Sunday! Make sure you check this week’s schedule, as this is a five-Sunday month!
In Our Hearts, Thoughts, and Prayers
We stand in interfaith solidarity with the Islamic Center of Bloomington who has experienced vandalism believed to be religiously motivated. We hold this community in our hearts.

Earlier this week, Livy Salvo, daughter of Cherilyn Baney, had a stroke. She is doing well, but has some weakness on her right side. We can encourage her by sending her cards or notes of support. Her mailing address is:
Olivia Salvo
5110 North Hartman Drive
Indianapolis, IN 46226

If you have a joy or concern to share with the community, please email
Publication Deadlines
For events happening in the next 7-10 days, submit your notice for the Wednesday In the Know E-mail Blast by Sunday 5pm to

For announcements and events happening in the current month, submit your notice for the Sunday's OOS Insert by Tuesday. 12pm to