Monthly Soul Matters Theme:


Soul Matters Packets: Adult/Small Group | Families

Love In Action

April 11, 2024

All events are open and drop-ins are welcome, unless otherwise stated. If no contact person is listed, call 317-545-6005 or email the office at with questions.

Upcoming Service: Sunday at 10:00am

Join us this coming Sunday!

What does it mean to be at home in your body?  Join Rev. Katie, Rev. Dorian, John Murphy, Nancy Olson and the Music team as we explore how to find our way home to ourselves! 

  • Stream our service live on Youtube
  • View last week's recorded service here
  • Give to All Souls here.

What's Next in Faith Formation

April 14

RE: Soul Matters/Spirit Play

  • 11:00am - Social Hour (Harris Hall)
  • 11:30am - Adult Forum - Discussion of Israel (Beattie Room)
  • 11:30am - Labyrinth Circle Meeting (Atrium)
  • 11:30am - A/V Team Orientation
  • 11:30am - Multigen Makerspace (RE Wing)

As part of our work to become Net Carbon Zero, we are encouraging people to access the digital order of service.

Are you new to this process?

Here is a short video tutorial from Rev. Katie to get you started.

2024-25 pledge link

Pledge Drive is On! Make your pledge now.

Sign up to sponsor Sunday sanctuary flowers here.

Summary of Upcoming April Events

Please reference our COVID policy for our guidelines. How to Submit to In The Know! Do you have a submission you want to publicize in In The Know? We collect all submissions via google form. Click here to submit your info. 

All Souls Indy is on Social Media! Follow our Facebook page here & our Instagram @allsoulsindy. Read our Blogs here and keep up on events at our homepage.

Upcoming Events At All Souls

Celebration of Life for Ginger Monka - April 13

We mourn the loss of former All Souls member Ginger Monka. A Celebration of Life Service will be held at All Souls on Saturday, April 13 at 12:00pm.

New Labyrinth Circle Meets This Sunday

Are you curious about our new canvas labyrinth? Would you like to know more about why we have a labyrinth at All Souls and our hopes for sharing this contemplative tool?

Join the newly forming Labyrinth Circle this Sunday, April 14th, after the service. The circle will be in the All Souls Atrium to answer questions and provide guidance for walking the labyrinth. For more info, contact Nancy,

April 15 Board of Trustees Meeting

6:30 - 8:30 pm via Zoom

Members and friends are welcome to attend the public board meeting.  Agendas for board meetings can be found HERE.

Future board meetings will be held on May 20 and June 10 from 6:30 - 8:30 pm.  Our next Congregational Meeting will be held on May 5, 2024. 

Guiding Vision of Ministry:

Together we create transformative experiences each week that fuel people forward into their lives in the community, and then they come back for more.


Creating Clear Paths of Connection & Belonging to Strengthen and Facilitate Fierce Commitment to Social Justice and Multigenerational Engagement

Radical Hospitality & Inclusion

Create a Culture of Healthy Conflict

Join the Next Cohort of Knotty Conversations

Knotty Conversations II is beginning Tuesday, April 16, 7-9 pm by Zoom. Our Mental Health Grant has provided funding for 3 additional rounds of Knotty Conversations: Dismantling White Supremacy, a program for congregations developed through the UU Institute. This program gives participants an opportunity to consider and discuss these issues from different angles and perspectives, to try on some new ideas, to ask some hard questions of themselves and/or each other, and to share some of the concerns these issues raise for them as they work for transformation in their congregations. This round will be facilitated by Austin Mitchell and Peg Paulsen. Members of the last Knotty Conversations program will be present after the service on April 7, to share their thoughts and experiences. Contact Nancy for more info or to register. You can also read more about the program here.

Celebration of Life for Caroline Wendt on April 20th

John Wendt would like to invite the All Souls community to the Celebration of Life service for Caroline at 1pm on April 20th at Westminster Foundation Social Hall. A dessert reception will follow the service.

WRAP Training - Saturday, April 20

Join us at All Souls on April 20th from 9 am-4 pm. As part of our Mental Health Grant programming, create your own Wellness Recovery Action Plan. WRAP is a simple and powerful process for creating the life and wellness you want. This is for EVERYONE. With WRAP, you can:

  • Discover simple, safe, and effective tools to create and maintain wellness
  • Develop a daily plan to stay on track with your life and wellness goals
  • Identify what throws you off track and develop a plan to keep moving forward
  • Gain support and stay in control even in a crisis

The WRAP process supports you in identifying the tools that keep you well and create action plans to put them into practice in your everyday life. All along the way, WRAP helps you incorporate key recovery concepts and wellness tools into your plans and your life.

Register here.

Town Hall Meeting and Pitch-in April 21: Challenges and Opportunities Facing All Souls

Please plan to attend this very important, in-person Town Hall Meeting and Pitch-In after service on April 21st. If you missed the e-blast sent 4/2, you can read the Town Hall Announcement HERE and watch the video HERE.

Mark Your Calendars for May 18th

All Souls, Heartland, Oaklandon and Unitarian Universalists of Indianapolis (UUI) congregants are invited to a summit from 9 am to 3pm on Saturday, May 18th, 2024 at All Souls Unitarian Church. This seminar will be led by the Rev. Sharon Dittmar of the UUA MidAmerica Region. Together, the four Indy Metro congregations will consider how our congregations' shared and overlapping histories shape our present and future. We will examine how working together, we can build a stronger, more vibrant, and engaged UU presence in the Indy Metro area while honoring each congregation's unique identity. Lunch and childcare will be provided. Please register by May 1st!

Take Me Out to the Ball Park... June 18th

It’s time for All Souls to play ball! Join your All Souls friends or make friends at the spacious and welcoming Victory Field in Indianapolis as our home town heroes the Indiana Indians battle it out with the Iowa Cubs on June18th at 7:05; gates open at 6:30. Tickets are $15 dollars each, and full scholarships are available. It’s also DOLLAR MENU night! Bring your appetite and devour hot dogs, peanuts, potato chips, popcorn, Cracker Jack® and churros, all available for just a buck. Here's a link to gluten free & vegan menu options.

This is an all ages event! Click here to register! If you would like a scholarship, please select that option!

Check Out Our April Programs Here


Don't throw away your eclipse viewing glasses!

Eclipse Glasses USA is collecting used (but undamaged) eclipse glasses to share with schools in Latin America so school-aged children can view the eclipse in August of this year. Bring your glasses to the church and we will send a package of all glasses collected.

Watch Out for Phishing Scams

Phishers are at it again and they are pretending to be Rev. Katie. Remember, your minister and staff will never ask you to buy gift cards on their behalf or to send them money personally. If you ever find an email questionable, call the office. Thanks to Teddy Rayhill who spotted this phishing scam first!

Keep Those Pledges Coming In

For any who have not yet pledged, we look forward to hearing from you soon. You can complete this form to let us know your pledge amount, or if you prefer to let us know another way, you can reach out to Mariah, our office administrator. If a member of the stewardship team has reached out to you by phone or email, you can also always ask their assistance in submitting your pledge.

Rev. Katie Will Be Out of the Office Until April 14

Rev. Katie is away at the Finding Our Way Home conference for UU Religious Professionals of Color. She will return on 4/14 for Sunday service. The Board, Staff and Pastoral Care Teams can always reach her in an emergency.

Please use this form to communicate with Rev. Katie as no emails will be received to her email account during this time.

The Board requests that congregants NOT text Rev. Katie during her scheduled time away. Instead, please note the following list of contacts and areas of involvement that you can reach out to if more immediate assistance is needed:

  • Pastoral Care Team:
  • Administration, Safety, Security, Building and Grounds: Mariah Arkins,
  • Membership, Community Organizing and Communications: Dorian Condre,
  • Faith Formation, Chalice Circles, Small Group ministry: Nancy Olson,
  • Music and Worship: Liz Ellsmore
  • Social Justice: Lynne Martin,
  • Volunteering: Ollie Howe,
  • Personnel:
  • Board President:
  • Board Vice President:

Join the Memoirs Group

The Memoirs group would like to add a couple of new members. We're a small group of people who like to relate our stories in a casual setting. We have no teacher so we just do our best and we enjoy listening to other's stories. We usually meet the third Thursday of each month at 10:30 in the church library. If you would like more information please contact Linda Burns or 317-257-6691 home or 317-627-4933 cell.

Gabe is Out of the Office Through April 15th

Gabe Perbieri, our Music Director is in Brazil visiting family until April 1, where he will head to Puerto Rico for a UUA gathering of religious professionals of color. He will be away for email until April 1 and back in Indy April 15th. If you need assistance with music you can connect with Liz Ellsmore.

Children's Faith Formation - Seeds of Caring Service Project

Our children will be participating in another Seeds of Caring service project focusing on kindness to our Earth! During Makerspace in March and April our children will be exploring how to support pollinators in the garden, composting (perhaps with worms :)), and conserving electricity.

Joys & Sorrows - In Our Hearts, Thoughts, and Prayers

Keep the Horste and Snyder Family in Your Hearts

Laura Snyder's 16 month old niece, Anya Horste, has been hospitalized in the PICU for RSV and pneumonia. She has been on a ventilator in a medically induced coma since Easter weekend. Thankfully, she does seem to be slowly improving, though she is anticipated to remain in the PICU at least another 2 weeks, possibly longer. Her twin sister, Mira, has been hospitalized the first week of April as well but has a much less severe case and got to go home as of 4/7. All spiritual support for the girls and for their parents, Laura's sister and brother-in-law, are much appreciated.

Our Case with the ACLU

Rev. Katie shared a video with an update about our case with the ACLU against the State of Indiana, for more details check out this article.

If you have a joy or concern to share with the community, please use this link.

If you need Pastoral Care, please call 317-210-0124.

Volunteer Corner

Greeters and Guides Needed

Have you been greeted by friends at the Crosswalk or opened the front door on Sunday morning? We could use a few more friendly people for Sundays and special events. Find the All Souls Greeters “Welcome” box on the SignUpGenius link and fill in any dates you can. For more information contact Ollie Howe at

Coffee Hour Volunteers Needed

We need volunteers to help with coffee hour for 2024 dates. Helping with the coffee hour is a great way to connect with fellow congregants and to help make Sundays a great experience for visitors. Sign up here.

Social Justice Corner

Environmental Racism in Indianapolis

On Sunday, March 24th, All Souls hosted an excellent presentation by Benjamin Clark, from the Unearthed Speakers Bureau via a grant from the Indiana Humanities Council. The presentation, entitled, “The Slow Violence of Environmental Racism in Indianapolis” covered how white supremacy in our city has long influenced policy decisions which have routinely decimated the environmental resources of non-white communities.

Clark focused on his work with the Riverside and Martindale-Brightwood communities, and also discussed his current role with the Indy Toxic Heritage project team ( The team is gathering narratives and research to create a traveling exhibit to educate and encourage conversation in recognition of the environmental damage done to Indianapolis’s most vulnerable communities. The exhibit will appear at select Indy Park locations beginning this summer.

Finally, for those who wish to connect with Indiana organizations who are working towards environmental justice, Clark recommended the following:

You can watch the entire presentation here.

If there are things you would like to see included in this section, please reach out Lynn Martin, Dorian Condre, and/or Julia VanDeren.


Do you have questions about Article 2?

Check out these resources and don’t hesitate to reach out to Rev. Katie with questions!

MidAmerica Regional Assembly April 19 & 20


The MidAmerica Region is coming together - both online and at the First Unitarian Society of Madison, WI on Friday, April 19 and Saturday, April 20 of 2024 for a multiplatform Regional Assembly! Our Keynote address will be given by the Rev. Dr. Sofía Betancourt, President of the Unitarian Universalist Association of Congregations, and Rev. Dr. Karen Georgia A. Thompson, General Minister and President of the United Church of Christ. There will be workshops, the Annual Business Meeting of the MidAmerica Region, and opportunities to meet many UU Leaders from across our faith tradition. For those who are in person, there will even be opportunities to tour this historic church designed by Frank Lloyd Wright. But most importantly, it is a time for us to come together as Unitarian Universalists from across the MidAmerica Region. 

Register today at

2024 UU General Assembly - Registration is Open

The 2024 UU General Assembly meeting slated for June 20 - 24th will be entirely virtual, and registration is already open! Here is the link so you can go ahead and enjoy early registration savings. If you would like to serve as a delegate from All Souls, please email by June 1, or as soon as you have registered. Delegates will be voting on the proposed revision to Article II, among other things. Learn more about delegate responsibilities HERE.

The Board of Trustees will certify all delegates. If more delegates apply than there are openings, the board will select the delegates from the pool. All Souls, based on membership size, has 5 delegate spots for General Assembly.

List of All Souls Groups and Contacts

Check out this list of All Souls Groups! A hard copy of this list was shared at the Congregational Meeting last Sunday. It is available to help you get connected. Getting connected may mean knowing the right person to ask questions of or offer suggestions to. Or it may mean finding an activity that you want to get involved in. Either way, this is a handy resource for staying connected at All Souls.

How to Submit to In The Know! Do you have a submission you want to publicize in In The Know? We collect all submissions via google form. Click here to submit your info. 

100 years of All Souls
Visit our website
Room Request

Publication Deadlines

For announcements, joys and sorrows, and events happening in the next 3-4 weeks, submit your notice for the In the Know E-mail Blast by Monday 5pm using this link .


Items submitted for In The Know will be added as space allows in Sunday Orders of Service. Priority for inclusion in the OOS is given to soonest upcoming and to congregational matters.