On Saturday, November 19th, close to 250 participants from throughout the Metropolis of Boston gathered for the third District Seminar of the Thriving Congregations Initiative of the Metropolis of Boston. Seven satellite locations hosted faithful from neighboring parishes for a day packed with education, discussion, and opportunities for learning and growth through this program tailored at enhancing the vitality of parishes throughout the Metropolis of Boston.
His Eminence Metropolitan Methodios started the day's program by addressing the gathering, sharing the good work that this program has done through the generosity of the Lilly Endowment, Inc. In his remarks, His Eminence noted that over 30 applications came in for Microgrant funding for parish-based initiatives totaling an excess of $55,000 which was gifted to the parishes by the Metropolis through the Thriving Congregations Initiative. Following remarks from Panos Coufos, the Initiative's organizer, Faithtree Resources Executive Director Michelle Moujaes spoke about The Relationship Project, a new curriculum being offering to the parishes of the Metropolis of Boston.
At this point, Bill Marianes of StewardshipCalling.com began the keynote presentations taking parishes through various subject matter related to the seminar's theme, "Exploring Values, Mission, and Vision." Throughout the program, parish groups were given the opportunity to ask many questions and discuss the subject matter as related to their local community.
To conclude the day, several offerings were made available to the parishes of the Metropolis of Boston including an informational session on Faithtree's Relationship Project, a six-part monthly series for ongoing learning, the Effective Parish Assessment program, and a Strategic Planning Retreat led by Bill Marianes. All related information can be found of the Initiative's website tciboston.org.
Interested parties are encouraged to save the date for the Spring 2023 gathering which will take place on Saturday, May 6th, 2023.