Carol and Craig Breimhorst at the Sea of Galilee.
April 16, 2020

We have this hope, a sure and steadfast anchor of the soul, a hope that enters the inner shrine behind the curtain,   where Jesus, a forerunner on our behalf, has entered, having become a high priest forever according to the order of Melchizedek.  Hebrews 6:19-20

Beloved People of God,

I am writing today to inform you of the death of Rev. Craig Breimhorst. Rev. Breimhorst died of COVID-19 related complications. We hold Craig’s wife, Carol, their children and grandchildren in our prayers. We pray for the congregations he served and the people who loved him. He will be dearly missed.

We are living in the midst of pandemic. And while there is pandemic hope there is also pandemic grief.

I keep recalling the words of those on the road to Emmaus, “we had hoped…” They are words that come after the death of Jesus and before they have had time to wrap their mortal minds around the resurrection. “We had hoped,” the believers said, “that he was the one to redeem Israel.”

There is so much for which we have hoped in this time. And while the hope that anchors us remains unscathed we are still swimming in waters of grief.

And still, the words of the Emmaus road comfort me. We know it is in the coming together again and in the moment of breaking that the believers’ eyes are opened. In this moment they realize it was Jesus who was on the road with them all along.

Dear friends, it is Jesus who has been on this road with us all along. It is Jesus who is on this road with us now.

We will all experience this particular grief differently. Make no mistake, we all experience grief. Be gentle with yourselves. Be willing to acknowledge your own grief when it comes and allow that acknowledgement to guide you. Perhaps you need some time off. Maybe you need to call a colleague or friend. Maybe you need a long walk or a good cry. Whether it is this moment of grief or another, for the sake of yourself and the sake of the church you have been entrusted to serve: allow yourself to grieve.

The Assistants to the Bishop and I remain committed to our call to serve you in this time. Please don’t hesitate to call us. We care for you and we are for you. We will do what we can to support you in this time.

I am holding you in prayer in all things.

In Christ,
Bishop Regina Hassanally