V oter Information Letters, like the one shown here , have been mailed to eligible voters. If you have not received yours by October 10, 2018 contact the Township of Lake of Bays at 1-877-566-0005 or voter@lakeofbays.on.ca , or the Town of Huntsville at 1-833-324-8683.
Voter Information Letters are personalized based on your Ward and school support. Look at the back of the letter to see who you are voting for.

The letter contains your User ID, PIN, voting website and voting telephone number - all the information you need to vote.

Voting is online or by telephone only, from 10:00 a.m. on October 12 until 8:00 p.m. on October 22. You can go to your municipal office to get help with voting online, and click here for other dates and times to get help voting.

For information on who can vote, click here