Early Childhood Teachers and Administrator Participants NEEDED! $25 Gift Card Raffle to Amazon!
Hello, my name is Nancy Dayne EdD and I am an Associate Professor at California State University Long Beach, and I am conducting a research study. If you are aged 18 or older and an early childhood teacher or an administrator, you are eligible to participate. Your participation is voluntary.
The aim of the study is to better understand the support needed and challenges faced by early childhood professionals, who educate and care for preschool children and the administrators who have struggled to keep centers open and uphold new mandates. If you agree to participate in the study you will be asked to complete an online survey.
The length of time for taking the survey is approximately 10 minutes and consists of 105 questions. You will be asked to complete a section on demographic information, such as your gender, age, major, and some questions where you will indicate your level of agreement to a statement such as “I feel physically safe in the childcare setting” or open ended questions, such as “What are some challenges working in a center during the Covid-19 pandemic?
Survey respondents who complete the survey and enter their email at the end of the survey, will qualify for a gift card raffle for one of five $25 gift cards to Amazon.